Sean Van Koughnett

Sean Van Koughnett has been Associate Vice-President, Students at McMaster University since 2013. In this role, he is accountable for the student experience at McMaster and has oversight for departments such as Athletics & Recreation, Student Success, Student Wellness, Student Accessibility, Indigenous Student Services, Housing and Residence Life, and Student Accessibility.

In Sean’s role as AVP, he is on the front-line for disputes between students, students and the university and the university and the neighborhood. It was on this role that he spoke to the club.

Street Parties – In recent years, street parties during Homecoming in the McMaster neighborhood have made significant news in local media:


Sean Van Koughnett Phil Wood 2025-02-06 05:00:00Z 0

Kelly Daynard

Kelly Daynard is Executive Director for Farm and Food Care Ontario. Farm and Food Care Ontario is a registered charity working as a coalition of farmers and associated businesses. It is funded by members, partners and projects. Its vision is to earn public trust in food and farming.
Canadian farms are over 93% family owned and run, but fewer than 2% of Canadians actually farm. Farming and related industries accounted for over $134 billion in 2021. In 1931, 1 in 3 Canadians lived on a farm. Now it is about 1 in 50. And the number of farms has dropped from over 700 000 to around 193 000.
Technology on farming is really making a difference. From self milking, to targeted crop protection, to integrated pest management, to GPS directed farm vehicles. Soil is a precious resource and not all soils are conducive to growing crops. Those that are need to be kept for farming. At present the country is losing around 317 acres of farmland each day.
in this country Food Freedom Day is February 9. That means just under 11% of an individual’s income goes to food.
Kelly Daynard Ralph Montesanto 2025-01-28 05:00:00Z 0
End Polio Now Ralph Montesanto 2025-01-22 05:00:00Z 0

Councillor Alex Wilson Gives Update

Alex Wilson is a Dundas resident, McMaster graduate and local councillor since 2022.
Alex expressed the common concern about the size of the City tax increase and described some of the challenges the City faced. In particular that our aging infrastructure, which was originally funded by all three levels of government, now needed a lot of investment that was just falling on the municipality.
He described the need for a much more sustainable funding model than just local taxes and user fees.
The housing crisis is another area which the City alone cannot solve, needing more from the Province and the Feds.

One item of good news was a new collaboration in Dundas with the Ontario Aboriginal Association which is enabling an $8M investment in taking over 211 York from a bankrupt company which will provide more subsidized housing.

Responding to a question on the progress of the Tiffany/Barton temporary shelters, Alex noted concerns with the City procurement process and how it needs improvement to avoid some of the issues faced with always choosing the lowest bid.

Alex also described the Community Grants Program which is helping  Dundas groups like the School of Art, The Little Theatre, Routes and into 2025 will be directing some to more community restoration projects.
On questions of local development, Alex noted that in 2025 his office will be releasing a report which describes the status of all open and outstanding development requests so a full picture of changes in Dundas can be seen.
Councillor Alex Wilson Gives Update David Maciulis 2025-01-14 05:00:00Z 0

Dundas Community Services

Cara-Beth Gratzfeld and Susan Smith from Dundas Community Services.
Key points from their presentation
  • There is a large demand for their services with a wait list for all their services and demand is growing.
  • The DCS team do much facilitating and coordinating/collaborating  between other service providers, filling gaps in services.
  • There is a continuing need for volunteers, particularly those who can drive seniors to their appointments. The often take several hours as the appointments are scattered all over greater Hamilton.
  • Many clients rely on DCS for hot meals; alternately the frozen meals delivery service is also in demand.
  • Local doctors are doing a good job making referrals to DCS, but assume too much that subsidized meals can be provided when there is not always the capacity/funding.
When asked what we could do to help, they stated that helping advocate for DCS in the community was important. Let others know the services they provide and the need for support, donations and funding.
Dundas Community Services Dave Carson 2025-01-08 05:00:00Z 0

Vocational Services Month

Vocational Service is the Rotary Theme for January

It is the “softest” area in Rotary – not because it isn’t important, but because in today’s world, it is not as visible as other areas.  We can see a Community Service Project …or an international project …we can experience projects associated with our Youth area … but Vocational Service is a bit innocuous out there … and it shouldn’t be.

Our service clubs were formed by four (or five) people from all different vocations – Lawyer, Tailor, Printer, Coal Dealer, Jeweller.

Our club does an admirable job in the Vocational area. We try and visit businesses and other ventures in Dundas – last year we did a visit to the Library. We share our experiences in the world of work in a Vocational Minute during club meetings about 8 times per year. We stand and acknowledge the guiding principles of the 4-way test. And this year, we will be working with Membership to see if we can attract new members from vocations not currently represented in our club, as part of the Club Action Plan.

Vocational Service can also be part of Rotary components – and don’t be afraid to ask…I have information on any of these – Rotary Action Groups, Fellowships, Exchange Programs and Vocational Training Teams at the International Level.

Put simply, Vocational Service encourages us to SERVE others by using our skills, EMPOWER others through training and skill development and INSPIRE others to act with integrity using the principles of the 4-way test…OF THE THINGS WE SAY AND DO…..not just in our meetings, but in our daily work experiences.

Vocational Services Month Robert Morrow 2025-01-08 05:00:00Z 0

Annual St. Matthew's House Auction

Club auctioneer Bruce Eccles with helper Denise Martins auctions one of the many items donated by club members. Cindy Smyth and Jody Beck manage the collection of money. This is the 25th year the club has supported St. Matthew's House with an in-house auction during a morning meeting in December. This year he got members and guests to bid just over $4900. Another $2000 was donated. Since the club has held this morning auction it has contributed around $150 000 to St. Matthew's House.
Mary Burnett the Chair of St. Matthew's House thanked the club for its ongoing support.
Annual St. Matthew's House Auction Ralph Montesanto 2024-12-11 05:00:00Z 0

Kerry Lubrick and the Cathedral Cafe

Kerry Lubrick is the coordinator of the Cathedral Cafe in Hamilton. The cafe provides a place to rest, use of washrooms, breakfast, lunch and refreshments all in doors. St. Mathew's House and the City of Hamilton each provide support. With over 180 volunteers registered to take various shifts, the cafe serves 170 visitors a day with 28% in shelters, 24% on the street and 40% housed. Kerry said volunteers, clothing and money are always needed. Contact her at if you are interested in helping out.
Kerry Lubrick and the Cathedral Cafe Ralph Montesanto 2024-12-04 05:00:00Z 0

Club Inducts Four New Members

The club inducted Pascale Tymen, Robert Scheiding, Rebecca Reble and Dieter Staudinger. Pascale, Rebecca and Dieter will be in STamp Out Polio Satellite Club.
Club Inducts Four New Members ral 2024-12-04 05:00:00Z 0

Donations to The Rotary Foundation

The club made two donations to The Rotary Foundation: $2000 to the Annual Fund and another $1600 from the Stamp Our Polio Satellite Club to polio eradication. Phil Wood and Frances Manias made the cheque presentations to Lisa Bishop, Rotary District 7090 Rotary Foundation Chair.
Donations to The Rotary Foundation Ralph Montesanto 2024-11-27 05:00:00Z 0

Paul Harris Awards

Scott Eccles, owner of Eccles Auto Service in Dundas received a Paul Harris Award for his ongoing efforts to support community events, especially those of the Rotary Club of Dundas Valley Sunrise. Ralph Montesanto, Director of Membership for the club and District 7090 Foundation Chair Lisa Bishop presented Scott with his award.
Sarah Lampson, a past member of the club receives a Paul Harris Award as her nominator, Nancy Baker watches as Lisa Bishop pins her. Sarah has been a steady volunteer for club events from Lobster/Ribfest, Shredding Day, the Book Sale and Farm Gleaning, bringing with her a number of youth involved in other local organizations. 
Jody Beck, the club treasurer and longtime hands on volunteer for club events, receives her Paul Harris from Lisa Bishop as Kathy Starodub, who introduced her, looks on.
Tom McLeod is pinned by Lisa Bishop as club Foundation Director Phil Wood looks on. Tom was club President during COVID-19 and helped the club through a slow fundraising year by brokering flow through events like Dine to Donate, a Virtual Fireworks and a 50-50 Draw for Margaret's Place Hospice.
Tom McLeod receives his Paul Harris from Lisa Bishop as Phil Wood the club Rotary Foundation Director looks on. Tom was club President during COVID-19 and was able to institute new service or fund raising events like Dine to Donate, a Virtual Victoria Day Fireworks and 50-50 Draw for Margaret's Place Hospice.
Phil Wood is joined by his wife Barbara and club President Russ Powers as he is awarded a Paul Harris. Phil was club president and is the club Rotary Foundation Director. He continues to be very active promoting the Rotary Foundation among club members.
Paul Harris Awards Ralph Montesanto 2024-11-27 05:00:00Z 0

Socks & Skivvies Another Success

The annual Socks & Skivvies collection was another great success with the public donating around $7000 of new socks, underwear, scarves, gloves, toques and children's clothing. 20 bags were packed and delivered to 15 different community organizations which support those in need. Deliveries went to Hamilton YMCA, Dundas Community Services, Ancaster Community Services, Salvation Army, Cathedral Cafe, St. Matthew's House, Sea Farers, Governor's Manor, Women Kind, Native Women's, Wesley House, Mission Services, Grace Anglican Church and the Hub. Thank you to all those community members who purchased the clothing and to those organizations which will distribute the goods.
Socks & Skivvies Another Success Ralph Montesanto 2024-11-19 05:00:00Z 0

The Loewith Farm and Summit Station Dairy

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Carl's and Dave's parents came to Canada as refugees in 1938 and began working on various farms. Several years later they married and bought a farm with 100 acres and 16 cows. Now, the family has 500 milking cows and around 900 acres either owned or rented. All the crops grown are for feeding the herd of close to 1000. They hire out to various businesses to manage the plowing, planting and harvesting of the various fodder crops.
Just over a year ago, they opened Summit Station Dairy, named after the TH&B station that existed across the road from the dairy. Carl's son Ben now runs the farm and Ben's wife Jen runs the store.
The plan for the farm and dairy has been and continues to be to grow the business by 10-15% each year. It is working. The farm produces about 20 000 litres a day of milk and around 7000L a week is processed at Summit Station into chocolate and strawberry milk, cheese curd and various percentages of butter fat milk. Besides being sold to about 1500 customers a week at the store, there are around 150 area folks who receive home delivery of milk, and 25 or 30 wholesale outlets that purchase product. As well, there is a meeting room that hosts small gatherings and a Saturday tour of the operation costing $15 pp.
Carl spoke about Canada's supply management system and the Ontario Dairy Council. It was interesting to note that he cannot just deliver raw milk from the farm to the store without going through the marketing board. Everything is part of the quota registered to the farm.
The Loewith Farm and Summit Station Dairy Ralph Montesanto 2024-11-05 05:00:00Z 0

Gwyn E. Campbell: Magic of Hypnosis

Member picture
Gwyn E. Campbell is a retired professor who is now a Neurolinguistic Programming Master Practitioner and Certified Clinical Hypnotist. Today she spoke of the Magic of Hypnosis.
She started with the myths and misconceptions of hypnosis and how clinical hypnosis is nothing like what one sees on TV. Her lemon analogy had us visualizing and sensing the cutting of a lemon and involuntarily salivating and puckering with its taste. The unconscious mind stores everything we have done and seen and under hypnosis or simply a trance can help us solve problems and maintain better health. Hypnosis is not a truth serum and our moral compass is still in control. One has to want to be hypnotized to have the unconscious mind help us make changes.

Her process begins with a pre-talk on what the client hopes to achieve. Then to the induction or trance. A line of communication to the unconscious is opened and signs like twitches or blinks indicated things are happening. After 3 or 4 delves into the unconscious and a few metaphors to help direct, the trance is over.
Gwyn E. Campbell: Magic of Hypnosis Ralph Montesanto 2024-10-29 04:00:00Z 0

Nibin Koshy: The Borgen Project

Nibin Koshy spoke on the Borgen Project and the ODA - Official Development Assistance. The Pearson report of 1968 directed all developed countries to contribute 0.7% or $0.70 on every $100 of income. Presently, after all these years, Canada is at a little over 0.3%. The Borgen Project started in 2000. The link,, states "The Borgen Project is an influential ally for the world’s poor. We go big. We work with leaders of the most powerful countries in the world to improve their response to humanitarian issues. For over 20-years, The Borgen Project has been advancing policies and programs that have large scale impact for people hit hardest by war, famine and poverty." Nibin said to start with ordinary folks, get them to speak to their members of parliament, have it discussed in parliament and work to enhance poverty reduction.
Nibin recently started a Canadian Chapter. He talked about the difference between Aid and Assistance and how the Borgen Project's aim is to improve economic conditions, national security and enhance Canada's global reputation.
Nibin Koshy: The Borgen Project Ralph Montesanto 2024-10-23 04:00:00Z 0

Feeding The Future

Rebecca Reble and Dieter Staudinger presented on, Feeding the Future. The focus was on greenhouses in Leamington and the use of natural gas to heat them. The big five (not a safari) are tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, lettuce and strawberries. They said greenhouses can produce 8.5 times more tomatoes per acre than a traditional field. 
And the greenhouse business is the fastest growing industry in 2022. 39% of all fresh produce is exported and almost 99% goes to the USA.
Greenhouses are mostly heated by natural gas although electrical and solar have a small portion. Leamington in particular sits on huge underground caves that store natural gas. Greenhouses often use a half million dollars a month of gas which is a direct purchase meaning they bypass Enbridge.
Feeding The Future Ralph Montesanto 2024-10-08 04:00:00Z 0

Cycling Without Age:Nancy Gray and Mike Moulden

Mike Moulden and Nancy Gray outlined Cycling Without Age. The program started in Denmark in 2012 and now has 133 chapters in Canada. In the Hamilton area there are 65 volunteers and since its inception here has offered over 1000 rides to seniors in longterm care or assisted living homes. Check out the website
The Trishaws are motor assisted and along with the pilot can carry up to two passengers to ride on safe trails for up to one hour. Non profit homes get the service free whereas for profit homes must pay a fee.
The trishaws were featured in the Tour de Dundas parade.
Cycling Without Age:Nancy Gray and Mike Moulden Ralph Montesanto 2024-10-03 04:00:00Z 0

David Alexander District Governor

District Governor David Alexander reviewed some of our successes as a club in the past year. He talked about a wide-range of topics focusing both on the club’s vibrancy and its contributions to the local and global communities. In particular, he highlighted our Youth Services, Foundation Contributions, “sweat equity”, fundraising (especially Shredding and Lobsterfest) and was intrigued with Sox and Skivvies. 

David presented President Russ Powers with the Citation Award.




David Alexander District Governor Robert Morrow 2024-09-13 04:00:00Z 0

Desjardin Canal Signs Updated

23 years ago, on August 16th 2001, the Rotary Club of Dundas unveiled a sign in Centennial Park to describe the history of the Desjardin Canal and the Turning Basin. Over the years the sign, which was underneath the wooden arch at the entrance, had faded. Now the two Rotary Clubs in Dundas – the original club and the Dundas Valley Sunrise Club founded in 2000, have joined together to provide the new signs you see here.

The signs themselves were designed by Austin Strutt, curator at the Dundas Museum and Archives using considerable historic research, for which we thank him.
Desjardin Canal Signs Updated Dave Carson 2024-09-13 04:00:00Z 0

The Greenhouse Industry and Natural Gas

The STamp Out Polio Rotary Club welcomed Rebecca Reble and Dieter Staudinger, owners of J.D. Moncrieff & Associates, a natural gas consulting firm that they purchased in 2023.
Rebecca’s almost 20 years in the energy sector is specifically focused on gas sales to the greenhouse industry. This talk was a fascinating look at natural gas and the growing greenhouse industry (pun intended) in Canada.
The Greenhouse Industry and Natural Gas Frances Manias 2024-09-05 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Sunrise Garden at St Mark's

Barb Montesanto is the longtime coordinator of the Rotary Sunrise Garden at St Mark's. She gave a history of the garden from its inception in 2012 to the present, covering the original construction and then reconstruction of the garden, from its original wooden structure to the concrete block rebuilt. The club paid for materials, and the labour was provided by club members, their families, St. Mark's and Dundas In Transition members. The club also pays the liability insurance premium. There are 26 plots, each divided in half with each gardener paying $25 for seeds, plants, fresh soil, and garden tools. Half of each plot is the gardener's to plant what he or she wants. The other half grows for the food banks. Gardeners must maintain both plots, preparing the plot in the spring, planting and weeding, and then putting the garden to bed for the winter. Harvesting is done by several others every Monday and Wednesday morning. The garden fence requires regular maintenance and the grass and weeds around the plots are cut. The Salvation Army Food Bank and the Hamilton Jewish Family Services Food Bank are the regular recipients of the produce. As well as the community garden, the club does a fall gleaning at an area farm, picking a wide variety of crops which are then cleaned, packaged and distributed to a dozen agencies and groups for distribution to those in need.
Rotary Sunrise Garden at St Mark's Ralph Montesanto 2024-08-22 04:00:00Z 0

Brenda Blancher Vocational Service Talk

Brenda Blancher lived in the Hamilton area as a youth and went to Hamilton schools, including grade 13 at Southmount S.S. She went to McMaster, wrote for the Silhouette and wanted to be a journalist. She volunteered at Gibson School to teach reading and in 1985 became an English teacher, getting her first job at Waterdown District High School. In 1986 she moved to Ancaster High where she later became Head of Guidance. In 2001 she became a vice-principal, later serving as an education officer for the Ministry of Education and then a principal. By 2007 she was superintendent of program at the Grand and Erie Board and by 2015 was its director of education.
Brenda Blancher Vocational Service Talk Ralph Montesanto 2024-08-18 04:00:00Z 0

Help Rotary Strike Out Polio

On Tuesday, July 23rd one of our STamp Out Polio/DVSRC members, Thie Convery, attended the Help Rotary Strike Out Polio at the $1 Million Baseball Game (the Pittsburgh Pirates versus the St. Louis Cardinals).
Rotary International President, Stephanie A. Urchick, challenged Rotarians to donate US$10,000 or more, with the first 25 PolioPlus supporters getting an invite to her hometown of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, to join her and RI General Secretary and CEO John Hewko, in a private suite at the game (graciously donated by Rotarian Bob Brooks). 
Other Rotarians, including STamp Out Polio Chair, Frances Manias, joined in to watch Stephanie throw out the opening pitch, while celebrating over a million dollars raised for this initiative.
Help Rotary Strike Out Polio Ralph Montesanto 2024-07-24 04:00:00Z 0

Ron Brown: Canadian Snowbirds Association

Ron Brown, Southern Ontario Director of the Canadian Snowbirds Association, and his wife Diane presented on the CSA which formed in 1992. The organization was formed to advocate for Canadians travelling to the USA. Here are some of the things it has accomplished: 1993 New Brunswick rescinds proposed residency regulation; 1995 Ontario restored out-of-country reimbursement rate; 1999 Ontario loosens residency requirement and extends prescription drug access; 2002 United States Congress rescinds proposal; 2007 Canada's Minister of Health writes to provincial counterparts on Canadian Health Act; 2009 P.E.I. reimbursement rates increased; 2010 Ontario permits mail-in ballots; 2012 Saskatchewan prescription medication access expanded; 2013 International Driving Permit requirement repealed in Florida; 2013 10-year Canadian passport; 2013-2015 Health coverage extensions in B.C., Manitoba, Alberta, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Saskatchewan; 2017 Manitoba Term Certificate Requirement.
Things to remember: the six month rule is not fiscal but starts each 365 days from your first visit; going home and returning to USA does not change the 6-month rule unless you are home 30 days; IRS tax form 8840 needs to be completed if more than 4 months in USA; $10 000 cash is not per person but how much in your car. If you are looking for insurance, Medapac Travel Insurance is worth checking into.
For more information on CSA. check out
Ron Brown: Canadian Snowbirds Association Ralph Montesanto 2024-07-24 04:00:00Z 0

Russ Powers Inducted as 2024-25 Club President

Past Area Governor Kathy Starodub inducted Russ Powers as the 2024-25 President of The Rotary Club of Dundas Valley Sunrise. This is Russ's second consecutive year as club president.
She presented Russ with the theme banner, The Magic of Rotary. He then inducted the new board. Russ highlighted the accomplishments of the club the past year noting that being awarded the Rotary Citation and the District Lighthouse Award marked the club in the top ten in District 7090. He said this new Rotary year will continue stressing having fun as part of the membership experience.  The road map for this year and the following three years will be the development of the new Strategic Plan.
Russ Powers Inducted as 2024-25 Club President Ralph Montesanto 2024-07-09 04:00:00Z 0

Pull For Polio

The inaugural Pull for Polio, run by the STamp Out Polio Rotary Club, is in the books! 34 lifters took part, ranging in age from 10 to 80, including 3 Rotarians, Jennifer Baxter, Thie Convery and Kanwal Shankardass. Of note, five kids under the age of 13, and 4 teens represented our youth, while we had every decade represented, including multiple folks in their 50s and 60s, and our 70, and 80 year old, respectively!
The weather cooperated in our favour, and the Rotary Club of Dundas’ pancake breakfast provided all the carbs a lifter could want.
We have already raised (from our Rotary crowdfunding page) $13,768! Cash donations are also still to be accounted.  Here is our link to donate via Rotary’s own crowdfunding site: We will continue to solicit funds via the main page until the end of July.
Pull For Polio Frances Manias 2024-07-01 04:00:00Z 0

Scott Marcin District Governor

Scott Marcin District Governor made his official visit to the club. The Rotary theme for this past year is, Create Hope in the World. And our club through its efforts is doing its part to bring the theme to life. He was very congratulatory to the club for the work that it does locally and internationally. He said that mental health is an important focus for Rotary and when we ask how someone is we should follow up with,"Really?", to open the conversation.
He said Rotary is alive and well and works to make the world a better place and as Rotarians we do impact lives in a positive way.
Scott Marcin District Governor Ralph Montesanto 2024-06-12 04:00:00Z 0

High School Award Winners

The Ken Turner Bursary to Wyatt Rapson and Maya Hayworth and the Skilled Trade Bursary to Uma Pala.
Ken Turner Bursary
Wyatt Rapson - Dundas Valley Secondary School. Wyatt organized and ran a charity auction for Good Shepherd which successfully raised over $4000. He has mentored Grade 9's and founded "the Gryphon Gamers Club"  for students who had no friends, no community and no smile.  This resulted in a club built on friendships, community and gaming. Wyatt will be attending St. Clair College in Windsor for the Esports Administration and Entrepreneurship program.
Maya Hayworth - St. Mary's Catholic Secondary School. Maya has been involved with the student council, prefects, athletics and pride club at St. Mary's.  She has represented her secondary school in the Pascal math contest as well as the DECA (business contest). Maya will be attending McMaster University for the Arts and Science program.
Skilled Trade Bursary
Uma Pala - St. Mary's Catholic Secondary School. Uma is the first recipient of the DVSRC Skilled Trade Bursary.  She has been involved in both school and community based sports as well as ballet.  Uma has volunteered as an alter server for St. Augustine church and as soccer camp coach. Uma will be attending Niagara College for the Electrical Apprenticeship on her journey to become an electrician.
High School Award Winners Ralph Montesanto 2024-06-12 04:00:00Z 0

Randy Raphael: Gorillas in Rwanda

Randy Raphael helped establish the Ancaster AM Rotary Club 30 years ago. He is a 3x Paul Harris Fellow and a major Rotary Foundation supporter. Randy spoke about his trip to see the Gorillas in Rwanda. Rwanda is a small country nestled between Tanzania and Congo. He spoke about attending the Kigali Genocide Memorial in Kigali. The genocide lasted 100 days in 1994. 
He visited the rural areas taking pictures of the locals. The highlight though was visiting Volcanoes National Park to look for gorilla families. They found one and Randy showed several pictures of the gorilla who seemed unimpressed with the humans. They also saw several “golden monkeys” and visited the Dian Fossey Museum. Interestingly, a permit to see the gorillas, costs $US 1500 per person! Security was very tight during the tour in light of the country’s past history.
Article on Kigali (the capitol city of Rwanda) appeared in the Globe and Mail on Wednesday, June 5th: .
Randy Raphael: Gorillas in Rwanda Robert Morrow 2024-06-06 04:00:00Z 0

W. Nefer LePard: Polio Survivor

Our STamp Out Polio club hosted W. Nefer LePard, a polio survivor. Nefer was born in Munich, Bavaria, in 1950 and contracted polio in her nursery school as a two-year-old. Her parents came to Canada in 1955 because her mother, a nurse, felt that she could get better health care for Nefer in Canada. In 1962, Nefer had experimental polio surgery at Sick Kids Hospital in Toronto. At age 52, Nefer was diagnosed with Post Polio Syndrome.
Nefer expressed her gratitude to the STamp Out Polio and Dundas Valley Sunrise Rotary Clubs for their good works to eradicate polio from the face of the Earth so that no other child (or adult) suffers from the effects of the poliomyelitis virus.
Remember: “If polio exists anywhere, it threatens children (and ultimately adults) everywhere!”
W. Nefer LePard: Polio Survivor Thie Convery 2024-06-06 04:00:00Z 0

Leo Nupolu Johnson: Empowerment Squared

Leo Nupolu Johnson is an experienced non-profit executive, entrepreneur, consultant human rights specialist, public speaker, and United Nations Fellow." Leo is the Chief Empowerment Officer of Empowerment Squared. He spoke through a lens of young new Canadians and how important immigration is to the development of Canada. Canada's immigration targets nearly doubled in the last decade from 237 000 annually to 500 000. Some say international students are taking away housing, but housing was an issue long before the influx of international students. A recent Leger poll indicates that immigrants to Canada are facing a crisis of confidence and 30% of young new Canadians could leave in the next two years. Leo said we need to continue to leverage immigrants to help make our country better and international students will be well trained and can help to meet the growing needs of a well trained work force. We cannot afford to lose them once they are trained.
Leo closed with the Liberian Learning Centre, the first in Liberia. Our club donated to that cause. The library is expected to officially open in December of this year.
Leo Nupolu Johnson: Empowerment Squared Ralph Montesanto 2024-05-28 04:00:00Z 0

Jonathan Clifford, Head of Regulatory Affairs, Unilever

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Jonathan Clifford is Head of Regulatory Affairs at Uniliver Canada. His topic, Dr. Strangefood or how I learned to stop worrying and love my bacon was a lighthearted approach to a serious subject. Jonathan started by outlining some of the brands that do community work like Hellmann's which collects unused food and distributes it to needy (, and Lifebuoy with its "Have You Washed Your Hands" program to save children from disease. One of his goals is to make sustainable living commonplace by linking sustainability progress to business performance. Focus on climate, nature, plastics and livelihoods. He quoted Oscar Wilde who said, "Everything in moderation, including moderation". Enjoy a variety of foods: eat with pleasure - try new things; make water your most-consumed beverage; learn to cook, experiment; and, turn your kitchen into a workshop with the right tools. Hippocrates said, "Let food be your medicine, let medicine be your food". To that end Jonathan encouraged us to read food labels, avoid white stuff, limit sodium, saturated fat and sugar, and eat when you're hungry, stop when you're full. is another website to examine.
Jonathan Clifford, Head of Regulatory Affairs, Unilever Ralph Montesanto 2024-05-18 04:00:00Z 0

Community Paul Harris Awards

The Rotary Club of Dundas Valley Sunrise held its annual Paul Harris Awards on May 1 for individuals who have done outstanding community service. The Paul Harris Award is the highest honour a Rotary club can bestow. 
Ed Madronich is co-owner of Shawn & Eds Brewing Company. He is a great supporter of local events and charitable organizations, using The SHED as a host site. 
Craig Campbell worked for over 25 years as a journalist at The Dundas Star. He is a great friend of area service clubs helping to spread the news of the many causes they support. 
Lynn Dykeman and Nora Clevenger have given hours of volunteering to assist refugees, working behind the scenes to send supplies, arrange sponsorships and help in their assimilation into Canada.
Each year the Rotary club honours individuals who have made a positive difference in the community.
Community Paul Harris Awards Ralph Montesanto 2024-05-08 04:00:00Z 0

Shredding Day May 4 2024

Shredding Day May 4 from 9 am to 1 pm at Eccles Auto Service in Dundas. $12 a small bank box or its equivalent. See you there!
Shredding Day May 4 2024 Ralph Montesanto 2024-05-03 04:00:00Z 0

Dr. Samantha Winemaker

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Dr. Samantha Winemaker is a palliative care physician who cares for patients with serious illnesses and their families in the home. She actively helps people Hope for the Best and Plan for the Rest. She talked about the illness journey and the Waiting Room Revolution. She asked, "Are you a person who is in the dark or one who is in the know?"
She outlined seven keys for navigating a life changing illness:
Walk 2 Roads - hope for the best and plan for the rest.
Zoom Out - understand the big picture.
Know Your Style - Select how you cope and face challenges.
Expect the Ripple Effects - prepare for family's parallel journey.
Connect the Dots - play central role in managing the system
Invite Yourself - initiate conversations about what to expect and learn to be respectfully assertive.
Dr. Sammy put this information into a book entitled, "Hope For The Best Plan For The Rest", which she co-authored with Dr. Hsien Seow. Club members Cynthia Hastings-James receives a personalized copy of the book.
Anyone wanting to Join the Revolution can sign up for the newsletter at
Dr. Samantha Winemaker Ralph Montesanto 2024-04-24 04:00:00Z 0

Book Sale For Youth Scholarships

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Nancy Baker, the book sale leader, reported on the book sale that took place April 20 & 21 (of course lots of background work before those dates and even after). We promoted recycling, had a line-up of customers outside the door of Shawn & Eds Brewing Company and had a busy two days. We received several in kind donations such as the rental truck from Turner Family Funeral Homes and sorting space at the reception centre, the poster design and creation by Cynthia Hastings-James, RoBear escapades and promotion, heavy lifting and sorting by the Dundas Dynamo Basketball team, exceptional organizational and floor captain work by Denise Martins and Scott Vance and endless other supportive tasks by so many of you. Also, a thank you to Ian Norman from North Design Build for storing the books all winter and delivering them to the reception centre. Compared to the first sale last fall we were open one day and several hours less but increased our donations by $53.32 in a little over half the time. The final result is $2617.60. The funds raised go to support youth scholarships, bursaries and awards for local area students.
Book Sale For Youth Scholarships Ralph Montesanto 2024-04-24 04:00:00Z 0

Great Lakes Watershed Clean Up

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Pre-Earth Day on Friday, May 19th, 43 members from D7090's Area 3 (Rotary Clubs of Waterdown, Flamborough AM, Dundas and Dundas Valley Sunrise) gathered on the banks of the Historical Desjardins Canal in Dundas (a feeder into Lake Ontario) to participate in the District's 'Great Lakes Watershed Cleanup'. Following an aggressive cleanup which yielded 43 bags of waste and recyclables, most retired to the neigbouring Hamilton Air Force Association clubhouse for conversation, beverages and hearty pub-fare.
Great Lakes Watershed Clean Up Russ Powers 2024-04-24 04:00:00Z 0

Kim MacDonald: the Weather Network

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Kim MacDonald is an award winning broadcaster who has been at The Weather Network since 1998. Kim is also a spokesperson for Breast Cancer Canada. Kim talked about how cell phones and social media changed weather broadcasting and the potential impacts of AI on future forecasts. Kim said she started as a co-host on a morning show before moving to The Weather Network. Things started to change with the advent of social media and Facebook. The smart phone made everyone a weather watcher and on site reporter, sending videos, photos and data to the network. And now there is AI. By looking at photos of the atmosphere for the past 40 years AI can make an accurate (80%) seven day forecast. But climate change is making the 40 year historical data not as relevant today and the human touch is needed to adjust the AI forecasts. AI is being tested to provide weather reports for specific target areas.
Kim MacDonald: the Weather Network Ralph Montesanto 2024-04-17 04:00:00Z 0

Dante Hunter: “Lights Out, Stars On: How to Reduce Light Pollution in Your Neighbourhood”

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Dante Hunter presented Lights Out, Stars On: How to Reduce Light Pollution in Your Neighbourhood. He is  Manager of the Bayside Astronomy programme in Lion"s Head. He is a fifth-year student in Physics and Astronomy at McMaster and is an enthusiastic champion of Dark Skies. His presentation followed the Total Solar Eclipse – a heavenly set of events.
Dante told us that the sky is getting brighter; there has been a 49% increase in emissions world wide from 1992-2022. This has created a Light Pollution Crisis. The abundance of light not only diminishes the dark sky and obliterates the wonders of the stars, it also has serious negative ejects on wildlife, birds and trees. Babies that are hatched (reptiles, amphibians, birds) usually need lunar light to navigate themselves to shelter and water. Artificial light however confuses the newborns and often leads them to roads, yards and ultimately death. This leads to declining populations of songbirds, turtles, pujins to name a few.

Dante Hunter: “Lights Out, Stars On: How to Reduce Light Pollution in Your Neighbourhood” Kathy Starodub 2024-04-11 04:00:00Z 0

Marina Medeiros New Generations Service Exchange

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Marina Medeiros is on a New Generations Service Exchange to Rotary District 7090.  As a practicing real estate lawyer in Brazil, she has a particular interest in the working s of the legal systems of both Canada and the United States. She has begun her trip in Hamilton and visited the Hamilton Legal Aid Clinic, Ross McBride and our Criminal courts. She noted the dijerences between the legal systems and is appreciative of the opportunity to be here. As a child of Rotarians, Marina is very familiar with the values of Rotary and the pleasures of being a member. 
Marina Medeiros New Generations Service Exchange Kathy Starodub 2024-04-11 04:00:00Z 0

Scott Peck: Hamilton Conservation Authority

Scott Peck is Deputy CAO/Director of Watershed Planning and Engineering for the Hamilton Conservation Authority. Scott introduced us to Conservation Ontario as a whole and its 36 individual ‘Conservation Authorities (CAs)’ who are defined by their watersheds and not by municipal boundaries ie. the City of Hamilton has 3 different CAs within it.
Scott then outlined the responsibility of CAs and outlined the legislated changes imposed upon them by the current government. Scot, then, talked about and showed a video of their current major project, the Saltfleet Wetlands on the east Hamilton Mountain.
Scott Peck: Hamilton Conservation Authority Russ Powers 2024-03-20 04:00:00Z 0

Donna de Jong: John Howard Society

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Donna de Jong is the Executive Director of The John Howard Society of Hamilton, Burlington and Area.
The JHSHBA was established in 1949 and named after John Howard who lived in the 1700s and who after a couple of months in a French prison while on his way to Spain decided to be an advocate for prisoners.
The society’s mission is, “To provide programs and services to justice involved individuals and others, to achieve positive outcomes for the people we support and for the community at large.” Basically, it focuses on prevention, intervention and reintegration, or as Donna, summarized, before, during and after.
She said four million Canadians have a criminal record. Donna mentioned a number of myths about the society and then debunked them. Some are: only for men, only for people coming out of prison and soft on crime. 
Donna de Jong: John Howard Society Ralph Montesanto 2024-03-12 04:00:00Z 0

Family Day Another Success

Every third Monday in February, the residents of Ontario, Canada, celebrate a provincial-mandated holiday known as ‘Family Day’. For the past fifteen years since the Dundas Valley Sunrise Rotary Club funded, built and opened the outdoor ice rink known as the ‘Dundas Rotary Skating Rink’ in our community’s Dundas Driving Park our Club has co-hosted “Inside/Outside Dundas” with the Dundas Museum & Archives. Our Club offers outside events such as a figure-skating demo, free hot chocolate, food trucks, Shoot2Score – a hockey-themed game for all ages and gift bag draws. Perfect winter weather attracted over 750 attendees to our ‘Outside’ event while almost 600 visited the ‘Inside’ events…a perfect example of a joint endeavour.
Family Day Another Success Russ Powers 2024-02-23 05:00:00Z 0

Family Day Outside Inside

Outside activities include Free Hot Chocolate, Hamilton Police Mounted Unit, Shoot to Score Game with Prizes, Food Trucks, Music by Joan Ballantyne &Friends and RoBear the Club Mascot. Inside activities include Crafts, Gallery Scavenger Hunt, Box Fort, Free Hot Chocolate and Popcorn.
Family Day Outside Inside Ralph Montesanto 2024-01-25 05:00:00Z 0

Cynthia Hastings-James

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Cynthia Hastings-James was born in Halifax, spent summers in PEI before moving to England when she was three. She viewed herself as a Tomboy as she was growing up. Her father worked for an oil company and the family moved to Calgary where as a soccer player she met Wayne Gretzky and his father. Then the family moved to Toronto where she went to high school and received a BA from Western.

She had a quest to be independent and successful and in her first full time job dabbled in online work with a news organization. From there to Bell, health care and digital marketing. She was recruited into MD Briefcase to offer certification courses and started a similar program for pharmacists. 
Using the skills she was learning she started a rewards program and then started a patient rewards program in 2011 and enjoyed three years of success.
She was invited to the Cayman Islands to give a talk on health behaviour change and was invited to start a rewards program there. That lead back to Canada and the Canadian Insurance Industry where her company (she had a partner) was bought out by Goldman Sachs in 2021.
Cynthia Hastings-James Ralph Montesanto 2024-01-16 05:00:00Z 0

Gordon Hadaller STERN Laboratories

Gordon Hadaller is President and CEO of STERN Laboratories in Hamilton. One of his longtime associates Fraser Forrest said,  "For over 60 years the laboratory has carried out tests and designed equipment to support Nuclear Power Station builders and operators as well as universities and other laboratories worldwide. Through the ups and downs of the nuclear business Gordon has been able to maintain a consistent team of about 30 engineer, technologists, technicians and support staff." Gordon showed a variety of slides of various components of the lab and the types of projects it works on.
The many services offered include Critical Heat Flux Test Remote Handling Tools, Fuel Handling & Inspection Services, Fuel Simulators, Reactor Safety and Reliability Experiments and Computational Fluid Dynamics.
Gordon Hadaller STERN Laboratories Ralph Montesanto 2023-11-28 05:00:00Z 0

Scott Vance Receives Club Paul Harris Award

Scott Vance joined the club in April 2015 and has been a high level volunteer on many club member events including Rotary Stars, Lobster Rib Fest, Family Day and the Book Sale. Outside the club he does The Big Ride for Cancer and was VP of the Dundas Figure Skating Club. Congratulation Scott.
Scott Vance Receives Club Paul Harris Award Ralph Montesanto 2023-11-28 05:00:00Z 0

Barb Montesanto Receives Paul Harris Award

Barb Montesanto receives a Paul Harris Award from Sandi Chard District 7090 Rotary Foundation Chair, Phil Wood club Rotary Foundation Director and Russ Powers club President.
Barb is not a club member but is regularly involved in club activities from coordinating seating for Lobster Rib Fest, planning Christmas socials and providing fresh produce to a variety of organizations that feed the needy. Besides harvesting at the Sunrise Community Garden, delivering the produce to the Salvation Army and Hamilton Jewish Family Services food banks twice a week and administering the garden for over 25 gardeners she coordinates the gleaning at a Carlisle farm where over the past three years $15000 worth of vegetables were harvested and delivered to Mission Services, Welcome Inn Community Services, Out of the Cold, and St. Matthew's House to name just a few recipients 
Barb Montesanto Receives Paul Harris Award Ralph Montesanto 2023-11-22 05:00:00Z 0

Jan South Receives Club Paul Harris Award

Sandi Chard District 7090 Rotary Foundation Chair, Phil Wood club Rotary Foundation Director and Russ Powers club President present Jan Southall with a Paul Harris Award.
Jan Southall has been a member of the club since 2002 and besides being president in 2013-14 she was and continues to be involved in many club activities including Youth Services, several Rotary clothing events, ticket sales for the 50/50 draw (along with Glen), puzzles sales for Dundas 175 and the bucket brigade for Fireworks. Outside the club she provides leadership for the St. James House Tour and Friendship Force. 
Jan South Receives Club Paul Harris Award Ralph Montesanto 2023-11-22 05:00:00Z 0

Filomena Tassi MP Cabinet Minister

Filomena Tassi MP and Minister Responsible for the Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario was guest speaker.
Filomena was born in Hamilton, a corporate lawyer and a high school chaplain before being elected as an MP.  Filomena thanked the club for its ongoing service to both the local and international communities. She then went on to tell us a bit about herself and how her parents taught her the importance of service.
As our local MP she believes strongly in the Team Hamilton approach and works across party lines. She is a tireless advocate for this area and has helped bring billions of dollars in funding to the city. Seniors, climate, health and dental care are key areas that her government pursues.
Filomena left the podium and sat at a table so as to take notes during question period.
Jody Beck asked about the conduct of members of parliament. Filomena's answer indicated her frustration with members who have become divisive and out to score political points. MPs need to lead by positive example and we as their electors need to speak up and tell them their behaviour is inappropriate. Cynthia Hastings-James' question asked what steps are being taken on preventative medicine rather than just care when an issue arises. Filomina answered with the 200 billion dollars the federal government is giving provinces for health care and the strings of accountability attached to the funding. She indicated the importance of things like walking trails, proper food labelling and smoking cessation programs.
Filomena offered to have any written questions forwarded to her and she would respond to each one. 
Filomena Tassi MP Cabinet Minister Ralph Montesanto 2023-11-14 05:00:00Z 0

Tony Bratschitsch: Remembrance Day

Tony Bratschitsch is the Youth Education Chair for the Royal Canadian Legion - Branch 36 (Dundas) and at the Zone level where he does Youth Outreach .
Tony started by thanking the club for the great service work it does in the community. He then gave a history of how the poppy got to be the Remembrance Day icon it is, starting as the only thing that would grow in Flanders fields; being sent home with soldiers' letters; the writing of Flanders Fields by John McCrae; and, then the making of cloth poppies in France by folks with one hand.
His goal as youth chair is to help pass the torch of remembrance to ongoing generations. The legion runs a Remembrance contest for youth where posters, poems and essays are contributed.  When Tony speaks to youth he stresses the effect wartime service has on families.
Tony Bratschitsch: Remembrance Day Ralph Montesanto 2023-11-07 05:00:00Z 0

Don Robertson: Dundas Real McCoys

Don Robertson is the owner of the Dundas Real McCoys whose team has won the Allan Cup twice, the most recent in 2023.
The Dundas Real McCoys started in 2000 and won the Allan Cup in 2014 and 2023. The Allan Cup is the oldest men's hockey championship for triple A hockey and his Dundas team will be hosting the 2024 championship starting on April 19 at the J.L. Grightmire Arena in Dundas. Almost 80% of his players have played in the NHL or other professional leagues. Don has been involved with hockey for over 40 years and it is clearly his passion.
Don Robertson: Dundas Real McCoys Ralph Montesanto 2023-10-31 04:00:00Z 0

Stamp Out Polio Club Celebrates

The Rotary Satellite Club of Dundas Valley Sunrise: STamp Out Polio held its chartering celebration after being in operation for four months. Thie Convery, chair of the club, welcomed Past Rotary International Director and Vice-President Valarie Wafer and her Husband Mark. Host club past president Phil Wood presented the satellite club with a polio donation of $2000.
Then Thie presented Valarie with her personal contribution of $25 000 and through the magic of modern electronics Valarie handed the cheques to Past RI President Jennifer Jones.
Stamp Out Polio Club Celebrates Ralph Montesanto 2023-10-26 04:00:00Z 0

From Field to Food Banks

Thank you to Josling Farms in Carlisle for letting a group of club members and friends of the club harvest. The produce was distributed to various food banks and organizations that help feed the needy.
Joe Guedes was one of 22 helpers who picked a variety of peppers, eggplants and cabbages. In total over $5000 worth of vegetables were harvested, sorted in a members garage and then distributed.

From Field to Food Banks Ralph Montesanto 2023-10-26 04:00:00Z 0

Doug Putman: Entrepreneur

Doug Putman is a local entrepreneur growing up in Dundas and now living in Ancaster.
Doug walked through a history from grade 6 to Dundas District High School, Parkside High School and one year at Laurier University in business. He quit university and went to work at 19 in his parents' toy distribution warehouse. His personal motto is, "Resourcefulness is more important than resources", and his talk clearly demonstrated that. 

He asked to do sales and his climb to a billionaire began. Buy failing businesses, get the owners to bear the burden of financing the sale, reward them and get suppliers to give an extended invoicing time. Using this model he bought Sunrise Records, HMV, HMV UK and Toys "R" Us Canada, growing overall sales to the five billion dollar mark with around 60 000 employees. Reinvest regularly to keep growing.
Doug Putman: Entrepreneur 2023-10-17 04:00:00Z 0

Benson Honig: Reframery - Developing entrepreneurial ingenuity for Immigrants and other Marginalized persons

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Benson Honig (Ph.D. Stanford University) is the Teresa Cascioli Chair in Entrepreneurial Leadership, DeGroote School of Business, McMaster University, Canada. The Reframery  assists marginalized communities by reducing financial instability, supporting new and existing small and micro businesses (SMBs) and self employment activities. Training is accomplished virtually.  Benson works with women in Ukraine, Poland, Kenya and Brazil and prepares 6 or 12 week programs that are built especially for the communities in which they live.
Benson Honig: Reframery - Developing entrepreneurial ingenuity for Immigrants and other Marginalized persons Ralph Montesanto 2023-10-05 04:00:00Z 0

Charlie Purich: Sharing Stories and Getting to Know Each Other Better

In a way that only Charlie could do, he lead the members in a series of group discussions to help them better get to know each other. He started the session with a rooster audio waking up the farm. After all, this is the Sunrise club.
Charlie had members write down answers to 8 or 9 questions and then take turns sharing them with their table. There was plenty of chatter and laughter and everyone found out something new about each other. Fellowship is such an important part of being in a Rotary club.
Charlie Purich: Sharing Stories and Getting to Know Each Other Better Ralph Montesanto 2023-09-26 04:00:00Z 0

Thie Convery: Polio Eradicator

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Thie Convery is passionate about the eradication of polio. Back in 1988 when Rotary International started the vaccination process over 350 000 new cases of polio occurred each year. In 2022 there were 30 cases. Up to now in 2023 there are 7 cases of wild polio world wide. Thie decided she wanted to vaccinate over a million children and set about to commit personal funds and help raise money from others. She practiced for over a year to do a marathon swim and in 2010 entered Lake Ontario at Niagara-on-the Lake on her way to Toronto. Bad weather and fear for the safety of her spotting boat ended the swim before she made it. None-the-less with the support of her previous club, The Rotary Club of Dundas, she raised $52 000.
On July 1 2022 she was welcomed into the Arch Klumph Society by RI President Jennifer Jones for her last dollar donation of 250 000USD towards the eradication of polio.
Thie is a member of the Investment Planning Council, IPC Securities Corporation and is a wealth advisor in Dundas .
Thie Convery: Polio Eradicator Ralph Montesanto 2023-09-13 04:00:00Z 0

Jill Bienenstock: Bienenstock Natural Playgrounds

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Jill Bienenstock is an early childhood educator who puts that training to use as director of education for Bienenstock Natural Playgrounds. She focuses on ways to extend curriculum outdoors. In a study she talked about, children at school who spent 2.5 h outside per day as opposed to those spending only 45 min per day were more engaged in learning and were better problem solvers.
She said this kind of outdoor learning is imperative for child development. A playground designed by the 60-person Bienenstock team, lead by husband Adam, is an outdoor classroom. The company has designed natural playgrounds from Dundas, Burlington and Hamilton to California and Utah. Check to see more about this local company.
Jill Bienenstock: Bienenstock Natural Playgrounds Ralph Montesanto 2023-08-29 04:00:00Z 0
Artisan Market September 10 Ralph Montesanto 2023-08-15 04:00:00Z 0

Derek Dix: Woodturning

Derek Dix gave a brief history of the art and craft of woodturning. His knowledge and skill on the subject were evident and members had lots of questions when he was finished.
Woodturning began in the 13th century BC and centres around a lathe. First lathes where turned by hand or by foot pedal and are now large enough to turn a column or small enough to turn a jeweller's pin.
Wood turning is both utilitarian (chair backs and bowls) or art work. Safety is very important especially with air quality. 
Derek looks on woodturning as an opportunity to be imaginative, creative and active.
Derek Dix: Woodturning Ralph Montesanto 2023-08-15 04:00:00Z 0

Paul Dembe 

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Every new member is asked to give a vocational services classification talk - tell us about yourself and what you do. Paul Dembe is a long time Dundas resident, growing up in town and attending schools here. He lives in Dundas with his wife and son. His career spans the hotel restaurant business working for a time in Europe and opening restaurants in town; then a switch to long-term care, food services and environmental service; then on to his most recent endeavour, Valley Town Pest Control which is in its third year He services commercial and residential properties dealing with rodents and flying and crawling insects.
Paul Dembe Ralph Montesanto 2023-08-03 04:00:00Z 0

Cynthia Hastings-James

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Cynthia Hastings-James is the newest member of the Rotary Club of Dundas Valley Sunrise. Thanks to her sponsor Russ Powers who met her during the Victoria Day Fireworks and invited her to see what the club is all about. After visiting she decided to accept an invitation to join.  Cynthia was a cofounder of Best Life Rewarded Innovations Inc. She is part of 100 Women Who Care Hamilton and believes in fostering community development. Her classification is Wellness Services.
Cynthia Hastings-James Ralph Montesanto 2023-08-03 04:00:00Z 0

Russ Powers Is The President

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The 2023-24 club President Russ Powers is presented with the new Rotary International theme, Create Hope In The World, by District Governor Elect David Alexander. David inducted Russ as our new president and then Russ welcomed all the new board members. 
Russ Powers Is The President Ralph Montesanto 2023-07-11 04:00:00Z 0

New Members Brenda Blancher and David Maciulis Inducted

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As is the custom of the club new members are inducted during the first meeting of the new Rotary year. District Governor Elect David Alexander assisted President Russ Powers, Past President Phil Wood and Membership Director Ralph Montesanto to bring Brenda Blancher and David Maciulis into the Rotary family. David and Brenda are at either end of the photo.
Brenda was the Director of the Grand and Erie District School Board and David owns Natural Landscaping Group.
New Members Brenda Blancher and David Maciulis Inducted Ralph Montesanto 2023-07-11 04:00:00Z 0

Ken Turner Bursary Winners

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The Ken Turner Memorial Bursary is named after long time Rotarian Ken Turner. Ken had over 40 years of perfect attendance and was a charter member of the Rotary Club of Dundas Valley Sunrise. The bursary is $1500 per student.
The Ken Turner Memorial Bursary is an annual bursary available to a graduating secondary student who attends Dundas Valley Secondary School, St. Mary Catholic Secondary School or is a permanent resident of Dundas who attends another public, catholic, French or private school in the Greater Hamilton Area.
Benjamin Neiterman – Dundas Valley Secondary School
Benjamin is the president of the DVSS Athletic Council as well as an exemplary student.
He was actively involved in community service.  He has participated in 5 Remembrance Day parades, marshalled 2 Terry Fox runs and organized multiple social events at school and in the community.
He has volunteered for many organizations including the Adas Israel Synagogue, National Congregation of Synagogue Youth, Flamborough/Dundas Soccer club and the Dundas Minor Hockey Association.  Of particular note is his involvement in the Royal Canadian Sea Cadets.  He has completed his fifth year as a Canadian Sea Cadet and achieved the rank of Chief Petty Officer 2nd Class.  In the summer of 2022, he was the Chief Staff Cadet for the Cadet activity program, training 80+ young cadets.
Benjamin will be attending MacMaster University in the Environmental Science Program. Benjamin is flanked by Rotarian Denise Martins and Principal Lindsay Williams.
Samantha Coit – St. Mary’s Catholic Secondary School
Samantha was on the swim team and won several medals to qualify for OFSAA.   She has volunteered teaching people how to row, fundraising for different youth programs and collecting clothes for donation to a women’s shelter.  This involved collecting an entire motorboat worth of clothing and blankets for the Carol Anne Women’s Shelter in Hamilton. Samantha will be attending the University of Washington in the biology program.  Her future goal is to be a doctor where she can support communities in their health and well-being. Samantha is flanked by Principal Carla D'Elia and Denise Martins and Guidance Councillor Jamie Geralimetto.
Ken Turner Bursary Winners Denise Martins 2023-06-21 04:00:00Z 0

Susan Sheper: Videographer, Director, Video Editor

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Susan Sheper is a videographer, director and video editor. Susan started her filming career with a hand held camera and a back yard sound studio in Kinshasa Democratic Republic of Congo. It was not long before folks started knocking at her door. Projects with USAID to teach children and teachers, AIDs prevention videos and stop child sorcerer videos. A children's show called Bobo and Kipi, was very successful with almost a million children in her home city watching each episode. She visited 9 countries to produce a documentary called Dawn of the Light and had a training time in the Central African Republic to teach youth how to make documentaries. Back in Hamilton she produced videos that were portraits of individuals. Her club presentation combined some of her videos and club members were awed by what she had to say and what we saw. Her husband Jason is a great supporter of her work.
Susan Sheper: Videographer, Director, Video Editor Ralph Montesanto 2023-06-13 04:00:00Z 0

Pediatric Hospice Project

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Doug Mattina spent much of his working life as a senior diplomat for Canada. He was also chief of departmental staff for a senior assistant deputy minister and foreign minister. Doug, who is a member of the Hamilton AM Rotary Club is now the Director of Public Affairs and the Paediatric Hospice Project. 
His club has been working on the Paediatric Hospice Project for a number of years and is into the fundraising stage where $25 million is needed. We have three adult hospices in Hamilton but nothing for those under the age of 18. 
Doug said the purpose of today's presentation is, "To raise awareness of the important work underway to build a centre of excellence for pediatric palliative care at 41 South St. W.
This presentation will highlight the need, unique partnerships, a new model of care and a glimpse into the robust services and supports that will be available.
It will also underscore the work through a lens of health equity, population health, wrap-around care and meeting children and families where they are at." The intent is to have the facility running by late 2025.
So, what's in store?
Capital Campaign Team: tasked with raising $25M 
  Almost half-way there in commitments 
Land Acquisition: securing a site within reasonable proximity to MCH, offering families a balance between tranquility and services close-by.
Government Application
  Capital funds ~$2.5M (one-time) 
Operating funds ~50% of overall operational budget (on-going)
Pediatric Hospice Project Ralph Montesanto 2023-06-06 04:00:00Z 0

Dundas Sea Cadets

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Acting Sub Lieutenant Michael Harris welcomed us to the Lions Memorial Community Centre and outlined some of what the cadets do in the program.
The key themes are leadership, fitness and interest in the armed forces. Some programs are sailing, nautical traditions, Sail Canada certification, marksmanship. orienteering, music, biathlons, sports nights and summer training. Much of the cost is borne by the Canadian Armed Forces; however, The Navy League supplements with a variety of tours and a trip to Halifax during the 2024 March break.
Dundas Sea Cadets Ralph Montesanto 2023-05-31 04:00:00Z 0

Ken Turner Memorial Bursary

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Ciara Kinsella the 2022 Ken Turner Bursary recipient is flanked by Denise Martin on the left and Ciara's mother on the right. Ciara said she is,  "Extremely honoured and grateful to have been selected as a recipient of the Ken Turner Memorial Bursary." The bursary is equivalent to working part-time for an entire semester and instead of working she could focus on her academics. As well as going to class she volunteers with Connect Theatre, Dundas Baptist Church, McMaster Hospital Paediatric Emergency Department and even took part in the Mac Sci Musical.
Julia Rose is the other 2022 Ken Turner Memorial Bursary recipient. She is at the University of Guelph studying Geography. She said, "As for volunteering, I have made time in my busy schedule to be the events lead on Geography Society at the University of Guelph. Doing this, I work together with other members to plan events and organise details for students interested and studying geography." Right now she is in British Columbia tree planting. Again, her own words. "I have already planted over 4,000 trees and am excited to plant even more! This job has been both physically and mentally demanding but also physically and mentally rewarding. 
Congratulations to both bursary recipients.
Ken Turner Memorial Bursary Ralph Montesanto 2023-05-31 04:00:00Z 0
Mark Robbins: Innovation and Its Importance to Canada Ralph Montesanto 2023-05-14 04:00:00Z 0

Adventures in Citizenship Students Elizabeth Lampson and Darrah Smith

Adventures in Citizen students Darrah Smith and Elizabeth Lampson are flanked by President Elect Russ Powers and President Phil Wood. Nancy Baker had them gather at her house before they left for Ottawa. President Phil and Youth Services Committee Chair Nancy waved them off after coffee and doughnuts on Nancy's driveway. Darrah and Elizabeth were both very excited and grateful to start their adventure armed with lunches from Nancy and chauffeured to the airport by their former MP Russ. Both students promised to bring back lots of photos and a full report of their week.
Adventures in Citizenship Students Elizabeth Lampson and Darrah Smith Ralph Montesanto 2023-05-13 04:00:00Z 0

Successful Shredding Day

Club members John, Dave and Joe fill one of 58 totes that hold ten small bank boxes. That means over 14 000 pounds of paper documents were safely destroyed and sent for recycling. Thanks to the community for its continued support for this semi annual club service event. Start pulling those files now to be ready for our fall event sometime near the end of September of early October.
Successful Shredding Day Ralph Montesanto 2023-05-08 04:00:00Z 0
Lobster Rib Festr Ralph Montesanto 2023-05-07 04:00:00Z 0

Joel Dembe

Joel Dembe is a Paralympian and strategic communications advisor. He was Canada’s top-ranked wheelchair tennis player and won over 30 international titles throughout his career. Joel represented Canada at the Paralympics and won our country's first international medal in wheelchair tennis at the 2015 Toronto Pan-American Games, shortly before retiring from sport. He currently serves as Senior Communications Manager at Royal Bank of Canada and is also co-Chair of RBC Reach, its advisory group for clients and employees with disabilities. He's also a frequent media contributor and keynote speaker, where he advocates for accessibility and inclusion.
Joel Dembe Ralph Montesanto 2023-05-02 04:00:00Z 0

Alex Wilson Ward 13 Councillor

Alex Wilson, Ward 13 councillor helped close out Environment Month. His goal is to build a livable future and we must make changes or it keeps happening as usual. Building community relationships, especially honouring our rural community is a key strategy. He is worried that community consent is lessening as the province is wielding more direct control. The city needs a biodiversity action plan and partnering with community organizations like our Rotary club will be a step in the right direction. You can contact Alex at
Alex Wilson Ward 13 Councillor Ralph Montesanto 2023-04-25 04:00:00Z 0
Lobster Rib Fest Ralph Montesanto 2023-04-19 04:00:00Z 0

Cindy Smyth

Cindy Smyth is a long time resident of Dundas, going to elementary and high school here. After getting married she travelled the world, returned and set up a store in Ancaster (What a Deal), then headed off to Windsor for 5 years and back to Dundas. After 10 years and 5 years of volunteering at Ronald McDonald House she went into Real Estate, soon joining Platinum Lion Real Estate. It's a different company in that all commissions go to the agents. The agents in turn pay various fees to be part of the company. Cindy hosted a club meeting at Platinum Lion Real Estate Offices in Dundas where she gave her classification talk as one of the club's new members.
Cindy Smyth Ralph Montesanto 2023-04-19 04:00:00Z 0

Shredding Day May 6

Start getting those files ready to be shredded. May 6 at Eccles Auto Service. $10 cash for a small bank box or its equivalent. 9AM to 1 PM.
Shredding Day May 6 Ralph Montesanto 2023-04-16 04:00:00Z 0

Family Day at The Dundas Driving Park

Family Day, 2023. Finally, we were able to get out and enjoy social contacts as the pandemic seems to have dissipated. New member, Charlie Purich and his team (Russ Powers, Cindy Smyth, et al) organized a great program for kids at the driving park, right adjacent to our signature project, the skating rink. Charlie thought of everything - how to line it all up, all the materials needed, prizes, and volunteers to assist. We were blessed with a nice day … sunshine, but a brisk wintry wind … and lots of folk exploring and enjoying the day out.

Thanks to all the Rotarians and their families who helped make this a big success with over 500 in attendance. 
Family Day at The Dundas Driving Park Robert Morrow 2023-02-21 05:00:00Z 0

Save The Turles

In Long Point, a former Dundas resident, John Everett … and his wife, Jan, have come to the rescue for MANY turtles as they migrate across busy roads. To promote interest in their work, Jan has written a book about saving the turtles on the busy causeway in Long Point. The book has been a huge success, selling nearly 5000 copies. Proceeds from the book go towards maintaining tunnels and fencing in the Long Point Biosphere. 
Chantal, a grade 4 teacher noted that “The talk drew attention to important local efforts and gave students the information needed to act locally and globally by understanding the importance of conservation efforts in their own backyard. Jan and John are informative and connect with students, they are engaging and spark curiosity. Students were excited about being able to help with small actions that make a big difference for animals.”  
One of her students responded with “I love turtles and I want to help them.  Now I feel inspired to do so and this is going to be a passion for me”.
John and Jan have a nice presentation which they have given to service clubs, schools and youth groups.
Also present were two members of the Dundas Turtle Watch; they also enjoyed the presentation and will now try and mirror some of the Initiatives of Jan and John in our own area.
Save The Turles Robert Morrow 2023-02-11 05:00:00Z 0
Inside/Outside Family Day February 20 Ralph Montesanto 2023-02-07 05:00:00Z 0

AED4Life/BERRN Consulting

Russ King, Lori King and Nicole Ryan, corporate members of AED4Life/BERRN Consulting gave a demonstration of CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) and AEDs (automated external defibrillator), at their headquarters at 55 Head Street in Dundas. Several times a year the Rotary club will do off-site meetings at an area business or organization as part of its vocational service program.
Heart attack and cardiac arrest are serious health issues but lives can be saved if people know how to do CPR and how to locate and operate an AED.
AED4Life/BERRN Consulting Ralph Montesanto 2023-02-01 05:00:00Z 0

The Bruce Trail Conservancy

Mike McDonald, CEO of The Bruce Trail Conservancy, welcomed the club to its headquarters at 55 Head Street in Dundas. Several times a year the club visits organizations or businesses in the area as part of its vocational service program. Mike outlined the role of the organization and the size of the area that it manages. Its website states, “We conserve and care for land within the Niagara Escarpment UNESCO World Biosphere to protect its ecosystems for the benefit of all and make it available to explore by foot along the magnificent Bruce Trail”. The organization is funded without any government money, with over 12 000 members contributing to the cause. Four key areas are, strategic land conservation (70% of trail within protected natural corridor), proactive land stewardship (18 889 acres protected), connecting people to nature, and, engaging dedicated volunteers (1500). All this to give 1 376 km of trail.
The Bruce Trail Conservancy Ralph Montesanto 2023-02-01 05:00:00Z 0

Is The US Running Out Of Water?

Club member Dr. Paul Clifford, retired from McMaster University, gave a well presented “lecture” on the dire state of water in the United States, especially on the west coast and central plains food belts. His photos of main dams showing significant loss of water and facts on aquifers moving deeper below the surface raise are very worrisome for the future of these areas and the millions of people living there.
Is The US Running Out Of Water? Ralph Montesanto 2023-01-20 05:00:00Z 0

Thie Convery and Frances Manias Newest Club Members

Thie Convery and Frances Manias were inducted into the club. Both were members several years ago of the Rotary Club of Dundas and have returned to the Family of Rotary to start the Rotary Satellite Club of Dundas Valley Sunrise: End Polio Now. District Governor Lisa Bishop assisted club president Phil Wood and Erin Holl (not in the photo) in the induction ceremony.
Thie Convery and Frances Manias Newest Club Members Ralph Montesanto 2023-01-20 05:00:00Z 0

50/50 Draw Winner

We have a winner of the 50/50 draw to raise funds for the Spencer Creek Heritage Trail Creation. Chantel Todd an employee at Fluke Transport purchased the winning ticket and received a cheque for $4395 from Dundas Valley Sunrise President Phil Wood.
50/50 Draw Winner Ralph Montesanto 2023-01-13 05:00:00Z 0

Rene Wetselaar St. Matthew's House

Guest speaker Renee Wetselaar gave an overview of St. Matthew's House and how appreciative she is for the continued support the club provides. She started by thanking Barb Busing and Jody Beck for their leadership in the child care sector of the House. Application was made to the government to be part of the reduced child care fees and they should drop to just over $12 a day within a year. The other key support goes to seniors. Emergency food delivery has at least 25 boxes a day delivered.
St Matthew's now manages the outreach program for the City of Hamilton and the House's outreach workers know where most of the homeless live and visit them regularly. Bringing food to the encampments is now OK. St. Matthew's House is partnering with the Green City Foundation to change the parking lot area into a children's play ground, tree garden and water absorbing parking area.
As well the House received $7.8 million from the province to construct affordable housing where the old food bank was.
Rene Wetselaar St. Matthew's House Ralph Montesanto 2022-11-29 05:00:00Z 0
Spencer Creek Heritage Trail 50/50 Draw Ralph Montesanto 2022-11-23 05:00:00Z 0

Tiny Sheds: Art Samson

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HATS is the Hamilton Alliance for Tiny Sheds. These are buildings that can take the place of tent cities. Homelessness in Hamilton is a problem.
So, Tiny Sheds is a possible solution.
Have a look at this video from Kitchener-Waterloo:
It gives the story of Tiny Sheds already servicing the previous tent city residents. The Alliance for Tiny Sheds provided the photos below.
8 ft by 10 ft is the maximum size to avoid having a building permit. Heat and electricity are provided. Sanitation and food would be in an attached facility.
If you are interested in supporting the cause contact
Here is the possible site:
Tiny Sheds: Art Samson Ralph Montesanto 2022-11-15 05:00:00Z 0

David Carson: Remembrance Day

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David Carson has built ties to individuals who lived and fought through WWII. His research lead him to the book, X-Troop, The Secret Jewish Commandos of World War II. David select a number of individuals from the book, highlighted them and then brought them to life. His research actually led him to one of the individuals who lives in the area and David visited him. 
David Carson: Remembrance Day Ralph Montesanto 2022-11-09 05:00:00Z 0

Ancaster Memorial Arts Centre

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For the second week in a row the club held its morning meeting off site. We gathered at the Ancaster Memorial Arts Centre where President Anton Plas and Executive Director Colin Lapsley welcomed the group. After breakfast provided by The Village Bakery we broke into two groups and were given a guided tour of the building, from the main theatre through the classrooms for various art programs, the dance studio, dressing room and another room with a stage suitable for around 100 patrons. 
One of the groups on the theater stage
and in the mirrored dressing room.
Our communities are very fortunate to see this 21 million dollar project built and running.
Ancaster Memorial Arts Centre Ralph Montesanto 2022-11-02 04:00:00Z 0

Cindy Smyth Inducted as Newest Member

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Cindy Smyth is welcomed into the club by President-Elect Russ Powers. Cindy is a real estate agent working with Platinum Lion Realty Inc. The office is located in the old post office in Dundas. Cindy is looking forward to volunteering at club events and helping to fundraise.
Cindy Smyth Inducted as Newest Member Ralph Montesanto 2022-10-26 04:00:00Z 0

Marla Panko Curator Carnegie Gallery

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Marla Panko is the curator at the Carnegie Gallery in Dundas. The club met at the gallery for its morning meeting, presented a cheque to Marla for the gallery and then had a tour. Marla's art work is theme based as she tells a story over several frames. Here she points to the space program and moon landing. When she tells her story the artwork comes to life.
Marla Panko Curator Carnegie Gallery Ralph Montesanto 2022-10-26 04:00:00Z 0

David Silvestro Vocational Service Classification

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David Silvestro is the most recent new member to the club. He is also the youngest. He grew up in the area and attended St. Mary's Catholic High School and McMaster De Groote School of Business. As a youth he excelled in golf and was ranked as one of the top juniors in Canada. Before joining St. Joseph's Villa Foundation in Dundas he was an up and coming entrepreneur, starting with a partner, a landscaping enterprise and a 3D modelling company. Both were sold when he moved on to become the Marketing and Community Engagement officer at St. Josephs' Villa Foundation. As part of his community involvement David works on the Vote Loomis Campaign for Hamilton mayor, is a McMaster Health Innovation resident, and is part of the Young Leaders Program with Hamilton Centre for Civic Inclusion. Although he has stopped playing serious golf he is leaning towards an interest in golf course architecture. Who knows, he could become the next Stanley Thompson golf course designer.
David Silvestro Vocational Service Classification Ralph Montesanto 2022-10-18 04:00:00Z 0

Danuta Niton: My Walks of Art

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Danuta Niton is an artist, born in Poland and now living in Dundas. Graphic design, acrylic and watercolour painting, murals and house sketching are her forte. She has sketched more than a hundred houses in Dundas, some famous and some just because her heart took her to the address. Now, many of those sketches are in her new book, My Walks of Art. The Hamilton Municipal Heritage Committee recently presented her The Art of Heritage Award.

Her book sells for $45 and is available at the Dundas Museum. The book has a map with several routes that you can follow to see the houses she sketched.
Danuta Niton: My Walks of Art 2022-10-04 04:00:00Z 0

Amanda Thomassian: Routes Centre

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Amanda Thomassian is the Director of the Routes Centre in Dundas. Her exuberant personality combined with the friendly atmosphere of the location will help drive the centre to new heights.
Youth aged 8 to 19 attend the centre for sports, homework completion, and a variety of other structured and non-structured programs. A key feature that draws youth is the chance to have something to eat. It's also a place to socialize in a safe environment.
Amanda Thomassian: Routes Centre Ralph Montesanto 2022-09-27 04:00:00Z 0

Deputy Chief Hamilton: Dundas Update

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Hamilton Police Service Deputy Chief Paul Hamilton gave an update on policing in Dundas. The stats he presented reinforced the notion that Dundas is a safe community. Of the more than 95 558 calls for service received by The City of Hamilton, Dundas had 2150 or 2.25%. Auto theft has 17 reports to date or 2% of the city total. Break and enter has 18 or 2% of the total. Here is a look at a comparison of the city and Dundas for "Call types":
Club member and retired RCMP Staff Sergeant Bill Armstrong thanked Deputy Chief Hamilton for the time he took to put together such a thoughtful presentation and for answering all questions asked by club members.
The city is fortunate to have him as a deputy chief.
Deputy Chief Hamilton: Dundas Update Ralph Montesanto 2022-09-21 04:00:00Z 0

Fireworks IS ON!

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Sunday September 4. Fireworks was on! No rain. Food trucks and music here. 
A successful event, several thousand attended. A happy crowd!
Fireworks IS ON! Ralph Montesanto 2022-09-04 04:00:00Z 0

John Merrill 

John Merrill is one of our newest members and was giving his classification talk. John and Heather (in the photo) were married just over two weeks. He is a real estate agent working out of an Oakville office but living next door to the Dundas Driving Park. Old cars, golf and community volunteering take up much of his spare time. As is often the case, some of our best and most interesting speakers are our very own members giving their classification talk - a brief personal history and a look at their vocation.
John Merrill Ralph Montesanto 2022-08-30 04:00:00Z 0

Heather McLean Now in the Club

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On the morning of August 16 at the Dundas Driving Park the club had the pleasure of inducting Heather McLean as its newest member. Heather is the new Executive Director of Hamilton Jewish Family Services. As is the club practice, Heather then met all members in attendance who like Ken Beel welcomed her into the club.
Heather McLean Now in the Club Ralph Montesanto 2022-08-16 04:00:00Z 0
Artisan Market Ralph Montesanto 2022-08-15 04:00:00Z 0

Dundas 175 Puzzles

Help celebrate the 175 anniversary of the Town of Dundas. Purchase the puzzles, Our Town Now and Our Town Then.  $20 each or two for $35 during the Cactus Festival. See the booth in front of the firehall on August 20 & 21. At other times puzzles are available from club members, at the Dundas Museum or Carnegie Gallery.
Dundas 175 Puzzles Ralph Montesanto 2022-08-13 04:00:00Z 0

Mary Burnett Alzheimer's Society of Hamilton

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Mary Burnett, CEO of the Alzheimer Society of Brant, Haldimand, Norfolk, Hamilton and Halton spoke of the number of people who have dementia and specifically about Alzheimer disease. The society's website is a useful tool for those who think they might be moving into dementia or for those who are living with a family member who has the disease. The link is
Here is the program she followed: 
Mary Burnett Alzheimer's Society of Hamilton Ralph Montesanto 2022-07-19 04:00:00Z 0

David Silvestro Inducted as Newest Member

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David Silvestro is now a member of the Rotary Club of Dundas Valley Sunrise. David is the Community Engagement officer for the St. Joseph's Villa Foundation in Dundas. He brings skills in social media, website design and public relations to the club. His classification is Long Term Care: Community Engagement.
Recently inducted member Charlie Purich welcomes David into the club as members Harold Gruneberg and Wayne Massey look on.
David Silvestro Inducted as Newest Member Ralph Montesanto 2022-07-12 04:00:00Z 0

John Merrill and Charlie Purich New Members

John Merrill is a recently inducted club member. John is a real estate agent who lives in Dundas.
Charlie Purich is a recent inductee into the club. Charlie is a retired elementary school principal who lives in Dundas.
As is the club custom during an induction the new member is greeted by all club members present.  Charlie is welcomed by David Carson and Jason Sheper.
John is welcomed by Derek Dix.
John Merrill and Charlie Purich New Members Ralph Montesanto 2022-07-05 04:00:00Z 0

Club Honours Award Winners

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Julia Sharp Dundas Valley Secondary School and Ciara Kinsella St. Mary's Catholic Secondary School are the club's Ken Turner Memorial Bursary winners. The Ken Turner Memorial Bursary is an annual bursary available to a graduating secondary student who attends Dundas Valley Secondary School, St. Mary Catholic Secondary School or is a permanent resident of Dundas who attends another public, catholic, French or private school in the Greater Hamilton Area.
The bursary of $1,500/student/school will be awarded to a maximum of 3 recipients annually.
Other graduating student award winners are: 
Seraphina Churchill flanked by Denise Martins and DVSS principal Gail Cipriani
Matthew Gilbreath flanked by SMCSS principal Anthony Macaluso and Denise Martins.
At Sir William Osler Public School grade eight valedictorian Jesse Sharpe received her graduation award.
Club Honours Award Winners Ralph Montesanto 2022-06-21 04:00:00Z 0

Fraser Forrest Vocational Service

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Charles Fraser Forrest was born in 1943 on a farm in southern Manitoba, only 8 miles from the North Dakota border and the location of some Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles (ICBM’s). Theirs was a mixed farm of crop and livestock; later his Dad would acquire more land and convert to wheat and canola exclusively.  Electricity came to the farm in 1949; prior to this Fraser and his family lived the ‘pioneer life’ – wells, pumps, no indoor plumbing, and outdoor loos. He attended a one room schoolhouse for his elementary education, and Manitou H.S. for his secondary before going to the University of Manitoba where he took a degree in Mechanical Engineering.

Small scale rural agriculture requires people to be resilient, creative and resolute – especially in the 40’s. As Fraser told his story we could see that these qualities, shaped by his childhood, permeate his entire life.
In 1966, jobs were plentiful for mechanical engineers and Fraser had his choice of opportunities. He declined work in the oil fields but accepted the offer from Hawker Siddley. And for a brief time he enjoyed working in aerospace. But as we know that industry in Canada has had a bumpy ride, so it wasn’t long before he left and joined AECL in Chalk River.

After several years there, Fraser decided to return to university and he pursued his Masters of Engineering at Waterloo. This led to a job offer from Frank Stern who then was leading the transformer division at Westinghouse. Over time this division became an independent, employee owned company, STERN Laboratories Inc. They test safety systems for nuclear power plants. Fraser loved this work: the challenge, the creativity, and the importance of getting it right.
He is a published author of numerous books, articles and reports. He has presented at conferences and universities worldwide. He shared with us a photo of an ‘experiment’ where they tested a “what if” scenario for a potential leak at a nuclear reactor. The reactor reminded Fraser of a farm silo. They filled the silo with steam and cesium – and in his words made lots of noise!
Fraser Forrest Vocational Service Kathy Starodub 2022-06-08 04:00:00Z 0

Mike Palme Vocational Service

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Mike Palme was a scientific glass blower for McMaster University. This job required attention to detail and specificity. Unlike artistic glassblowing, the scientific glassblower is creating instruments that will be used in a number of departments,  Some of these objects were quite small, others not. It was an exacting profession. Changes within the university led to Mike’s retirement from McMaster in 2014. And while this turned out to be a good move, it was initially a bit challenging. After 30 years of one job, what would be next?

Mike is happy to say that his switch to the financial services industry has given him great pleasure and satisfaction. In 2015, he applied for a position with Freedom 55 and was immediately part of a training programme that led to LLQP (life) and CIFC (mutual) licensing. After becoming a certified Financial Security Advisor, Mike took a position with Nelson Melo and Associates Co-operators in Dundas.

Mike Palme Vocational Service Kathy Starodub 2022-06-04 04:00:00Z 0

Jason Sheper Vocational Presentation

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Jason’s Sheper's work life spanned 5 continents in a range of computer, financial and business experiences, a musical life as a jazz artist and choral master, a stint as an international development consultant with USAID and an MBA student at Oxford University. He has also owned a 4 star hotel and currently supports an elementary school. Jason and his wife Susan have collaborated on a number of projects, most importantly raising two children in Kinshasa DRC (Democratic Republic of Congo).

Jason’s life is worthy of cinema. He began as a teenager in the mailroom of a large American corporation. And to this day is grateful for the invaluable knowledge of people that he gained from the job. During the 1980’s he worked in sunny California for Computerland – and he relished the enthusiasm and “can do” attitude of the times and people. While at a meeting in Richmond Hill, he met Susan and to hear Jason tell, he decided right then that he wanted to marry her. They went on a date (to a Blue Jays game) and so it goes! She was only here for a brief visit as she was then living full time in the Congo.

Jason decided he’d visit the Congo with her (he had vacation time) and again, so it goes. They married. They returned to California but this version of “paradise” did not appeal to Susan whose life had been filled with much less gloss and more substance in Africa. Jason transferred to Europe and while in Luxembourg they meet a Belgian couple who overheard Jason and Susan talking about the Congo. And so it goes. They move to Kinshasa.
For those of us who know some of the history of the Congo, we know that violence, cruelty and corruption have scourged the land since Belgian colonialism. (Read Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness; a template for Francis Ford Coppola’s “Apocalypse Now” film about Vietnam.)
Jason Sheper Vocational Presentation Kathy Starodub 2022-05-04 04:00:00Z 0

Shredding Day May 7

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Shredding Day is May 7.  Now is the time to start cleaning out those files that you want to safely destroy.
Shredding Day May 7 Ralph Montesanto 2022-04-25 04:00:00Z 0
Short Term Exchange Marnee Maroes 2022-04-24 04:00:00Z 0

Julia Kollek:HATS

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Julia Kollek has had an extensive career as a journalist and researcher. Most recently, she has felt compelled to do something about the issue of homelessness in Hamilton and in March she founded HATS, Hamilton Alliance for Tiny Shelters as way to address the problem. Julia began by relating a personal observation. One day as she was walking, she spied a blue tarp, a cart, and a body – and then she had a moment of recognition. This was a place where someone was living. The problem of homelessness and encampments has been in the media throughout the pandemic; Hamilton is no exception. The reasons for homelessness are multiple and layered. And the solutions are equally complex.

But, Julia has focused on one specific measure designed to help people transition from street life to life in interior dwellings. Kitchener was the first city in the area to try a programme of Tiny Cabins. This project has been deemed successful by a wide variety of people; from the clients, to the urban support workers to the Police Chief. With this success as an example, Julia began her mission of bringing tiny cabins to Hamilton. The thinking is that a small, constructed dwelling provides a safe, secure environment that will be conducive to the physical and emotional healing of the clients that will in turn lead to developing the skills and mindset needed for prolonged living in larger interior spaces. The cabin concept is endorsed in Hamilton by the SPRC (Social Planning and Research Council), the Hamilton Roundtable for Poverty Reduction, numerous social justice advocates and Indigenous groups.
The units are 8x10 and contain a bed, shelf, microwave, fridge, and fire extinguisher. They are insulated and fire proofed. There is no plumbing (therefore no building permit is required). And they are easily movable.
One such shelter was available for public viewing at St. James Cathedral on James St. N. This attracted a number of visitors and many favorable reviews. To date, HATS has a commitment for 10 tiny cabins. The planning committee has located a site, near electricity, sewage, transit and there is an additional plan to include a community garden.

If you would like more information or would like to make a donation please go to
Julia Kollek:HATS Kathy Starodub 2022-04-16 04:00:00Z 0

Fraser Forrest: A new club member

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We welcomed Fraser Forrest into the club as our newest member. Fraser's classification is Project Engineer: Nuclear. Fraser worked in Manitoba as an aerospace engineer, then to Chalk River and on to Westinghouse before he bought into STERN Laboratories. Fraser lives in Dundas and is keen on improving the Spencer Creek Trail
Fraser Forrest: A new club member Ralph Montesanto 2022-04-16 04:00:00Z 0

Aaron Lam: Movies and Stories

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Aaron Lam is an accomplished author, director, and producer. His passion is storytelling and his guilty pleasure is all things connected to movies about Superman. He has written three books, numerous articles, and television and documentary scripts. He also works as the Marketing and Communication Officer for Hamilton Health Sciences.
Aaron began by sharing that he always wanted to be a writer, and since the age of six he has been enthralled by the Christopher Reeves’ Superman movies. The remarkable thing is that Aaron found a way to marry his two loves.

After studying radio and television at Ryerson and film production at Sheridan, Aaron was able to get a variety of freelance jobs in writing, editing and directing for TVO, PBS, and other local organizations. Ten years ago, Aaron directed “Behind the Curtain” a documentary about two plays at the Shaw Festival beginning with the first directorial vision and working all the way through to final production. The documentary presents a thoughtful consideration of life in the theatre.

Aaron began by sharing that he always wanted to be a writer, and since the age of six he has been enthralled by the Christopher Reeves’ Superman movies. The remarkable thing is that Aaron found a way to marry his two loves.
Aaron Lam: Movies and Stories Kathy Starodub 2022-04-06 04:00:00Z 0

Awards and Bursaries

The Rotary Club of Dundas Valley Sunrise offers a number of awards and bursaries for students. Here is the Ken Turner Memorial Bursary Information. Please examine to see if you should apply.
Dundas Valley Sunrise Rotary Club
Ken Turner Memorial Bursary
Ken Turner joined the Rotary Club of Niagara Falls in 1958.  Subsequently, he was a member of the Dundas Rotary Club and a charter member of the Dundas Valley Sunrise Rotary Club which was formed in 1999.  Ken was also a Paul Harris Fellow of the Rotary Foundation and a Rotary Benefactor.  Ken was meticulous about the club’s involvement and work with other charities. He had perfect attendance for his 42 years as a member.  
The Ken Turner Memorial Bursary is an annual bursary available to a graduating secondary student who attends Dundas Valley Secondary School, St. Mary Catholic Secondary School or is a permanent resident of Dundas who attends another public, catholic, French or private school in the Greater Hamilton Area.
The bursary of $1,500/student/school will be awarded to a maximum of 3 recipients annually.
Bursary Criteria
1.    Graduating secondary school student in the identified schools who has completed all the Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) requirements.
2.    Have a minimum average of 70%.
3.    Have outstanding moral character, diverse participation in co-curricular activities, and exemplary community involvement.
4.    Indicate financial need to pursue post-secondary education where applicable.
Application Requirements 
1.    Ontario Student Transcript confirming OSSD requirements met. (May require April report card)
2.    Completed application including:
a.    An outline of co-curricular activities and community involvement/volunteer experiences in the past five (5) years that have enriched or engaged you.  (500 words)
b.    A short (500 word or less) essay that describes the impact the diverse co-curricular activities and exemplary community involvement has had on the students’ moral character and future career and community aspirations.
c.    A signed letter of support for the students character and community involvement from any of the following individuals:
i.    An educator
ii.   A community member
iii.  A community organization
iv.  An employer
Application Deadline/Process
Awards and Bursaries Denise Martins 2022-03-31 04:00:00Z 0

Graduation Award: Elementary and Secondary Students

Dundas Valley Sunrise Rotary Club Graduation Award
This is an annual award available to a graduating Dundas student who attends one of the:
Elementary Schools – Dundas Central Public School, Sir William Osler Elementary School, St. Augustine Catholic Elementary School, or St. Bernadette Catholic Elementary School.
Secondary Schools - Dundas Valley Secondary School, or St. Mary Catholic Secondary School. 
It will consist of $100/student/elementary school and $500/student/secondary school.
Award Criteria
1.    Graduating student in the identified schools who has completed all the Elementary OR Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) requirements.
2.    Have integrity, participation in co-curricular activities, and community involvement/volunteerism.
Award Process
School staff or Commencement committees select the award winner based upon the criteria provided.  An identified individual from each school notifies the DVSRC representative in early to mid June of the recipient and date of the awards event for a Youth Services Committee representative to attend.
1.    The recipient by way of a successful selection provides permission to the DVSRC to use the recipient’s name, photo (where applicable) and information as part of the Dundas Valley Sunrise Rotary Club communication strategy.
2.    The award recipient will provide a written acknowledgement to the DVSRC for the funding received.
Graduation Award: Elementary and Secondary Students Denise Martins 2022-03-31 04:00:00Z 0

Shredding Day May 7

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The spring Shredding Day is fast approaching on May 7. A great time to safely destroy those old paper files, especially old income tax documents. Rotarians Scott Sincerbox and Bob Morrow empty a trunk load of boxes on the way to the shredding trucks during last fall’s Shredding Day. Be at Eccles Auto Service in Dundas from 9 AM to 1 PM with $10 cash for each small bank box.
Shredding Day May 7 Ralph Montesanto 2022-03-28 04:00:00Z 0

Dr. Jean Chamberlain-Froese: Save The Mothers

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Dr. Jean Chamberlain Froese – Co-founder of Save The Mothers is an internationally respected leader in the field of maternal health, and has been appointed as a Member of the Order of Canada in recognition of her commitment to saving the lives of women and babies in the developing world. An obstetrician and director of the International Women’s Health Program at McMaster University, she has dedicated her life to making pregnancy and childbirth safer in the developing world.

Below are some notes from her presentation and links to two videos she wished members to see.
Steps to Deliver Change for Mothers - Saving the lives of mothers and newborns in East Africa
Dr. Chamberlain introduced her presentation by showing the video:
The context for her talk is illustrated in this video:
287,000 mothers die every year from pregnancy complications - equivalent to 800 mothers per day.
6,000 mothers die in Uganda every year from pregnancy complications = 2 mini vans of mothers crashing and dying every day! These are preventable deaths. There are 3 delays that kill mothers: Home, Transportation and Health Care Facilities. At least 50% of deaths can be attributed to the first 2 delays.

Vision of Save the Mothers:
Dr. Jean Chamberlain-Froese: Save The Mothers Phil Wood 2022-03-26 04:00:00Z 0

Melanie Barlow: Providing a lifeline during the pandemic

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Melanie Barlow is the Executive Director of Dundas Community Services (DCS). She has worked in the not-for-profit, social services sector for the past 17 years and has advocated for resource-challenged individuals, families, seniors and for youth in the community of Hamilton. She is thrilled to be working with Dundas Community Services which has been an integral part of the Dundas community since 1972. In the beautiful valley town of Dundas, Melanie hopes to build strong relationships with other local organizations, businesses and residents who call Dundas home and who truly care about their neighbours, especially those who are facing challenges.
Dundas Community Services (DCS) is a registered charity established in 1972 by the Dundas Ministerial Association. It will be celebrating 50 years in 2022!
It supports seniors, individuals, families and persons with disabilities through a wide range of programs and services. Funded in part by the HNHB LHIN, United Way (Halton & Hamilton) and the City of Hamilton.
DCS relies on donors, local service clubs and churches to ensure our programs are available to our community and is powered by over 170+ dedicated volunteers!
DCS Services:
  • Services for seniors, and adults with disabilities
  • Counselling & referral
  • Coordinated Services
Melanie Barlow: Providing a lifeline during the pandemic Phil Wood 2022-03-12 05:00:00Z 0
Dine to Donate Ralph Montesanto 2022-03-05 05:00:00Z 0

Alexis Buttgen: Disability and Employment in the Green Economy

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Alexis Buttgen is an experienced community-engaged researcher with an interdisciplinary academic background in community psychology and critical disability studies. She has over 15 years of experience working at several community-based research organizations and organizations of people with disabilities (OPDs). Dr. Buettgen holds academic appointments in the School of Rehabilitation Science at McMaster University, the Social Justice and Community Engagement Program at Wilfrid Laurier University and the Critical Disability Studies program at York University. The title of Alexis’s talk was: “Disability and Employment in the Green Economy”.
Alexis began her presentation with a brief quiz.
What percentage of the global population are people with disabilities? The reported number is 15%. However, this number is likely much higher. In Canada, at least one in five (or 6.2 million) people aged 15 years and over have a disability.
What percentage of people with disabilities live in poor countries? Estimated to be 80%. This means that the majority of people with disabilities are living in poverty… including Canadians.
In terms of the Green Economy, estimates suggest that the transition to low-carbon economies worldwide will be a net generator of jobs, with as many as 18 million new jobs appearing by 2030.
According to the International Labour Organization taking action in the energy sector to limit global warming to 2 degrees centigrade by the end of the century can create around 24 million jobs, largely offsetting the expected job losses estimated at 6 million and resulting in a net gain of 18 million jobs.
How can we achieve an inclusive green economy?
Alexis Buttgen: Disability and Employment in the Green Economy Phil Wood 2022-03-05 05:00:00Z 0

Olivia Fernandes: Modern Day Mines

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Olivia R. Fernandes is a humanitarian practitioner with 8 years of experience managing emergency projects globally. Her work spans the areas of humanitarian mine action, emergency health, post-conflict rehabilitation, and is focused on the Rights of Migrants and Refugees, Rights of the Child, Rights of Indigenous People, and the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. She has lived and worked in Grand Council Treaty 3, Nishanawbe Aski Nation, Siksika Nation, Viet Nam, Somalia, Nepal, India, and most recently, Afghanistan. She is on the Board of Directors of the Canadian Landmine Foundation. Olivia believes in the importance of recognizing and addressing humanity and human behaviour in all development and humanitarian endeavours. She will be heading to Afghanistan next week to continue her important work. Her talk today was “Modern Day Mines”
Landmines are a forgotten legacy of war. 
The Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-Personnel Mines and on their Destruction, known informally as the Ottawa Treaty, the Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Convention, or often simply the Mine Ban Treaty, aims at eliminating anti-personnel landmines (AP-mines) around the world. To date, there are 164 state parties to the treaty while 32 UN states, including China, Russia, and the United States have not; making a total of 33 United Nations states not party. The Canadian Landmine Foundation is actively engaged in eliminating these AP-mines.
The 5 pillars of mine action are:
Olivia Fernandes: Modern Day Mines Phil Wood 2022-02-17 05:00:00Z 0

Denise Martins: Vocational Service

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Denise was born in Georgetown Guyana and lived there until she was 7 years old. Guyana is a country in the northeastern corner of South America, just east of Venezuela. Here family moved to Canada – first to North York, then St. Catharines and finally to Scarborough. It was there that she attended Norman Bethune Secondary School. Being a brand new school, Denise felt that she was part of establishing the culture of the school and from this base she started her long career in secondary school education.

Denise studied Physical Education (now Kinesiology) at McMaster and then earned her B. Ed. At Queen’s University. She started teaching in the Bahamas but returned to Canada. Her first position was at York-Humber High School where she taught Phys. Ed. and Math. Over the next several years Denise taught at and was Vice Principal and then Principal at several high schools in the Toronto District School Board. She was principal at four different high schools.

Her first was Scarlett Heights which was very multicultural. It was there that she learned about different cultures and how to interact with families. She was the lead principal as the TDSB implemented a student success program and this was where she developed her skills with working with other principals. Then she was back to York-Humber where she continued to develop her leadership and professional growth and finished at Danforth Collegiate and Technical Institute. She was there for five years and all of her experiences were conflated in one as the school was a composite one combining tech., special education and a typical secondary school. The school suffered a significant fire in 2012 and Denise and her team had to operationalize a plan for students to continue their education and then get back to Danforth.
Denise Martins: Vocational Service Ralph Montesanto 2022-02-11 05:00:00Z 0

Brian Baetz: Reimagining Spencer Creek Trail

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Brian Baetz grew up in Walkerton Ontario. In the Summer of 1976, the Walkerton Rotary Club sent him to Camp Copneconic just south of Flint, Michigan. That opportunity (and the Ontario Athletic Leadership Camp) gave him the confidence to apply for engineering programs that Fall in his Grade 13 year, and he was at U of T in the Fall of '77.  He is still very grateful for the growth afforded by the Rotary leadership camp.  
Brian went on to earn his Bachelors and Masters degrees in Civil Engineering at the U of T and his PhD in environmental engineering at Duke University. He started his teaching career at McMaster University in 1988 and was Chair of Civil Engineering amongst many other administrative positions. He retired in 2018 but returned to the university as the Director of the School of Engineering Practice and Technology. Brian’s research interests are in the areas of sustainable and resilient communities and green infrastructure.
He opened his presentation by talking about all of the wonderful trails that we have in Dundas, the area nearby, within the province and even within Canada. Probably everyone on the call is familiar with the Hamilton-Brantford Rail Trail. Many DVSRC members use the trail for both hiking, bike riding and, these days, cross-country skiing. The trail is wide and quite accessible.

Brian talked about getting back to nature as a source of Vitamin “N” and also the importance of trails and outdoor spaces in terms of “Aging in Place”. The Town of Dundas and the Spencer Creek Trail are the connectors between the Dundas Valley Trails and the Cootes to Escarpment Park System.
Brian Baetz: Reimagining Spencer Creek Trail Ralph Montesanto 2022-02-03 05:00:00Z 0

Satellite Clubs: Frank Adamson Past District Governor

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Frank Adamson, the fun, fearless, fantastic District Governor in 2020-2021 has had a remarkable career from paramedic to entrepreneur and as DG he initiated the Great Lakes Watershed Cleanup, an innovative, collaborative environmental project that captured the imagination and interests of Rotary clubs internationally.
Today Frank spoke about creating new Rotary clubs – a goal of both our Youth Services and Membership committees as we look to growing overall membership in Rotary.
However, before Frank began his talk, he presented the club with two awards: the “Lighthouse Award” for our work in 2020-21 (a District award based on successful accomplishment of a number of R.I. goals and District Goals; only 15 clubs in our district of 66 received this); and the “Polio Plus Donor Recognition Award” (for our club donation of $1750USD). Thanks to all members for their contributions.
Frank began his presentation by sharing information from D7080—a wonderfully concise description of the range of Rotary clubs that exist. In D7090 we have traditional clubs (these meet regularly, usually 1/wk.; have a formal structure; share a variety of goals). We also have 2 E-clubs, SOWNY (Southern Ontario Western New York) and RESI (Rotary E club of Social Innovators) that were chartered before COVID. And we have 8 Rotaract clubs (members under 35, often university based, but not exclusively).
There are other types of clubs in the world: these include passport clubs; corporate clubs; alumni clubs (Rotary participants - Rotary Youth Leadership Award,Youth Exchange, Global Scholars, Rotary Peace Fellows, etc.); cause based clubs and satellite clubs.
The reason for exploring the formation of another type of club is to capture a new membership demographic (25-50 yrs.) We can see from our experience that the success and survival of Rotary, like many other community-based volunteer organizations depends on its ability to renew and diversify.
The key difference between Rotaract and Satellite models appears to be in the age category, as both types of clubs can be community based and follow formats that are self-directed rather than prescribed. They are often a smaller group whereas a traditional club must have 20 members in order to qualify for a charter.
Satellite Clubs: Frank Adamson Past District Governor Ralph Montesanto 2022-01-28 05:00:00Z 0

SPCA in COVID Times: Marion Emo

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Marion Emo from the Hamilton Burlington SPCA is the interim CEO, having retired from the organization in 2020. After 20 years in human health, Marion has spent the last decade in animal welfare. There are similarities in the issues facing each sector: accessibility, affordability, and safety. Marion has a Rotary connection too! She was a member of the D7090 GSE team to Japan.
Marion spoke to us about the challenges of sustaining service to the community in times of COVID.
The history of animal welfare in Canada is a long one—the SPCA will be 135 years old this April. The primary goals of the agency now are to provide preventative care and wellness clinics for animals. Shelter is a last resort, and although they still work on socialization of pets for adoption, that has become a less important part of the business. Spaying and neutering is, however, important as these operations allow for better lives for pets at home.
Marion’s professional experience and personal foresight has come in handy during COVID. In January 2020, she was returning from a trip to Iceland when she was counselled by an airline pilot that things were “a changing’”. And, of course, as we now know by mid-March 2020 our lives were upended. However, in February 2020 at the HBSPCA, Marion completed an inventory of supplies that included securing a 3 month supply of PPE for all staff. A career in healthcare had taught her to always have long term plans.
Marion understood that lesson#1 is “Anticipate, anticipate, anticipate”. She had worked during Ebola and SARS outbreaks and understood that viruses know no boundaries. She knew that we must make no assumptions and that creative, lateral thinking would be needed to deal with the challenge of COVID.
SPCA in COVID Times: Marion Emo Ralph Montesanto 2022-01-22 05:00:00Z 0

Claire Loughheed Dundas Valley School  of Art

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Today’s speaker was Claire Loughheed, Executive Director of the Dundas Valley School of Art. She joined the School of Art in 2014, after serving a number of years in various cultural organizations including being the Senior Manager of Culture for Oakville and Mississauga. She is also a professor at Centennial College.

Claire’s vision is to use art as a springboard to change the way we think about the world. As the first Executive Director of the DVSA who is not an artist, she brings a different viewpoint and skill set to the role. She runs the school using business principles and works with other professional advisory groups and senior cultural executives to share their business knowledge across all art organizations and schools in Canada.

Claire’s business background leads her to use LERN business models and Environics as well as students evaluations in her decision making. The school has a 1.8 million dollar budget; has an economic impact of 2.5 million on the local economy and is the largest employer in Dundas. 

The school offers programmes in children’s art, drawing and painting, botanical art, sculpture, pottery, printmaking, jewelry, art history, glass blowing, stained glass, textiles, and professional development for artists. Classes were originally in school, but during COVID, they have been made available on line.

Claire sees the DVSA as a place that does more than teach art. She sees it as a place to build community and create well-being. She points to studies by the Canadian Index of Well-Being from Waterloo University which indicate that engagement in leisure and cultural activities contributes to our overall well-being by enhancing our sense of belonging, by increasing our empathy and by altering our perspectives.

Claire Loughheed Dundas Valley School of Art Ralph Montesanto 2022-01-13 05:00:00Z 0

Margaret’s Place Hospice 50/50 Winner

We have a winner in the January 11 2022 Margaret’s Place Hospice 50/50 Draw!
Congratulations to Kim Boretsky who will receive a cheque for $11 400 from the Rotary Club of Dundas Valley Sunrise. The other half of the funds collected through ticket sales, that is another $11 400, will go to help support Margaret’s Place Hospice at St. Joseph’s Villa in Dundas. Thank you to everyone who purchased tickets to support the hospice.
Margaret’s Place Hospice 50/50 Winner Ralph Montesanto 2022-01-13 05:00:00Z 0

$7385 Raised For St. Matthew's House

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The annual St. Matthew's House auction held during a morning meeting of the Rotary Club of Dundas Valley Sunrise raised $7385 from the members in attendance. President Tom McLeod presented the cheque to David Savage Chair of the St. Matthew's House board. Since the club focused a December meeting on the auction it has raised more than $50 000 for the charity. 
$7385 Raised For St. Matthew's House Ralph Montesanto 2021-12-23 05:00:00Z 0

50/50 Early Bird Draw Margaret's Place Hospice

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The club raised over $7000 during its annual in-house auction for St. Matthew's House. During the meeting the early bird draw for the Margaret's Place Hospice was made and the $500 winner was Kari Warren.
There are still tickets available for the 50/50 draw which takes place January 11 2022. Contact any club member for tickets.
50/50 Early Bird Draw Margaret's Place Hospice Ralph Montesanto 2021-12-20 05:00:00Z 0

Dee Muszynski: Healthy Living

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Dee Muszynski is a registered dietitian who works both at McMaster Children’s Hospital and in her own clinic providing a personalized approach to a healthy relationship with food. Dee’s overall topic was Nutrition and Exercise and how these together prevent disease and add quality to one’s life. As we age lots of things change in the body: muscle mass decreases; body fat increases; estrogen and testosterone decrease; abdominal fat increases; bone mass decreases; chronic disease increases; and in general our immune system slows.
However, Dee offered us hope and a way to stay healthy. Nutrition and exercise together can help prevent chronic disease. And even if we have had a “misspent youth “, it is never too late to build habits that keep us healthy. Small changes can help us reduce the incidence of diabetes, cancer, stroke, and cardiovascular disease.

Dee emphasized the importance of healthy nutrition. She advised that one should, in general, consume around 1600 calories/day (healthy calories). And she cautioned that the cumulative effect of even 100 extra calories a day will net 10 lbs. in one year. Being overweight can lead to hypertension, diabetes, and CVD, but being underweight can contribute to osteoporosis and fall fractures. She suggested that we learn to recognize nutritionally dense foods. Eat leaner cuts of meat, have two servings of fish/week, aim for 7 servings of fruits and vegetables/day (1/2 c. of cooked veg or 1 c. of leafy greens counts as one serving; a protein serving is the size of one’s palm). Try to have a protein serving at each meal. Be mindful of eating healthy fats, replace butter with olive oil and limit this to 1 Tbsp. when cooking. Decrease our intake of red meat. And for carbohydrates, limit these to 130 grams/day for older adults.
Dee Muszynski: Healthy Living Ralph Montesanto 2021-12-10 05:00:00Z 0

Arlene VanderBeek

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Arlene VanderBeek is a friend and advocate for St Joseph’s Villa and Margaret’s Place and Councillor for Ward 13. Today Arlene gave her yearly “state of the ward” report to the club. Arlene began by thanking the club for the invitation and congratulated us for our great work in the community. She also acknowledged her pleasure in having Russ Powers rejoin Hamilton City council. She certainly appreciates the breadth of knowledge, skills, and experience that Russ brings to the chamber.

Arlene focused her report mostly on traffic in Dundas. She re-iterated that the reconstruction of the King St. hill was continuing to be “on schedule” but that means the hill is closed until Dec. 2022.
As for the bike lanes on Hatt St., these are here to stay. What is “pilot” in the project is the street car parking. If you have suggestions regarding the traffic flow on Hatt St. please sends these to Arlene now as Hatt St. is also scheduled for reconstruction.
The bike lanes will be extended to eventually run from Sydenham hill to Hatt to Baldwin, past the gas station and link to the multi-purpose path on Cootes, thereby enabling biking from rural Dundas to the west end of Hamilton.
She remarked that constituents have complained about speeding and running stop signs, and in general about more aggressive driving. To date a number of traffic calming devices have been deployed such as raised crosswalks and raised intersections, and PXO crossovers. She reminded both drivers and pedestrians to use these flashing cross walks and stop until the pedestrian is off the asphalt.

Arlene was pleased to support the urban boundary freeze by City Council and hopes the provincial government will accept this decision. However, she stated that Dundas and the entire city will now need to look at zoning reform in order to accommodate the population growth that is expected for this region over the next 30 years. She spoke of inclusionary zoning that complements existing zoning; small multiplexes that fit the neighbourhoods and provide what planners and architects call the “Missing Middle”. Freezing the urban boundary is good for saving farmland and food security, but we must be willing and ready to face the challenges created by this decision.
Arlene VanderBeek Ralph Montesanto 2021-12-03 05:00:00Z 0

Beverley Yates: Margaret's Place Hospice

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Beverley Yates is the manager of Margaret's Place Hospice at St. Joseph's Villa in Dundas. The doors opened to patients September 7 and the vision of hospice care became a reality. When they began, everyone was excited and honoured to be entrusted with end of life care.
The hospice is now fully staffed and everyone is committed to hospice life.  Over 60 volunteers have gone through training and provide volunteer support 12 hours a day (8am-8pm) 7 days a week. Beverley also announced that the 4 respite beds for caregivers were opened on November 1. The purpose of these beds is to provide up to 14 days of rest and relief to individuals who are caregivers to palliative patients.

Beverley then shared a series of oral snapshots of life at Margaret’s Place.
Keeping to the principle of “we fulfill a patient’s needs” Beverly gave the example of her sourcing sushi in a local grocery store because that was the request of the family on behalf of the patient. Although Beverley herself was not a sushi aficionado, she was successful and the next day she learned that the patient was most grateful to have had “the best sushi ever”. Clearly the staff wants to go that extra mile.
Margaret’s Place aspires to be a home rooted in love and care in accordance with the philosophy and teachings of the Sisters of St. Joseph’s.
Patients may stay for a number of weeks, but sometimes they have only a few days remaining in life. When a patient dies the hospice has a “Going Away Ceremony” that involves an honour guard, a special quilt and a solemn procession that celebrates the end of life journey.
Several other stories.
Beverley Yates: Margaret's Place Hospice Ralph Montesanto 2021-11-26 05:00:00Z 0

Lisa Anderson: Dundas BIA

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Lisa Anderson has been the coordinator of the Dundas B.I.A. for 9 years; previously she was the manager of the Dundas Farmers’ Market. She attended school in Dundas and Hamilton and graduated from Mohawk College.

The Downtown Dundas B.I.A. covers the businesses on King St. between Cross and John St. (north side) and Albert St.  (South side).Created in 1978, the purpose of all B.I.A.’s is the revitalization of businesses on the main street. There are 310 B.I.A.’s in Ontario. Each B.I.A. is run by a Board of Management elected from the businesses and includes the local Councillor. The businesses are assessed a levy; public buildings, residential buildings, churches and not for profits are not assessed this levy. The goal of every B.I.A. is to “make business better”.
There are ongoing beautification projects directed by the Dundas Downtown B.I.A.: in spring and summer 40 hanging baskets and 18 sidewalk planter; in fall cornstalks are erected; and in winter 57 wreaths and garlands are placed.
There is also a series of event based marketing: the “Easter Eggstravaganza”; the” Dundas International Buskerfest”; “Scarecrow Saturday and Pumpkin Walk”; and finally the “Dickens of a Christmas”.
Lisa Anderson: Dundas BIA Ralph Montesanto 2021-11-19 05:00:00Z 0

Remembrance Day by Dr. Paul Clifford

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In honour of Remembrance Day our resident historian, Dr. Paul Clifford, shared some thoughts and memories. Paul was born in Britain in 1932 so he was a young lad for WWII. But, he was old enough to have vivid remembrances of that time. Paul survived the Blitz; many of his country did not. His comments, today, encouraged us to reflect upon not only those who served in uniform but also those who lived day by day and night by night as civilians.
Remembrance Day by Dr. Paul Clifford Ralph Montesanto 2021-11-12 05:00:00Z 0

Early Dundas by Russ Powers

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Russ Powers has an extensive collection of over 450 post cards depicting Dundas and environs from 1841 until the current day. The pictures are fascinating and Russ has a wealth of knowledge about the history of our area. Some interesting tidbits: Dundas was the first municipality in the Dominion to erect a cenotaph to commemorate W.W.I (Dec. 1921, in Market Square). Dundas is also thought to be the first municipality to feature a town Christmas tree (1914).
Early Dundas by Russ Powers Ralph Montesanto 2021-11-12 05:00:00Z 0

Glen Christensen: The Rotary Foundation

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Glen Christiansen is Past President of the Rotary Club of Brantford Sunrise, Chair of the Rotary Leadership Institute and co-chair of the Foundation Committee (both D7090). The Rotary Fund (TRF) is the charitable arm of Rotary International. It belongs to each Rotarian around the world. It is the heart of Rotary, the engine that powers so many Rotary projects because it transforms your gifts into tangible actions.
Glen Christensen: The Rotary Foundation Ralph Montesanto 2021-11-05 04:00:00Z 0

David Carson: Climate Emergency and COP26

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Dave Carson is a member of the Dundas Valley Sunrise Rotary Club. He has given tirelessly to the club on a number of committees, and this year he is devoting his energy in part to our Community Service and Environment Committee. Today he spoke on COP26 and the Climate Emergency.
Since 1988, nations of the world have been meeting to discuss and explore the problem of climate change. By 1992, a UN Framework Convention on Climate Change was created, and by 1997 the Kyoto Protocol, the world’s first greenhouse gas emission reduction treaty was adopted. The Kyoto Protocol was put in force for 2005.

There have been two other significant “Conference of the Parties” (COP), Copenhagen 2009 and Paris 2015 where the Paris Agreement on Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) was signed. However, in the words of Greta Thunberg, these agreements can be seen as “blah, blah, blah” since so many nations have not made their NDC targets; Canada is one of these nations. This brings everyone to Glasgow, COP 26, and the last best chance to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2050 in order to keep the average temperature of the planet from rising more than 1.5degrees C. The NDC’s will be steep and the time from now to 2030 is considered crucial.

We have seen the weather and climate change effects of the current temperature rise, which is less than 1 degree C.  – Extreme storms, extreme drought, rising oceans. Climate Change is an emergency that poses immediate risk to health, life, property and our environment and it requires urgent intervention to prevent a worsening of the situation. If we stay with current policies, by 2050 the planet’s average temperature will rise between 2.8-3.2 degrees C. We are currently expelling 50 Gigatons of GHG into the atmosphere; we are currently seeing the summer temperatures in dry areas of B.C. reach 49 degrees; the permafrost in the high Artic is melting; drought is scorching the prairies. What an almost tripling of temperature rise would mean is horrible to imagine.

4 Key Goals for Glasgow COP 26 
1.    Secure global net zero GHG emissions by 2050 to keep the temperature rise of 1.5 degrees within reach
2.    Adapt in order to protect communities and Natural habitats by enabling countries affected by climate change to avoid loss of homes, livelihoods and lives.
3.    Mobilize the Global Financial community to raise at least $100bn in climate finance per year. This will require monies from international financial institutions in both the private and public sectors.
4.    Finalize the Paris Rulebook in order to turn ambitions into actions and accelerate the collaboration between businesses, governments, and civil society. We must all work together.
There is no doubt this will be HARD. But humans have the capacity to intentionally take action toward something that will not be easy so that the end result will far exceed the effort and pain endured. We must find the will.
David Carson: Climate Emergency and COP26 Ralph Montesanto 2021-10-28 04:00:00Z 0

Sean Botham: Affordable Housing in Hamilton

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Sean Botham leads the development file for City Housing Hamilton. CHH is the first certified passive house consultant in Canada for community housing corporations. Sean spoke about the need in Hamilton for below market affordable housing for the vulnerable. Currently Hamilton has a massive wait list of over 5000 households. There are 7000 unit of community housing available currently serving 12,000 dwellers. The wait list is centralized He and his team combined with resources from private citizens are determined to rebuild, retrofit and build new using principles of cutting edge design. The passive house approach has been proven to yield high performance and cost effectiveness. In essence they have reset the CHH development strategy.
There are 9 projects underway in the city; 4 are new the other 5 are rebuilds. One example of the rebuild was 500 MacNab the oldest public housing high rise in the city. One hundred and forty seven units have been retrofitted to high performance standards following universal design principles. The building that has been modified to provide thermal comfort throughout, has a simplified mechanical system and is ready for occupancy. Federal and provincial funding was used for this rebuild. One of the challenges for the city is how to take existing spaces and upgrade them – and 500 MacNab is an excellent example of how to do this.
Sean Botham: Affordable Housing in Hamilton Ralph Montesanto 2021-10-22 04:00:00Z 0

Anita Spier: Myles Travel

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Anita Spier is a graduate of Mohawk College’s Travel and Tourism program. She purchased Myles Travel in Dundas in 2000 and has also acquired a sister agency in Beamsville. Anita spoke about COVID 19 and its impact on her business. Pre-pandemic, Anita and her team were having an excellent year and were the recipients in 2019 of the travel industry’s Bravo award for exemplary sales (over $7 million). Then COVID brought the industry to a screeching halt. From March 2020 on, there were hundreds of cancellations of trips. Her sales plummeted and she had to lay off all her staff. And in the beginning of the lockdown there were still many people to get back to Canada. It was a spring of challenge, despair and fear.
The federal government assistance programmes allowed Anita to hire back her staff, working from home. Her agents were grateful. She too was grateful for the support and the support of her loyal clients who have returned to book travel for this year and for 2022. While her business is at about 30% of what it was in 2019, Anita feels positive about next year. Her story is one of many: an example of the swings in fortune and a testament to determination and resiliency.
Anita Spier: Myles Travel Kathy Starodub 2021-10-09 04:00:00Z 0

Truth & Reconciliation A School Board's Curriculum

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Scott Sincerbox welcomed Denise Martins as today’s speaker. Over the last five years Scott and Denise have been colleagues as Superintendents of Education with the Grand Erie District School Board. He praised her skills as a communicator and a collaborator. Denise’s ability to build relationships and her tenacity to see a change through from inception to implementation made her an outstanding leader in their school board. Her work with the Indigenous and non-Indigenous communities was exemplary. Today Denis shared some of the accomplishments.

The GEDSB, like many other organizations recognized the Haudenosaunee and Anishinaabe people as the traditional peoples of this territory. They acknowledge and give gratitude to the Indigenous peoples for sharing these lands.
The school board represents 26,000 students in 58 elementary and 14 secondary schools within the City of Brantford, and the Counties of Brant, Haldimand and Norfolk as well as secondary students from Six nations of the Grand River and the Mississauga of the Credit First Nation.
As leaders and educators in the community the school board knew that it must respond to the finding of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission.

The Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada was formed as a result of recognition of the cultural genocide and assimilation inflicted upon Indigenous people in Canada for generations and in concluding its work, created 94 Calls to Action including numbers 62 and 63 specifically focused on education. 
The Grand Erie District School Board focused on #63 ii, iii, iv as expectations for the system. #63. We call upon the Council of Ministers of Education, Canada to maintain an annual commitment to Aboriginal education issues, including: ii. Sharing information and best practices on teaching curriculum related to residential schools and Aboriginal history. iii. Building student capacity for intercultural understanding, empathy, and mutual respect. iv. Identifying teacher-training needs relating to the above.

In response to this, effective the 2020-21 school year, the English course that Grand Erie students in all Grade 11 pathways are required to take a focused course on Indigenous content and Indigenous authors. Understanding Contemporary First Nations, Métis and Inuit Voices included updated curriculum from the Ministry of Education. The  focus on Indigenous content and Indigenous authors aligned with Grand Erie’s Multi-Year Plan 2016-21, Success for Every Student, through the Equity Indicator and worked to promote practices that help students, families and staff feel safe, welcomed and included.
Truth & Reconciliation A School Board's Curriculum Kathy Starodub 2021-09-29 04:00:00Z 0

District Governor Anne Bermingham Addresses the Club

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Tom welcomed Anne Bermingham, DG 7090 for 2021-2022 to our club. Anne is currently a Past President of RC of Hamilton A.M. She has been a Rotarian for 25 years. In this time she has contributed to and led many activities, auctions, and events in her club and in our district. As the Volunteer Coordinator for Telling Tales, she worked with clubs in both 7090 and 7080. In her professional life, Anne is President of 2WA Consulting Inc. where she assists corporations and individuals with leadership development, change implementation and communication strategies. Among her other activities she is also past Chair of the Board of Directors of Hamilton Burlington United Way. Anne is dedicated to service, both in Rotary and in our community.
And so, Anne presented the Rotary International vision for 2021-2022, aptly titled “Service to Change Lives”. Specifically, she focused on the theme of Rotarians as People of Action who “unite and take action to create lasting change across the globe, in our communities and in ourselves.” Rotary, as a worldwide organization of over 35,000 clubs in over 200 countries acts as a connector. Alone, the organization has some strength; united with others we have the capacity to effect extraordinary change. Look at the End Polio project as just one example of action and impact.The ROTARY INTERNATIONAL ACTION PLAN for 2021-2022 is: Increase our impact, Expand our reach, Enhance participant engagement, and, Increase our ability to adapt.
District Governor Anne Bermingham Addresses the Club Ralph Montesanto 2021-09-25 04:00:00Z 0

Denise Martins Inducted into the Club

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It was with great pleasure we were able to have DG Anne Bermingham and AG Ryan Bridge assist President Tom McLeod and Scott Sincerbox in the induction ceremony for Denise Martins.
We are delighted to welcome Denise into the family of the Dundas Valley Sunrise Rotary Club. She brings a wealth of experience as an educator and wide perspective on the community.
Denise Martins Inducted into the Club Ralph Montesanto 2021-09-25 04:00:00Z 0

Margaret's Place Opens

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This week, led by Don Davidson and Mieke Ewen, fifteen of us toured the new Margaret's Place Hospice at St Joseph’s Villa. The vision had been to bring quality hospice care to Dundas and area. Quality means many things to different people; in this case, the hospice is a ten bed beautiful facility. Six beds are for palliative patients and four are dedicated to respite care for palliative patients and caregivers. The building nestled at the back of the SJV property bordering on the ravine is an example of remarkable, cutting edge architecture and design by McCallum Sather and construction by Ira Macdonald.

Don and his team worked tirelessly to raise the funds for construction. His passionate persuasion led to many donors, large and small, individuals, organizations and service clubs, and yielded over 13 million dollars. Margaret’s Place is a reality because the vision was backed by steadfast perseverance. And now Dundas hosts an outstanding hospice. MP aims to provide a tranquil, caring environment to support families and patients on their end of life journey. The physical setting contributes much to the overall effect. So too, the interior features of Douglas fir columns, stone fireplaces, panoramic windows, gardens and waterfalls unite to reinforce the beauty of nature and to remind us of the continuum in the natural world. The water fountain below is a tribute from Paul Clifford to his wife Barbara.
The spiritual aspects are also present. The Villa, founded by the Sisters of St Joseph, values all faiths and belief systems. Throughout the building there has been careful attention to details in all the rooms and gathering areas.  Almost every area has a view to the outside. It is a truly calm place of reflection and contemplation.
Margaret's Place Opens Ralph Montesanto 2021-09-03 04:00:00Z 0

Bob Morrow and The Canadian Space Agency

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Bob Morrow shared an update on the work of the Canadian Space Agency. He began with an overview of the CSA and their work. First he shared some inspiring images of the International Space Station, the Sun, the Moon, Mars, Saturn, and Earth. All the photos were amazing. That we are able to “see” close up the Moon which is 384,000 km away from Earth, or Mars which ranges from 54,000,000 to 400,000,000 km depending on its orbit or the Sun which is 146,000,000,km away is mind blowing.
The Canadian Space Agency does not build rocket ships—that enormously expensive business is done by others, but it does delve deeply into issues that affect the human body in space, the robotics required to do experimentation and data collection while in space, and the effects closed environment systems have on humans, plants, seeds and other life forms. Every project undertaken by the CSA must have relevance to life on the surface of Earth as well as life in space. Perhaps the best known Canadian Space Agency contribution to space exploration is the robotic Canada Arm. There are now three iterations of this incredible machine. Canada Arm2 remains permanently on the International Space Station. Bob showed us a photo of Canadian astronaut Dave Williams tethered to the arm—a feat of courage and engineering!
Of course space exploration in the most recent days has become the billionaire’s amusement.  Bob had pictures of SpaceX Dragon coming in to dock at the I.S.S.. Certainly, both Elon Musk and Jim Bezos bring a celebrity cache to all things space. But whether they will trump the space programmes of nation states remains to be seen. The desire to explore space is probably an innate human one—from star gazing in the BCE, to the travels to outer limits today. Many of us have grown up watching television shows like Star Trek, Lost in Space, and ST The Next Generation and watching as many launches in the 60’s and 70’s as possible from Mercury to Apollo, to the Shuttles. So much progress has been made in 60 years. The age old saying, “Life imitates art” may not yet be true but we are much closer to space as the final frontier than we have ever been.

Bob Morrow and The Canadian Space Agency Ralph Montesanto 2021-08-20 04:00:00Z 0

Jackie Van Lankveld Uganda School

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Jackie Van Lankveld is a member of the R.C. of St Catharines and incoming Chair of the International Service Committee for D 7090. She brought us an update on their integrated school project for orphaned children in Uganda. In 2015, Jackie who is the Manager of Early Years Services at Niagara Children’s Treatment Centre and a part-time clinical instructor at Brock University began fundraising for a school for orphaned children. She partnered with the R.C. of Nkumba Uganda and an NGO Environmental Women in Action also in Uganda. Historically, Rotary International does not fund bricks and mortar projects, but in 2016 there was a one-time The Rotary Foundation grant called “Simple School Build” that helped make Jackie’s vision possible.

She canvassed D7090 and 14 clubs including DVSRC pledged support for the project. The Ugandan NGO had been able to purchase a 4 acre property on Lak Victoria and the dream of the school that integrated orphans with community children was on its way to realization.
This project had a number of hurdles. First, there was a lot of delay as a result of government environmental testing, retesting, and paperwork. The Rotary Club of Nkumba kept in good communication with R.C. of St. Catharine’s and the project continued. The final payment from R.I. was made Feb 28, 2020. And the school opened.
Jackie Van Lankveld Uganda School Ralph Montesanto 2021-08-12 04:00:00Z 0

Gordon Crann and Peace

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Gordon Crann is a member of R.C. of Hamilton After Five and Team Lead of the R.C. Botswana Satellite Club. Gord has an extensive resume of involvement in Rotary, nationally and internationally, especially with Rotary Action Groups in Microfinance, Community Development and Peace. He has given presentation at the R.I. conventions in Sydney Australia on how to do Global Grant Application for Microfinance projects. Today he spoke about Peace programmes supported the Rotary Foundation.

Rotary International’s involvement with peace began as early as 1914, when the R.C. of Hamilton proposed at the 1914 international convention in Texas that Rotary use its influence to advance peace and goodwill. This commitment was reaffirmed in 1921 at the R.I. convention in Edinburgh.
After WWII, The Rotary Foundation funded U.N. interns and created the Ambassadorial Scholars program. Did you know that five Rotarians have served as Secretary General of the United Nations? There are currently a variety of peace initiatives funded by The Rotary Foundation: Rotary Action Groups for Peace, Rotary Peace Builder Districts, the Institute for Economics and Peace and Rotary Centres for Peace and Conflict Resolution.
Gord then focused his talk on these centres for peace.
Gordon Crann and Peace Ralph Montesanto 2021-08-12 04:00:00Z 0

Emma Cubitt: Affordable Housing in Hamilton

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Emma Cubitt is a principal from Invizij Architects Inc.  Emma, a graduate of the University of Illinois and Waterloo has practiced architecture for the past 15 years. She is passionate about social justice and inclusion and has specialized in livable small spaces. Her personal interests include biking, supporting co-operatives (The Mustard Seed) and laneway housing. Emma began her talk by reviewing some statistics regarding the cost of housing in Hamilton today. The average price of a single family house is over $800k and a condominium is $475k. These prices also put pressure on the cost of rental units. A one bedroom apartment on Kijiji is averaging $1500; a two bedroom is $1700.  If one uses 30% of income as the money dedicated to housing (a CMHC guideline) then in order to purchase a condo one requires an annual income of $100,000 and a down payment of $25,000 ( bare minimum). The average income in Hamilton is slightly more than $75,000/year. They are barely able to afford owning a condo. However, many people make much less than that amount of money. How do they find housing security?

Compounding the challenge of price is the further problem of the high number of vacant buildings, and empty lots in the city. Emma suggested that the owners of these properties may have chosen to keep them underused hoping to ride the wild real estate market and sell them for higher prices rather than invest in them. In addition, it is easier for large developers to obtain financing for new large buildings than it is for smaller independent groups to get financing for retrofitting and renovation. Lastly, although there are large new condo buildings in downtown Hamilton, it appears that a number of units are not occupied. The units have been bought as speculative investments, not as potential rental housing.  
Vacant property is not a problem unique to Hamilton. Other cities like Vancouver and Toronto also face a housing shortage. Their city politicians passed a Vacant Home Tax with a view to deter vacancy. In Hamilton, Councillor Nann has proposed such a tax. Another possible solution to the housing shortage is to revisit ideas about urban development. Rather than expanding the urban boundaries to build more single family houses, Emma (and others) propose greater densification and infilling of existing housing stock. This would entail the development of smaller scale projects in existing neighbourhoods, from duplexes to small multiplexes—a concept architects refer to as “the missing middle”.

Emma then presented several slides of projects that reflect the successful execution of these values and ideas.

Emma Cubitt: Affordable Housing in Hamilton Ralph Montesanto 2021-07-21 04:00:00Z 0

Hilary McLeod: Change and Transitions in the Workplace

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Hilary McLeod, a human resources specialist shared her experience and insights on Change and Transition in the Workplace as a result of COVID.
For the past 14 years she has been an expert in career transition first with LHH Knightsbridge personnel and now with her own consultant company. Hilary was impacted by corporate restructuring 15 years ago and decided to return to school and change careers. She knows whereof she speaks.

She highlighted 5 topics: the Change Model; Managing a Career Transition; Job Trends and Changes to the Workplace after COVID; Transitions to Active retirement; and Life Transitions.
The Change Model is a U shaped curve that has 5 stages of behaviour. The first stage is the anticipation and anxiety one feels knowing that a change will occur. One may also feel shock. Facing the facts of being “let go” and no longer anchored bring the second stage: fear and anger. When things are in flux a strong sense of disorientation characterizes the third stage. As the change is better understood the fourth stage involves a feeling of reappraisal and acceptance. The fifth stage involves a recommitment to moving forward and one may actual feel a renewal of energy and interest as the new reality comes into focus.

Managing a Career transition is stressful but after the initial shock it can be a time of exploration and change and may lead to a complete career shift. Scary but possibly very rewarding!
In order to make the transition happen, Hilary emphasized the need for one to develop a compelling resume that highlights the relevant transferable skills required in the current job market. For some, this may mean getting professional advice from someone like her to help sort out one’s key accomplishments and talents and craft a unique personal brand. The key question is “Why hire me?”
Hilary McLeod: Change and Transitions in the Workplace Ralph Montesanto 2021-07-15 04:00:00Z 0

Tom McLeod 2021-2022 Club President

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Today marked the installation of Tom McLeod as President 2021-2022. Assistant Governor Ryan Bridge read the oath of office reminding Tom of the confidence the club members have in him and his responsibilities to the club as President. Tom, in turn, pledged to do his best. Then Tom installed his Board for 2021-2022.  He reviewed the exceptional work from the previous year—Dine to Donate, the draw for Margaret’s Place, Socks and Skivvies, equipment to Six Nations Polytechnic, the project with the Rotary Club of Nairobi Maderaka.
Rotary International’s President for 2021-2022, Shekhar Mehta has selected “Serve to Change Lives” as the theme for the year. Tom reflected that we in DVSRC are at our best when we engage with our community to serve others. He invoked the R.I. vision statement: “Together we see a World where People unite and take action to create lasting change across the globe, in our communities and in ourselves.”

Tom stated that this year we will work to expand our footprint in the life of Dundas. Everyone is encouraged to join a committee.  The plan for club meetings in the short term will be to continue with Zoom and supplement with in person where possible. And when possible the meetings will return to Dundas Valley Golf and Curling Club. In the longer term, we will explore the possibility of hybrid meetings using technology supported by our District 7090. 
Tom McLeod 2021-2022 Club President Ralph Montesanto 2021-07-08 04:00:00Z 0

Scott Sincerbox Inducted Into Club

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Scott Sincerbox has returned to the club after 14 years.  Scott will soon retire as Superintendent of Human Resources from the Grand Erie District School Board. He had previously joined our club in 2006 but had to leave in 2007 as a result of his work obligations but he promised to return when he was able. Today was the day. Welcome back!
Scott is a resident of Dundas; he brings a wealth of experience and enthusiasm and he has already volunteered to serve on the Youth Services committee.
Scott Sincerbox Inducted Into Club Ralph Montesanto 2021-07-08 04:00:00Z 0

Nancy Harness: Vocational Service

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Bob Morrow introduced our speaker today, our own Nancy Baker. He noted that if we were to compare Nancy’s joining us to a hockey trade, she would a blockbuster. We would be receiving a Wayne Gretsky, a superstar. Thank goodness we in DVSRC didn’t have to actually “trade” anyone. We just “received” a fabulous person, a committed Rotarian, and a member of the Dundas community.
Nancy Jo Baker (nee Wild) was born in Hamilton but raised in Tillisonburg by her parents Ed and Jo. Ed was a fine, funny hardworking man who rose through the ranks of the O.P.P .After his retirement from the force, he joined the Bench as a Justice of the Peace for Oxford County. He was so well regarded that he was asked to remain past the recommended retirement, twice.
Her Mom was a homemaker extraordinaire – a baker, a chef, a sewer, a crafter, a volunteer, a friend to all, and a Citizen of the Year. We can see that Nancy has followed the role models set by her parents. She was raised to care, to strive, to give back. As a young person, she played sports, involved herself in leadership activities and even volunteered as a candy striper at the local hospital.
Over 40 years ago, Nancy began her professional journey as an occupational therapist. Her first job was at Owen Sound General and Marin Hospital and so began her unwavering love of the Saugeen Peninsula.
Her hospital work continued in Toronto and in Hamilton, but she wondered if this was enough. Then, one day a representative from a wheelchair manufacturer gave a professional development presentation that changed the course of Nancy’s career.
Nancy Harness: Vocational Service Ralph Montesanto 2021-06-16 04:00:00Z 0

Margaret's Place Hospice: Deborah Fernandes

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Deborah Fernandez is Manager Volunteer and Community Services for St. Joseph’s Villa. Deborah also has the responsibility of recruiting and training new volunteers for Margaret’s Place.
Deborah began by thanking the community, individuals, groups and service clubs for their generous support in the construction of Margaret’s Place. The hospice will provide end of life care for everyone and continue the tradition of care established long ago in this community by the Sisters of St. Joseph.
She shared several photos for the building’s exterior, interior and grounds. The outstanding setting is matched by the gorgeous architecture. The hospice team is hoping to have 80 volunteers supplement their work. And Deborah still has 40 spots to fill— perhaps you, a friend, or family member would be the right fit.
There are a variety of roles from 1:1 friendly visitor, to receptionist, cook, baker, housekeeper, grief and bereavement support, fundraising and music therapist. The hope is for volunteers to build rapport with the families, facilitate communication, and provide practical and emotional support during this end of life time. In return, volunteers may gain increased self-awareness and fulfillment from making a difference in the lives of others.
If you would like to volunteer please apply on line— 
There will be an interview, police check, TB test, positive reference check and a training and orientation session. The hospice will provide 6 beds for end of life and 4 beds for respite when it opens. The expected opening ceremonies will occur mid to late August with the plan being to receive patients after Labour Day.
Margaret's Place Hospice: Deborah Fernandes Ralph Montesanto 2021-06-09 04:00:00Z 0

Alexis Wenzowski

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Alexis Wenzowski is the club's energetic Director of International Services, Public Image social media contributor, and “go to” member, but today she shared her story focusing on her classification talk.
Alexis, daughter of Steve and Allyson Wenzowski, grew up in the University Gardens neighbourhood of Dundas. She attended Pleasant Valley, Dundana, District and Highland. As a young person she was involved in soccer, swimming, and Guiding. Her Dad, Steve was a police officer in town and involved in the community. Allyson, her Mom, was also very involved (a former member of RC of Dundas, DVSRC and now a member of Rotary After Five in Hamilton). Alexis thanked her parents for providing her with a strong foundation of core values that highlighted giving back to others.

After graduating from McMaster in 2004 with a B.A. in Political Science and History, her first job was in the constituency office of John Bryden, M.P. From there, she moved to Waterloo to study Peace and Conflict at Conrad Grebel College (affiliated with Waterloo). After completing this programme she began work for Waterloo Region first as a Freedom of Information Officer and then as assistant to the City clerk.
Alexis Wenzowski Ralph Montesanto 2021-05-20 04:00:00Z 0

Emmy Iheme

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Emmy Iheme, a fellow Rotarian from RC of Oshawa is a retired Staff Sergeant from Durham Regional Police Services. After 29 years on the force, he is now able to devote his time to his family and his volunteer life. But before we get to that, a few bits from his life’s story. Emmy was born in Lagos Nigeria into a loving, supportive and well educated family who shaped his values and life’s arc. As a promising young soccer player, Emmy was awarded a scholarship into the farm system of a European soccer club. So began his teenage years in Europe. After several transfers, he landed in Italy, released from the soccer obligations and able to attend university, which he did at the Vatican! His slides of home, Italy and Pope John Paul II were a great opportunity for us to travel vicariously this morning.

His friendship with a Canadian family whom he met while at the Vatican Museum led him to Canada in the early 80”s. And in 1985, he accepted a position with Durham Regional P.S. While at university Emmy had specialized in conflict resolution thus he was well prepared for some of the challenges he would encounter during his next 29 years. He worked across Durham region from Whitby and Oshawa to Clarington, beginning as a foot patrol and rising first to C.I.D., then homicide detective, then Executive Officer and finally Staff Sergeant, platoon leader. He retired in 2019.

His professional life was the catalyst for his community involvement especially in his desire to make a positive influence on youth. To that end, an example of his volunteerism is his 2019 co-chairing of the Ontario Parasport Games where over 450 athletes from around the province came to Durham to compete. His photos of some of the athletes and games illustrated how gifted and talented these athletes are.
In addition to coaching, Emmy is involved with the Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sports. This organization works with Canadian athletes of all ages to educate them on the dangers of drug use (both recreationally and as athletic enhancements). This work has taken him to many schools from elementary to university, to the Para Olympic Games in Vancouver and Turin, and this summer to the Games in Tokyo.
Emmy Iheme Ralph Montesanto 2021-05-14 04:00:00Z 0

Sarah Lampson Tells Her Story

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Sarah Lampson's professional designation is Research Administration. Positions in RA range from managing research projects, managing research sponsors, applying for grants, managing clinical trials, and research ethics. The role is found in universities, colleges, academic hospitals, government and non-profit organizations.

From 1997-2005, Sarah was a Research Contracts Officer and Grants Officer at McMaster. From 2005-2013 she managed clinical trials for both Hamilton Health Sciences and McMaster University specializing in oncology research contracts from 2009-2013. During this time she also volunteered in her field. She authored dozens of articles, presented at conferences, moderated and created webinars, started two national mentoring programmes and co-authored two books that are used at over 500 institutions globally. From 2013 until now, Sarah has been the Executive Director of the Canadian Association of Research Administrators.
Some of her achievements in this role have been to turn the group’s operating deficit into a surplus within the first year and then increase the revenue for the association by 43% over the next four years. Capitalizing on her volunteer work, she continued to create mentorship programmes, and webinars and she established an awards programme for the group. Under her leadership, CARA has entered into a partnership with Mohawk College to offer Canada’s first Research Administration Certificate. CARA now has a bursary programme for students who are enrolled in this course and to date has awarded over $100,000 to worthy recipients. Since 2017, Sarah has been a part-time instructor of contracts, reporting, and research finance at Mohawk College’s McKeil School of Business.
Sarah Lampson Tells Her Story Ralph Montesanto 2021-05-07 04:00:00Z 0

Dr.Ravi Bansal Solo Flight Around The World

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Dr. Bansal is a fellow Rotarian from the RC of Buffalo. After a successful career as an entrepreneur Ravi had a dream to “fly around the world” And while he didn’t have a lot of experience flying solo in his state of the art single engine Cessna, and his family thought this idea was very risky, he found a purpose to drive his passion and the rest of the story came together.

A native of Ambala India, Ravi visited family in 2005, and realized the local Charity Hospital which had treated his ailing sister-in-law, did not have the resources needed to successfully diagnose cancer. Furthermore, he learned that no one from India had ever completed RTW flight. The challenge was set! And Ravi chose to rise to that challenge. He would dedicate his flight to raising funds for a MRI machine for the Ambala Charity Hospital, raise awareness in the Ambala region of the importance of early cancer detection and treatment and finally by being the first Indian to complete a RTW solo flight in a single engine plane acquire recognition and publicity for the causes.
Dr.Ravi Bansal Solo Flight Around The World Ralph Montesanto 2021-04-29 04:00:00Z 0
World Immunization Week Ralph Montesanto 2021-04-25 04:00:00Z 0

Scott Vance Tells His Story

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Scott Vance is member of the Rotary Club of Dundas Valley Sunrise. He is also the most recent cook of the lobsters at our annual Lobster Rib Fest. Scott is a long time resident of Dundas, growing up and going to school here. At age 13, he no longer was interested in hockey as he once was. He watched his sister at her figure skating lessons and thought “that was easy”. His Dad, in turn, challenged him to try and the rest as they say is history. As a hockey player, Scott had skating basics, but figures were a completely different thing. Undaunted, Scott took the challenge.

For the next decade, Scott devoted himself to figure skating, practicing at least 4 hours per day, every day. He sought out instruction from Kerry Leitch, of the Preston Skating Club, a renowned Canadian coach. At Preston, Scott was exposed to world class competitors and this served to motivate him further. As a pair’s skater, Scott thrust his partners high above his head while balancing on a thin blade of steel. Strength, energy, fearlessness, hard work, trust – these are the attributes Scott honed during those years. When he retired from competition in 1990 at 24 years of age, he and his partner were ranked 5th at Nationals.
Scott Vance Tells His Story Ralph Montesanto 2021-04-20 04:00:00Z 0

Russ Powers Tells His Story

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Classification Talks are an important part of Rotary's Vocational Service. Today Russ Powers gave his “Re-Classification Talk”. Russ is a charter member of the Rotary Club of Dundas Valley Sunrise and his classification at the time was Medical Laboratory Technology. He left the club in 2012 because he could not attend any Tuesday meetings because of his new job. He has recently returned with the new classification “Municipal Consultation”.

Russ is probably the only member of the DVSRC with his own page on Wikipedia: Russ has lived in Dundas for 55 years and for most residents he would be known as Mr. Dundas. He was born in Toronto and moved with his family to Dundas in 1966. He was educated at Dundas District High School, Mohawk College and the Royal Institute of Public Health and Hygiene. He worked at McMaster University in laboratory medicine from 1979 until his retirement in 2007. Russ also has military experience, having served as a Logistics Officer in the Canadian Army & Air Reserves.

Russ Powers Tells His Story Ralph Montesanto 2021-04-01 04:00:00Z 0

‘Finding Francis’ - A 12th Century Saint in 21st Century Dundas. 

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Mike Deed is Rector of Saint James Anglican Church, Dundas. His topic is entitled: ‘Finding Francis’ - A 12th Century Saint in 21st Century Dundas. 
Mike Deed was born in Chatham, Kent (pronounced “Cham” there) and from an early age became passionate about Doctor Who, eating, reading and religion.  After studying theology at university, Mike’s first job was as a youth worker, primarily engaged with supporting young people on the street in Hounslow. Mike was ordained as a priest at Saint Paul’s Cathedral, London, UK and served two parishes in West London before moving to Canada in 2007 where he served churches in Burlington and Hamilton Mountain before being appointed as Rector of Saint James Church, Dundas in July 2019. Mike and his husband live in Hamilton and are owned by three cats. Mike is an associate of the Society of Saint Francis (Province of the Americas), a founder of the Doctor Who Society of Canada, Diocesan Liturgical Officer for the Diocese of Niagara and an honourary Canon of Christ’s Church Cathedral.
The theme of Mike’s talk was how we could use the teachings and experiences of St. Francis of Assissi here in Dundas. A good write-up on St. Francis is available in this Wikipedia article
‘Finding Francis’ - A 12th Century Saint in 21st Century Dundas. Ralph Montesanto 2021-03-18 04:00:00Z 0

Alan Hansell: The Stewards of Cootes

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According to Alan Hansell the Executive Director of the Stewards of Cootes Watershed, we  “do the obvious” – clean up the watershed and keep it clean. They’ve changed advocacy from pointing fingers to doing something about the pollution found in Cootes watershed. The group supervises over 40 clean-ups per year in Cootes and another 40 in the Red Hill Creek watershed.
Since the program began five and a half years ago in the Cootes watershed we have put a lot of volunteer hours in and pulled a lot of garbage out. Check out our statistics for Cootes Watershed cleanups below:
Alan Hansell: The Stewards of Cootes Ralph Montesanto 2021-03-11 05:00:00Z 0

Great Lakes Watershed Clean Up

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Our first speaker was District 7090 Governor Frank Adamson who was on-line to talk about mobilizing the troops for the District’s Great Lakes Watershed Cleanup,
The Great Lakes Watershed Cleanup initiative is an effort that has grown from a District 7090 service project covering a small portion of Lake Ontario and Erie to a multi-district plan to focus Rotarians’ attention to all 5 of the Great Lakes and streams and waterways feeding them.
The Great Lakes Watershed events will be held between Saturday, April 17th, and Saturday, April 24th to coincide with the celebration of Earth Day, which falls on April 22nd.
Clubs from District 7090 (and many other districts) will be involving Club Members, Rotaractor, students, Scouts and many others to clean up the waterways that feed the Great Lakes.
Great Lakes Watershed Clean Up Ralph Montesanto 2021-03-11 05:00:00Z 0

Captain William Knox

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Captain William Knox gave a brief history of his days as a pilot.  William retired last year from his job as a pilot with Ethiopian Airlines. He has always been interested in flying and wasn’t as interested in school so he went to flight school and became a pilot. His first position was in Wiarton where he was also an instructor for 11 years. He flew all over Ontario and several times to Newfoundland. He noted that it was always extremely windy in St. John’s – one time it as so windy that his small plane was being blown all over the place and had to be welded in place by freezing the wheels to the tarmac using water.
He graduated from the small 14 seat plane to the DC4 – a plane that he really loved to fly even though it was old and leaked oil. He graduated from the DC4 to a Convair and was, for the first time, a Captain (the head pilot). Over his career he worked for several airlines given the ups and downs of the airline industry. He worked in Guyana for 5 years. He was working for ICC Canada and flying often to Mexico when he met his wife Carlotta. Carlotta herself was once a member of DVSRC.
Captain William Knox Ralph Montesanto 2021-03-03 05:00:00Z 0

Trouble Underground - the pipes are calling

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Sheldon Thomas is proprietor of Clear Water Legacy. Clear Water Legacy Inc. is a water distribution operator training service, created by Sheldon, retired Manager of Water Distribution for the City of Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Mr. Thomas devoted more than a quarter century to operating and then managing Hamilton’s aged, unique, and complex water infrastructure.

Sheldon spoke on: “Trouble Underground: the Pipes are Calling” a story of the decaying water main infrastructure in Hamilton. To set the tone for his talk, Sheldon’s first slide showed a fire hydrant with dirty, rusty water gushing out of it. Most of the water pipes in Hamilton are made from cast iron. Although they are initially pristine, after about 15 years or so they begin to corrode.
Trouble Underground - the pipes are calling Ralph Montesanto 2021-02-24 05:00:00Z 0

Engineering Day With Tony Cupido

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Tony Cupido is Research Chair, Sustainability IDEAWORKS, at Mohawk College. Tony’s research initiatives include the development of an operational performance database for Canada’s award-winning, largest institutional, net-zero energy and zero carbon building – The Joyce Centre for Partnership and Innovation – and the creation of an industry model for sustainable operational practices. He was recently appointed to the Board of The Canada Green Building Council (CaGBC). 
In his presentation, Tony discussed the following topics in Mohawk’s “Plan to Achieve Net Zero and Challenges”:
•Energy Targets & Model
•Building Envelope Design
•Mechanical Systems
•Solar PV and Solar Thermal Systems
•Measurement & Verification
•Change in Culture

Some of the slides from his talk are re-produced below.
Engineering Day With Tony Cupido Ralph Montesanto 2021-02-10 05:00:00Z 0

Joanne McCallum Architect

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Twenty-five years ago, Joanne McCallum and her business partner, Greg Sather, founded their own architectural firm, inspired by the pursuit of sustainable design. Under Joanne’s leadership as Executive Officer, McCallumSather has grown into a firm of 40 multi-disciplinary designers all united behind a mission – to create a more resilient world through the advancement of sustainable design intelligence. She has a deep love for Hamilton and continues to take a hands-on role in the design of meaningful projects with lasting impact. Margaret’s Place Hospice in Dundas and Valley Park Library in Stoney Creek both currently in construction, are impactful, community-based designs. In addition, her award-winning work on The Joyce Centre for Partnership & Innovation, a Net Zero Certified project, made headlines internationally and highlighted Hamilton as a leader in sustainable design.  Joanne was an active Rotarian for over twenty years, first at the Rotary Club of Downtown Hamilton and later at Hamilton Sunrise Club.  She is also a Paul Harris Fellow. 
Joanne McCallum Architect Ralph Montesanto 2021-02-03 05:00:00Z 0

Project With The Rotary Club of Nairobi Madaraka

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Sammy Malaki is the President of the Rotary Club of Nairobi Madaraka.  The Rotary Club of Dundas Valley Sunrise is planning a literacy project with Sammy's club. Sammy introduced his team: Past President Njoki Maingi, VP Wanja Muguongo, PE Wilson Kamau, Project Director Joel Mwangi, and Treasurer Keshi Mukuria. 
Project With The Rotary Club of Nairobi Madaraka Ralph Montesanto 2021-01-27 05:00:00Z 0

Six Nations Polytechnic: Linda Parker

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Linda Parker gave us an overview of Six Nations Polytechnic. Founded in 1993 by order of Band Council, SNP was initially chartered to bring post-secondary education and training to the people of Six Nations of the Grand. These six Iroquois nations, Mohawk, Cayuga, Onondaga, Oneida, Tuscarora, and Seneca comprise the largest First Nation community in the country. SNP’s mission now is to provide lifelong learning from youth to seniors with such strands as basic literacy, STEAM, college and university preparation, apprenticeship and skilled trades training, continuing education, and professional development for Ontario certified teachers. In particular, SNP is an institution where First Nation’s culture and language thrive. If thirty or more years ago, language training was exclusively English, it is now required that the SNP students take at least one credit in NSL (Native as First Language).Furthermore, one is now able to earn a Bachelor of Arts degree in two First Nation languages, Mohawk and Cayuga. And as many of us know, the ability to reclaim one’s language is an integral step in identity building and healing of colonial trauma.
Six Nations Polytechnic: Linda Parker Ralph Montesanto 2021-01-19 05:00:00Z 0
50/50 Draw for Margaret's Place Hospice Has a Winner Ralph Montesanto 2021-01-13 05:00:00Z 0

Labour Employment and COVID19

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Elizabeth McLeod is a lawyer with O’Neill Associates, a leading labour and employment firm in Thunder Bay. Liz is a member of the Charter Class of the Bora Laskin Faculty of Law at Lakehead University. She has advocated for clients in front of the Ontario Court of Justice, the Superior Court of Justice, the OLRB and the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario. She sits on several not for profit Boards, teaches a law course at Lakehead and volunteers in the community. While the content of her presentation is not legal advice, it is pertinent to a great many of us. 
First, the pandemic has impacted the workplace in a number of ways: federal law; work environment; provincial law.
Labour Employment and COVID19 Ralph Montesanto 2021-01-06 05:00:00Z 0

St. Matthew's House Auction

The club holds an auction within its membership and invited guests each December for St. Matthew's House. Of course the auctions happen in person during the breakfast meeting. Well, not during COVID-19 times!

We risked using a new format, Zoom, and we were rewarded; and, we were able to demonstrate once again to ourselves and others that we care, about Dundas (where many of us purchased auction items in support of local businesses and about those in the community who are vulnerable. Barb Busing and her team did a fantastic job of organizing -- and without her, Norm and Jody the mechanics of listing, recording and collecting would not happen.  And of course our auctioneer, Bruce Eccles pictured above, was once again, awesome.

We raised the most money ever in the history of this event – over $9000.

Renee Wetselaar the executive director of St. Matthew's House and David Savage the board chair who both attended were very grateful and thanked us heartily. The generosity of DVSRC was a Christmas gift to so many.
St. Matthew's House Auction Ralph Montesanto 2020-12-15 05:00:00Z 0

Allison Kingston and Shelter Box

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Allison Kingston is Community Fundraising Coordinator for ShelterBox Canada and a member of the Rotaract Club of Toronto. ShelterBox is an organization that is Rotary International’s first Project Partner and supplies emergency shelter for people in need around the world. Begun in 2000, by a U.K. Rotary club, it has expanded worldwide and has helped to house over 1.6 million people in 97 countries over the pasts 20 years. Currently, they estimate that over 104 million people are in need of emergency shelter, driven from their homes by conflict (e.g. Tigray in Ethiopia) or natural disaster (e.g. Super Typhoon Goni in the Philippines). For many who have landed in hugely overcrowded refugee camps (e.g. Nigeria) the coronavirus pandemic exacerbates the hardships.
Allison Kingston and Shelter Box Ralph Montesanto and Kathy Starodub 2020-12-01 05:00:00Z 0
Remembrance Day Ralph Montesanto 2020-11-10 05:00:00Z 0

Lynda Lukasik Environment Hamilton

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Dr. Lynda Lukasik, has dedicated her life’s work to making Hamilton a better place to live. There is a climate crisis and we all have a part to play in moving us towards a post carbon world. Although the City of Hamilton has declared a climate emergency and has issued a statement in support of the need for change, the pandemic has slowed this impetus. She urges us not to lose sight of the bigger picture.
Lynda Lukasik Environment Hamilton Ralph Montesanto 2020-11-05 05:00:00Z 0

Deirdre Pike

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Our guest speaker today was Deirdre Pike, a Senior Social Planner for the Social Planning and Research Council of Hamilton (SPRC), the Justice and Outreach Consultant for the Anglican Diocese of Niagara, and a columnist for The Hamilton Spectator. She outlined many of the projects that she is engaged in. She also recognized the work that DVSRC are already doing and suggested new possibilities for the club.
Deirdre Pike Ralph Montesanto 2020-10-31 04:00:00Z 0

Ride For Polio

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Harold Gruneberg thanks everyone who donated to his District 7090 Ride For Polio which was held on World Polio Day, October 24. All donations went directly to the Rotary Foundation Polio Fund. With matching grants and other donations, Governor Frank Adamson estimates that District 7090 raised about $500,000 US for polio eradication.

Harold was part of Governor Frank's team “Pedal for Polio Plus”. The ride originally was planned to be from the Peace Bridge in Niagara Falls to Niagara-on-the-Lake which would have been about 90 km. The American ride was planned to do about 70 miles, which together translated symbolically to 7090.
Ride For Polio Ralph Montesanto 2020-10-25 04:00:00Z 0

Scott Eccles and Eccles Automotive Service

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Eccles Auto Service has been a premier business in Dundas since 1984. Now in its 5th decade, the leadership reins have been assumed by Scott Eccles, son of Bruce and Claire.
Their 121 King St location is now the main office for customer service. Here the clients are greeted by service advisors Anne, Krisia or Jim. The automotive service work may occur at King St. or the second location at 123 Hatt Street. In total, EAS has 9 bays with 4 licensed technicians and 2 apprentices. All under the direction of Jim Lawton GM and Scott Eccles. Bruce is a consultant for the business and Claire still does the bookkeeping. 
Scott Eccles and Eccles Automotive Service Ralph Montesanto 2020-10-24 04:00:00Z 0

Phil Kriszenfeld:Transitions Mediation and Consulting Group

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Phil Kriszenfeld of Transitions Mediation and Consulting Group specializes in alternative dispute resolution focusing on family businesses. Having a personal background in family manufacturing and retail business, Phil knows firsthand the challenges of going from son, to shareholder, to former owner. He supplemented this experiential learning with additional training at the University of Waterloo and at the faculty of law at Windsor University.
His role as mediator is unlike that of the accountant, lawyer, or wealth advisor in the family business. As he put it, his job is to make the family business operate better in the boardroom and the living room.
Phil Kriszenfeld:Transitions Mediation and Consulting Group Ralph Montesanto 2020-10-21 04:00:00Z 0

Shredding Day - A Full Truck

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Local magician John Henley watches as Russ King and Derek Price unload his documents to be shredded. And magically the material disappears into the shredding truck to be joined by almost 4880 kilograms of other shredded material only to reappear somewhere in the world as recycled material put to a new life. Thank you to Scott and Bruce Eccles of Eccles Automotive Service for the use of their property.
Shredding Day - A Full Truck Ralph Montesanto 2020-10-19 04:00:00Z 0

Dealing With Harassment in the Workplace

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April Terreau of Navigating Integrity Associates is dedicated to creating healthy workplaces by dealing effectively with harassment. She trained with the legal firm Rubin Thomlinson, LLP, one of the top workplace investigative firms.
Dealing With Harassment in the Workplace Ralph Montesanto 2020-10-07 04:00:00Z 0

An Instrument For Every Child

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Janice Shearer is a marketing and fundraising specialist for a number of local charities including the Hamilton Music Collective which sponsors An Instrument For Every Child (AIFEC). That program was established out of concern for the erosion of music training in the schools and is supported by the Hamilton Community Foundation, a significant private donor and other local businesses and service clubs.
An Instrument For Every Child Ralph Montesanto 2020-09-29 04:00:00Z 0

Best Minds Design Mechanical Ventilator

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Dr. Alexandra Pedersen and Dr. Tony Noble of the Arthur B McDonald Canadian Astroparticle Physics Research Institute at Queen’s University outlined the Mechanical Ventilator Milano (MVM) that a team of hundreds of physicists and engineers came together to build in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Best Minds Design Mechanical Ventilator Ralph Montesanto 2020-09-23 04:00:00Z 0
District Governor Frank Adamson Ralph Montesanto 2020-09-02 04:00:00Z 0

Dr. Ellen Ryan

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Dr. Ellen Ryan is Professor Emeritus from McMaster University’s Departments of Psychiatry and Behavioural Neurosciences and Department of Health, Aging and Society.
Dr. Ellen Ryan Ralph Montesanto 2020-08-19 04:00:00Z 0

Jessica Brennan Past President 2012-13

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Jessica Brennan    President, 2017 – 2018
Jessica was born and raised in Montreal. She earned her Bachelor’s degree from Concordia, a Masters in Sociology, and a post-graduate degree from the University of Western Ontario in Library Science.
Jessica Brennan Past President 2012-13 Ralph Montesanto 2020-08-19 04:00:00Z 0

Meet Our Members - Stacy Bennett

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Stacy Bennett
After 35 years with RBC, Stacy Bennett was ready for a change! Having returned to Dundas in 2017, the town where she grew up, she was keen to get involved in this great community.
Meet Our Members - Stacy Bennett Ralph Montesanto 2020-08-16 04:00:00Z 0

Health and Wellness Initiative

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Past District Governor Kevin Crosby gave a detailed presentation on the D7090 new Health and Wellness Initiative. The vision of this initiative is to have our District be a leader in Rotary by taking an active role in supporting and promoting the total health and well-being of our communities.
Health and Wellness Initiative Ralph Montesanto 2020-08-13 04:00:00Z 0
Club Members Visit Margaret's Place Hospice Construction Ralph Montesanto 2020-08-12 04:00:00Z 0

Meet Our Member - Mieke Ewen

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This week’s featured member is Mieke Ewen. A Dundas native, she is a graduate of Parkside High and the Mohawk/McMaster Nursing programme. As the Administrator of St Joseph’s Villa, Mieke is responsible for oversight of the campus operations including those of the Villa Long Term Care, Margaret’s Place Hospice and St. Joseph’s Estates.
Meet Our Member - Mieke Ewen Ralph Montesanto 2020-07-28 04:00:00Z 0

Kurt Schlange Past President 2000-2001

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Our second President was Kurt Schlange. He was born in Dundas and attended Yorkview Public School before moving to West Hamilton where he finished his education. He returned to Dundas as a loans manager for the CIBC and after a stint in Ancaster he became the branch manager of Canada Trust in Dundas. During his year as president, the club was just getting started. He recalls a group of energetic individuals working to raise community awareness and expand membership. 
Kurt Schlange Past President 2000-2001 Ralph Montesanto 2020-07-27 04:00:00Z 0

Charter President Ralph Montesanto

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Born and raised in Dundas, Ralph may be the best investment Rotary ever made. He attended Parkside High School and at graduation received a Rotary bursary. Ralph has been paying this back many, many times over the course of twenty years with his leadership, enthusiasm and boundless energy for all things Rotary.
Charter President Ralph Montesanto Ralph Montesanto 2020-07-14 04:00:00Z 0

Cleaning Up the Community Garden

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Zucchini, peas, marigolds and woodchips? As every gardener knows, things grow better when there are no weeds. So this team of Rotarians gathered at the Sunrise Rotary Garden at St. Mark’s to help the gardeners by tamping down those pesky weeds.
Cleaning Up the Community Garden Ralph Montesanto 2020-07-11 04:00:00Z 0

Celebrating 20 Years


The Dundas Valley Sunrise Rotary Club was conceived at a meeting of the Dundas Rotary Club with the District Governor, Roger Allan on August 5th, 1997. DG Roger asked whether the community of Dundas needed a morning club. Vice-President Robert Morrow responded positively and, with the assistance of President-Elect John Stevenson, the concept grew … albeit slowly … until 1999 when seven members of the Dundas Rotary Club started meeting on a regular basis with the intent of initiating a “breakfast” Rotary Club in the Town of Dundas. The seven included Carl Fraser, Carl Lehman, Sharon Lacey, Vlad Veckie, Ken Turner, Fred Amalfi and Robert Morrow. This group contacted former Rotarians who had had difficulty attending noon meetings (Russ Powers, Ralph Montesanto, Paul Clifford, Bud Fisher, Dave Matchett) and added some new faces before starting a provisional club on July 1, 1999 with Ralph Montesanto as charter president. The club reached the “magic number” of 25 and was chartered on the first day of the new millennium – January 1, 2000. 
Presently because of COVID-19 the Tuesday morning meetings are by Zoom. You are welcome to join a meeting.
Celebrating 20 Years Ralph Montesanto 2020-06-30 04:00:00Z 0

Shredding Day A Great Success

What a fantastic day! The community came out in full force and we were ready for them. We put together and implemented a traffic flow plan so that we could follow COVID-19 physical distancing rules. We also used face shields, masks, gloves and sanitizers.
We had fewer volunteers to keep physical contact with clients to a minimum. 
Thank you to Jennifer Pavao the Shred-It Transportation Manager who worked the entire time and ordered a second truck because so many boxes arrived on site.
A special thanks to Dundas lawyer Mark Castle who brought 108 boxes (more than paid for the truck rental) and then stayed to load his truck 8 times with flattened boxes and took them to the transfer station.
The club provided a service that the community wants, raised funds doing it, saved over 107 trees and recycled over 12 000 pounds of paper.
A fabulous service project.
Shredding Day A Great Success Ralph Montesanto 2020-06-23 04:00:00Z 0

Meet Rotary International President Mark Maloney

Rotary District 7090 holds an Open Mic Zoom meeting June 9 at 7PM and special guest Rotary International President Mark Maloney will be speaking and interacting with the audience. This does not happen very often; so, be sure to sign on and see and hear your RI president.
Meet Rotary International President Mark Maloney Ralph Montesanto 2020-06-07 04:00:00Z 0
Shredding Day June 20 9 AM-1 PM Ralph Montesanto 2020-05-31 04:00:00Z 0

Virtual Fireworks

The Show WILL Go On
While 12 000 - 14 000 people won't be celebrating Victoria Day Fireworks at the Dundas Driving Park this year due to  COVID-19, we are doing it virtually.
Watch any time at your convenience.
You can also go to our Facebook page to access the link there. Enjoy!!
Virtual Fireworks Ralph Montesanto 2020-05-15 04:00:00Z 0

Corporate Members Inducted


Corporate member Lori King, associate members Russell King and Nicole Turner from AED4life; and, Corporate member Dr. Laura Thomas, associate members Dr. Betty Johnson and Dr. Katie Mann from Dundas Optometry Clinic.
Corporate Members Inducted Ralph Montesanto 2020-05-07 04:00:00Z 0

Salty Animal Rescue

Salty Animal Rescue officially opened in Greensville, Ontario on January 1, 2020. 
The founders are Karly and Katelyn Saltarski.  They operate as a non for profit and the rescue depends solely on fundraising events and donations. 
The rescue is 100% volunteer based, taking in, caring for and placing abandoned and unwanted pets in foster homes to find the right permanent home.
Contact them if you are interested in adopting or know of animals that need rescuing.
Salty Animal Rescue
Kate Saltarski: 905-541-3636
Karly Saltarski: 289-237-6037
Salty Animal Rescue Ralph Montesanto 2020-04-29 04:00:00Z 0
Presidential Profile - Ralph Montesanto Robert Morrow 2020-04-29 04:00:00Z 0

A Look at 2020

At our first meeting from the year, we heard from a panel of prognosticators, who shared their thoughts about 2020 has in store for us in the areas of politics, sports and investing. From left to right are Ernie Romain (sports), Carl Fraser (investing) and former Dundas Mayor John Addison. Kathy Starodaub moderated. Big takeaway for the year came from Ernie Romain -- Maple Leafs will win the Stanley Cup this season. Anyone want to take that bet? :)
A Look at 2020 Gina Monaco 2020-01-07 05:00:00Z 0

A Look at 2020

At our first meeting from the year, we heard from a panel of prognosticators who shared their thoughts about what 2020 has in store for us in the areas of politics, sports and investing. From left to right are Eddie Romain (sports), Carl Fraser (investing) and former Dundas Mayor John Addison. Big takeaway for the year came from Eddie Romain -- Maple Leafes will win the Stanley Cup this season. Anyone want to take that bet? :)
A Look at 2020 Gina Monaco 2020-01-07 05:00:00Z 0

Margaret's Place Hospice

The Rotary Club of Dundas and the Rotary Club of Dundas Sunrise presented a cheque for $30,000 to Margaret's Place Hospice at St Joseph's Villa. The Villa plans to break ground in the next few weeks.
Margaret's Place Hospice Gina Monaco 2019-11-27 05:00:00Z 0

Sara Bird Program Consultant Children Youth & Family Services

Posted by Ralph Montesanto on Nov 19, 2019
Sara Bird is the program consultant children youth & family ministry for the Anglican Diocese of Niagara. Sara walked us through her early life as a PK -priest's kid, through her Highland dance career, her managerial jobs at Boston Pizza and Roots clothing to her undergraduate work in Sociology. She started as a volunteer at HARRRP, got hired, became a program director to run after school programs for grade 6 to 8 youth. She is now working for the diocese and has 50 staff and volunteers that service 500 youth. 
She told us youth are more educated, diverse, connected and engaged than ever before. However, they take longer to transition to adulthood, live at home longer, carry heavy school debt, marry later, have fewer children and are a click away from just about anything.
Mental health issues are common with youth and young adults. Gender inclusion is not an issue for them. 
She closed by saying she finds the interests of youth and develops programs for that interest.
Sara Bird Program Consultant Children Youth & Family Services Ralph Montesanto 2019-11-19 05:00:00Z 0

Meeting of October 24 2019

Posted by Jody Beck on Oct 27, 2019
The Oct 22 2019 meeting was vocational services at Dundas Arena. Thanks to director of vocational service Derek Price for arranging the location and bringing in the breakfast. Also, thank you to Ken Beel for supplying the dishes and cups to reduce trash.
Guest of the club, Liz Whitton was invited by Gina; and Bob who is a friend of Carl.
The purpose of today's vocational service meeting was to get a tour of the remodelled addition to the arena and to see the community room in case our club is interested in helping to finish it.

Announcements – St James Dundas House Tour is Dec 7. Kathy Starodub – Rotary Stars reminder – we need wine, bring next week. Over $8,500 in sponsorships so far. If you have tickets to sell, please do so and bring money October 29. If you have no tickets p[lease consider getting them and invite your friends to attend.
Happy Dollars
Palermo Opera was a good visit
Grant – Good dinner at DVGCC – Social members give it a try
Phil Wood - McMaster Live Lab was a good place to hear music
Jan Southall – Amazing trip to Belgium, Austria and Amsterdam
Bob Morrow – This house move will be his last – too much work!

Grant – Thanks to Carl and Derek for putting Arena tour together; the Paul Harris Dinner was a great success. Dec 10 – Christmas Auction for St Matthews House – bring donations or cash or debit card
Ryan Turner – Routes Dinner $25 Friday.  - tickets still available
Tour – opening remarks by Ken Beel – history of Arena and how renovation happened and was taken over by City
Change rooms reflect the future – modern, more of them, some accessible, same sex rooms to accommodate mixed gender teams
Kitchen – available for Rent
Community Room – still being finished – can be rented for events
Track for running / walking is up and running.
Tour led by Joe Kennedy – everything looks refreshed and clean.  
Meeting of October 24 2019 Jody Beck 2019-10-27 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary in the Community for Shredding Day

 The rain stayed away, for the most part, as the Club held its Annual Fall Shredding Day on Saturday, September 28  at Eccles Auto Service in downtown Dundas.
The morning started off slowly but eventually picked up and Ralph and the crew of volunteers were kept busy. There were new faces, some familar faces and many friends of Rotary who donated  boxes of paper to the shredder. 
A big shout out to all the volunteers and to the Dundas community for their participation. Money raised goes to  help eradicate polio in the world. Save your paper for the Spring Shredding Day in May, 2020!
Rotary in the Community for Shredding Day Gina Monaco 2019-09-28 04:00:00Z 0

Greg Freije - Volunteer Fire Fighter

Posted by Ralph Montesanto on Sep 24, 2019
Peter Dendekker introduced Greg Freije who is a volunteer firefighter with the City of Hamilton. Greg is also a long time employee of Peter’s window company, Aerloc Industries, starting there when he was 15 years old.
Greg Freije is a volunteer firefighter with the Lynden Fire Department, Station 26. There are between 20 – 25 volunteers working out of that station. The Hamilton Fire Department consists of 280 volunteers and 440 full time firefighters and is one of the largest composite departments in Ontario making over 35 000 calls annually that include 65% medical in nature, 3% actual structure fires and 32% alarm conditions like Hazmat, CO, MVC or rescue.
Preventable education is a big part of the department’s work with 20 000 home visits, many to replace smoke detectors or batteries. As well, the department has an educational van that travels to various fairs to promote fire safety, especially with children and youth.
Greg took a number of questions that dealt with the mental health of firefighters who see some very horrendous things while fighting fires or giving assistance.
Derek Dix thanked Greg for his presentation and for his service to the community
Greg Freije - Volunteer Fire Fighter Ralph Montesanto 2019-09-24 04:00:00Z 0

Vocational Training Team to Brazil

Posted by Ralph Montesanto on Sep 17, 2019
The Vocational Training Team to Brazil was medical in nature. It was lead by Jennifer Schoenhals (pharmacist) with team members Claire Harkness (nurse), Tommy Gerbasi (doctor), and Anna Marie Wysynski (doctor).  The team visited Rotary district 4480 in the Sao Paulo area of Brazil. Their key medical areas were ophthalmology, oncology and cardiology. 
Claire Harkness, a 2012 club Youth Exchange student to Australia, a SLAPSHOT and RYLA presenter, a Rotaract student and a present day nurse was guest speaker.
Claire had visions of bringing all the great things we do in the US and Canada but was very surprised that the hospitals in Brazil did some procedures and patient contacts better than here at home. Doctors there are very patient oriented using what she called humanized care.  Sometimes older equipment (dialysis machines) are used to get better life expectancy results. Some equipment like 3D printers are very modern and used to create parts to rebuild a face. Mobile trucks also go into more remote areas to bring health care there.
The team was very busy, often putting in 12h days at hospitals and then delving into Brazilian culture: food, animals, activities and people. Portuguese is the language of Brazil and although the team had taken some language lessons before leaving, they found that they played lots of charades and used Google Translate to get their points across. They also had to get used to eating dinner at 11 pm.
Claire noted that D4480 is sending its VTT here in March of 2020. Its focus will be on education.
Claire was pleased that her mother Nancy and VTT team members Anna Marie and Tommy were able to join her at today’s meeting.
Kathy Starodub thanked Claire who immediately changed and headed off to finish her 12h nursing shift.
Vocational Training Team to Brazil Ralph Montesanto 2019-09-17 04:00:00Z 0

Ben Wark Page Ontario Legislature

Posted by Ralph Montesanto on Sep 10, 2019
Ben Wark, Page, Ontario Legislature
Bob Morrow along with Art Samson were instrumental in getting Ben Wark, a grade 8 student to speak about his experience as a Page at the Ontario Parliament.
Bob also invited Sandy Shaw MPP and Ted McMeekin past MPP who saw Ben in action and were recipients of Ben’s waiter service as he delivered water to them.
Bob asked Ben a series of questions. Here are Ben’s answers. 
He was chosen  when in grade 7 through an application process that involved writing an essay. There are 24 Pages – 12 boys and 12 girls. He wore a 3-piece suit when on duty and his term was 5 weeks from 8 am to 4:30 or 6 pm. Ben stayed with friends of his parents in Toronto and took the subway. One of his first jobs was to look at all the photos of the MPPs and clerks and memorize their names, seating position and ministerial duties. His most memorable task was to help deliver the provincial budget package that he said the Pages did in less than one minute. 
Ben missed 5 weeks of school but on the days when he finished at 4:30 took math classes. Ben really enjoyed being a Page even though he was to always keep a straight face and not laugh even when something funny was said. Each day the Pages would parade into the House from the Speaker’s office to the chamber, assume their positions in the chamber (some would go to the east and west lobbies or press gallery), always keep their back to the Speaker and stand when the Speaker stood.
Part of Ben’s presentation included slides of his 5-weeks as a Page at the Ontario Legislature.
Kathy Starodub thanked Ben for his presentation and had him sign a children’s book that will be donated to the First Nations library.
Ben Wark Page Ontario Legislature Ralph Montesanto 2019-09-10 04:00:00Z 0

Indigenous Initiatives at Mohawk College

Posted by Ralph Montesanto on Aug 20, 2019
Amy Kelaidis, from Mohawk College, is the Director and Special Advisor of Indigenous Initiatives. Tom McLeod introduced Amy who is a member of the Eagle Clan Mississauga of the First Nation.
Using the background of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s 94 Calls to Action and Mohawk College’s involvement with the Indigenous Education Protocol Amy outlined what the college is doing for indigenous communities.
There are 27 000 members of Six Nations with half living on the reserve and the other half in Hamilton and Brantford. The graduation rate for indigenous students is 63%, the same as the general population. There are now around 1000 indigenous grads in the alumni database.
The college has a strategic plan that includes the TRC recommendations and focuses on five areas: access and learner success, pathways for success for education and employment, partnerships and opportunities, engagement and capacity building, and awareness and reconcili-ACTION.
She ended her presentation with a review of the Awards and Bursaries Program. The Dundas Valley Sunrise Rotary Club is considering working with the college to contribute to an endowment fund where the club donates $25 000 and the college matches the amount to build a fund of $50 000 that will work in perpetuity to provide awards each year for indigenous students.
Derek Dix thanked Amy in our club’s usual way – the signing of a children’s book that will be donated to the library at Six Nations.
For more information on the extent of the effort Mohawk College is putting into this area and the work of the college’s Indigenous Education Council please see
Indigenous Initiatives at Mohawk College Ralph Montesanto 2019-08-20 04:00:00Z 0

Ryan Turner and The Turner Family Funeral Home

Posted by Ralph Montesanto on Aug 13, 2019
The speaker this morning was our very own Ryan Turner doing his classification talk. Ryan was introduced by Bob Morrow, his sponsor. Bob told us Ryan is the grandson of charter member Ken Turner, is a partner and director of The Turner Family Funeral Home and is married to Bob’s granddaughter. Ryan is also the club’s most recent inductee and at the age of 24 brought the average age of the club way down.
Ryan was born in Copetown, moved to Dundas and attended Highland Secondary School (played on the football team) before heading off to Humber College to earn his funeral director certificate. Ryan received his funeral director licence in 2015 after completing the in-class, internship, board exam and inspected embalming. 
The job can be stressful, being always on call and dealing with people who are vulnerable. He plays hockey, curls and enjoys video games and playing his guitar. He enjoys the family summer cottage on Beaver Lake and this along with his hobbies gives him a break from the rigors of the funeral business. Talking with co-workers and sometimes a counselor helps too.
He loves his job, mainly because he is able to help individuals at one of their lowest points in life. He appreciates the simple thank you he receives from families. 
Club members had plenty of questions. Here are some of his answers. Funerals are becoming less religious with only about 35% of funerals at a church or religious site. About 65% of services are cremations and 35% burials. Hamilton now has a green cemetery where bodies are buried without embalming or a casket. Many family owned funeral homes are being bought out by conglomerates. He expects Turner Family Funeral Home to be in business a long time and his long-term goal is to own the business.
Barb Busing thanked Ryan for his talk and as is the club custom, had him sign a children’s book that will be delivered to the First Nations library.
Ryan Turner and The Turner Family Funeral Home Ralph Montesanto 2019-08-13 04:00:00Z 0
UNDER THE ROTARY CLOCK Jessica Brennan 2019-07-30 04:00:00Z 0

Leo Johnson Empowerment Squared

Posted by Phil Wood on Jul 16, 2019
Our speaker this morning was Leo Johnson, Executive Director of Empowerment Squared. To learn more about Leo and the project that he talked about, check out this web page:
Empowerment Squared has found that children of immigrants typically lead their parents by making friends and learning the language. If the kids do well in school, the family does well in adjusting. However, if the kids struggle with school, the family typically struggles as well. For this reason E2 has created a mentoring program for children of new Canadians: This is coupled with a sports program to encourage the youth to attend.
The main theme of Leo’s talk was the creation of the Liberian Learning Centre. Although initially intent on building a library, Leo’s team has learned that there is a greater need for a multi-purpose centre that is sustainable. This centre will have a recreation centre plus a co-working space for budding entrepreneurs.
Phase I of the project will cost $500,000 with $200,000 coming from Rotary contributions. The Rotary Club of Monrovia is the host club. The goal for E2 is to raise $40,000 which can be leveraged up to $200,000 through matching grants and a Rotary International Grant.
Leo Johnson Empowerment Squared Phil Wood 2019-07-16 04:00:00Z 0

How You Challenge Yourself to Succeed

Posted by Kathy Starodub on Jun 25, 2019
Jeremiah Brown was born in Hamilton, has family from Ancaster and attended McMaster University. He currently lives in Peterborough. He and his wife had their first child while they were attending McMaster. He might have followed a predictable path to a settled life. But what kind of story would that be?
Jeremiah was inspired by the Canadian Men’s Rowing team success in the 2008 Olympics to try and become an Olympic rower himself – in 4 years.
His entertaining and motivational talk centered around three life lessons:
  1. In order to challenge yourself to achieve a really hard goal, get an excellent coach
  2. Make a timeline to achieve the goal
  3. Remain resilient in order to survive
Jeremiah was candid about the stress and challenge of training for such a high level goal – the conflicting desires and fears, the suffering and determination.
He concluded with a breathtaking description of the final hour before the Final race. He had us all in the palm of his hand as he showed a video of the last 100 metres of that race. And we were all happy with the Silver medal that the crew achieved in London in 2012 – Mission accomplished!
His message : Never under estimate your power to mentor someone!
How You Challenge Yourself to Succeed Kathy Starodub 2019-06-25 04:00:00Z 0

Successful Shredding Day

Posted by Ralph Montesanto on May 14, 2019
A great service project for the Dundas Community! Over 400 boxes of documents were safely destroyed and diverted from landfill. Each spring and fall the Rotary Club of Dundas Valley Sunrise holds a shredding day and the community appreciates it. The price was $8 a bank box but many individuals refused change because they knew the good work of Rotary as it serves both the local and international communities. Funds raised help support the world wide elimination of polio, youth programs and bursaries, local tree planting, and literacy programs to name just a few of the
things supported by the club.
Club members Kathy Starodub, Ross Bannatyne and Jody Beck load a bin for shredding while Bob Morrow collects payment.
Peter Dendekker waits to load the next bin into the shredder as a client watches the TV camera to ensure his documents are destroyed.
A special thank you to Bruce and Scott Eccles for the use of the Eccles Auto Service lot and their signs.
Successful Shredding Day Ralph Montesanto 2019-05-14 04:00:00Z 0
Shredding Day May 11 Ralph Montesanto 2019-05-04 04:00:00Z 0
Karen Cumming: Suicide Prevention Ralph Montesanto 2018-11-20 05:00:00Z 0

Visual Literacy: How to build a better painting

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On September 18th our guest speaker was Marla Panko from the Carnegie Gallery. Ms. Panko told us that the fundamentals of visual language are like an alphabet or like musical notes. Even if we are not artists ourselves, we can learn to recognize this language. She said that we are desensitized by so much that we see, and that galleries are sanctuaries for our senses, safe houses for our visual legacy.
Examples of aspects of the visual language include color, shape, line, texture, etc. “Point and Line to Plane” by Kandinsky is a book that breaks down the elements of the visual language. Today Ms. Panko focused on composition, including balance, line, depth, unity, and focal points.
The most basic type of balance is symmetry, left/right or radial. Asymmetrical is when the balance is related to what is dissimilar in the image. Orientation and use of line is another aspect of the visual language. When a line is horizontal, for example to indicate the horizon, the image is at rest, calming, and implies an expanse of space. When a line is vertical, the image is active, shows a sense of power and thrusting up. Diagonal lines are dynamic. A diagonal line creates movement and sends your eye through the picture. Multiple diagonals create more movement and emotion. Lines also can divide or connect two halves of a composition.
Depth in pictures is an illusion; artists use linear perspective, scale, and modelling of form to create depth in images. Unity is how artists get everything to work together or hold together in an image: techniques for this include spatial tension and pyramidal structure. When a focal point is a zone, a central zone quiets the picture. Focal points at the edges or no focal point makes a meditative image.
Visual Literacy: How to build a better painting 2018-10-09 04:00:00Z 0

District Conference October 20

If you have not already done so, register for the District Conference in Niagara-on-the-Lake, October 20. It is a one day event and the Rotary International President is flying in to be part of the opening of the day's events. District Governor Melisa and her daughter Erin made this great video to help promote the day. She wants to get 500 Rotarians and guests to attend. Have a look.
District Conference October 20 2018-10-06 04:00:00Z 0
Shredding Day October 27 Ralph Montesanto 2018-10-02 04:00:00Z 0

Playocracy and the importance of physical literacy

Rotarian Harold Gruneberg introduced our guest speaker on August 28th, Lynn Campanella. Lynn is the CEO of “Playocracy”: and is a “play advocate” The theme of her presentation was “physical literacy”. As Lynn said, “we learn best by doing” so she began her presentation with an activity that we all participated in. 

There are 42 different health care conditions related to physical inactivity and so, as we age it’s important to keep active. The term physical literacy was first used in the late 1800s but it wasn’t until Margaret Whitehead re-invented the term in 2001 that it came into popular usage. The physical literacy movement really took off in 2010. 

Here is a definition of physical literacy: “Physical Literacy is the motivation, confidence, physical competence, knowledge and understanding to value and take responsibility for engagement in physical activities” (Whitehead, 2016). 

Physically literate individuals consistently develop the motivation and ability to understand, communicate, apply, and analyze different forms of movement. They are able to demonstrate a variety of movements confidently, competently, creatively and strategically across a wide range of health-related physical activities. These skills enable individuals to make healthy, active choices that are both beneficial to and respectful of their whole self, others, and their environment. 

The development of physical literacy is now a reality for educators and recreational leaders within programming requirements and many physical education curricula identifying the development of physically literate students as the major outcome of physical education programs. 

Further information about physical literacy is available from Sport for Life here: 

Here is an interview with Margaret Whitehead on Physical Literacy – “The term that she invented”: 


Club members might remember a presentation by Sara Beck from the Hamilton Police Services on the topic of human trafficking. Well, Sara plays a starring role in this video put together by HPS: (Sara is front and centre in the picture in the article and appears at about 1:45 in the video).

Playocracy and the importance of physical literacy 2018-08-28 04:00:00Z 0

CPR International

On May 15 our guest speaker was Dr. Tapas Mondal, McMaster University talked about the International Project on CPR – McMaster Global CPR Project 

Dr. Mondal visits India and does community presentations on CPR; heart disease is the leading killer world wide. The demonstrations for lay people to show hem how to do CPR. He has some mannequins’ but needs many more. He mentioned some of the challenges’ in India and other countries around cultural sensitivities - i.e. women are at a great disadvantage because people may not want to give them CPR. Dr. Mondal has a cross appointment with McMaster Engineering. They have modified mannequins equipping them with sensors and have been able to supply some to medical schools in India. 

He is looking for funding to send over hundreds of demonstrational mannequins to India and potentially Africa. He has also made training videos on CPR in English, Bengali, Mandarin, Nigerian and Arabic. Heart disease is becoming rampant in India and China due to the change in diet to include a lot of junk/snack food.

CPR International 2018-05-18 04:00:00Z 0

Visit to Circle of Life

On Halloween, the Club met at the home of CIRCLE OF LIFE, a funeral services business. Our hostess was Karin Schuett, owner of the business. Karin told us about her experiences as part of a large, conventional undertaker business in Toronto. She then described how Circle of Life operates. Its premises are in an old warehouse, now very nicely converted into a modern decorated space, with rooms for receptions, and for grief counseling as needed. There is no chapel. The atmosphere for funerals that she and the premises conveyed to us was one of sympathy but without gloominess. Looking around at the assembled members, maybe this was a timely visit. Our thanks to Karin Schuett, a member of our parent Club, for an informative talk.

Then came Andy Coburn, a past member, now returned to club. He was to give a classification talk "for the benefit of newer members" who did not know the earlier Andy. What we had was a comedic dentist who told us about his pioneering dentist father, who invented or suggested new pieces of equipment for dentistry. We were then offered small green thingies to clean out the gaps between teeth. Turned out that they also could help check whether we had bad breath! In passing we learnt also that Andy went to work in his pyjamas, and with sundry "tattoos", as part of his Halloween costume. Welcome back, Andy, Your humour is always enjoyable.

Visit to Circle of Life 2017-10-31 04:00:00Z 0

Stewards of Cootes Paradise

On October 10, 2017 Alan Hansell from Stewards of Cootes Paradise joined the club to update us on the group's community and environmental involvement; he was last here in January of 2016. He also shared his personal connection to Rotary, which includes his own exchange to Japan as a teen and having received a Paul Harris award.

The Cootes watershed is the Dundas Valley. Each of our homes is a watershed for one of our creeks; Alan suggested this is something to think about, for example, if you’re washing your car in the driveway, as storm sewers generally go straight to a creek.

The volunteers for the Stewards are out to clean up the creeks. For example, they have removed in the past few months 5700 bags of garbage from the creeks and their banks. There is a display at the Dundas museum of older treasures they’ve found. They now also are working in the Red Hill watershed.

Their goal is to get the creeks clean and to keep them clean. When something is clean people care more about keeping it clean; a main focus of their work is community engagement. There are cleanup opportunities for everyone, including easy, moderate, and rugged. Cleanups are every Sunday 1-4; in the heat of the summer they shift to the morning. There also are monthly stewardship opportunities once an area is clean.
Cleaning up this garbage in our environment eliminates hazards to wildlife and reduces leachate from polymers and microplastics. There is a salmon run this time of year; clean up has doubled the size of their spawning ground.
Alan and his volunteers also get involved to solve recurring problems at their source, for example, how the paint from the ice surface at our local arenas gets disposed.

Stewards of Cootes Paradise Marnee Maroes 2017-10-10 04:00:00Z 0

Visit from District Governor Reg Madison

One September 12, 2017 the Dundas Valley Sunrise Rotary Club was joined by District Governor Reg Madison. Assistant Governor Allyson Wenzowski introduced District Governor Reg Madison who brought his message to Make a Difference. After congratulating the club for its service to the community he reviewed the Rotary Citation and Lighthouse Awards and the Governor’s Trophy. He spoke of Rotary International’s goals to support and strengthen clubs, focus and increase humanitarian service and enhance public image. 

He asked us to attend the District Conference at White Oaks Resort and Conference Centre in Niagara-on-the-Lake, October 27-29 and to register for the Rotary International Convention in Toronto, June 23 – 27. 

President Jessica thanked Reg and Loretta for visiting the club and she and Foundation Director Ross presented Reg with a club donation to The Rotary Foundation for $4000.

Visit from District Governor Reg Madison Ralph Montesanto 2017-09-12 04:00:00Z 0

Paul General, Six Nations of the Grand

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On September 5, Nic Schulz introduced Paul General. Paul is the General Manager of the Six Nations Eco-Centre. Information about the centre is available from its website. Paul is a Seneca and lives on the Six Nations Reserve.

He gave a slide presentation that was similar to this one.

He discussed the various treaties that have been signed over the years and give an excellent presentation of the origin of the Haudenosaunee flag which is based on the “Two Row Wampum”. When the Haudenosaunee first came into contact with the European nations, treaties of peace and friendship were made. Each was symbolized by the Gus-Wen-Tah or Two Row Wampum. There is a bed of white wampum which symbolizes the purity of the agreement. There are two rows of purple, and those two rows have the spirit of your ancestors and mine. There are three beads of wampum separating the tow rows and they symbolized peace, friendship and respect. These two rows will symbolize two paths or two vessels, travelling down the same river together. One, a birch bark canoe, will be for the Indian people, their laws, their customs and their ways. The other, a ship, will be for the white people and their laws, their customs and their ways. We shall each travel the river together, side by side, but in our own boat. Neither of us will try to steer the other’s vessel.

Paul General, Six Nations of the Grand Phil Wood 2017-09-05 04:00:00Z 0

Fireworks in Dundas

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George Gould introduced our speaker Paul Iacoviello. Paul is a photographer (among other things such as an instructor at Mohawk College and a correctional officer). Interestingly one of Paul’s most recent photographs was of George’s son James who graces the cover of a recent (August 17-24 ) issue of View Magazine.
Paul showed us a number of his excellent photographs – including several from this year’s fireworks display. A number of the same photographs can be viewed on Paul’s excellent website here: (Note that you may need to download the “flash player”).
Paul gets most of his business via word of mouth and, in answer to a question, said that when shooting models he tries to capture something of their personality in his pictures.
Fireworks in Dundas Phil Wood 2017-08-29 04:00:00Z 0

Cooking up a storm with Nick Scime

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Our speaker on August 22nd was Nick Scime (aka Chef Nicholas). Here’s a link to a Spectator story about Nick from a couple of years ago: 

After working for the city for 35 years, Nick retired and took a culinary course. He now hosts a TV show about cooking on channel 14 and runs his own business The five Cs of cooking. Check the website to learn more about the business. 

The theme of Nick’s talk was “6 steps for a second life”. That is, what should you do post retirement? The six steps are: 

  1. Identify the desire 
  2. Eliminate your fears 
  3. Plan how 
  4. Create an energy 
  5. See the signs 
  6. Act without hesitation. 

Nick has followed the six steps to not only create his own business but also to become a travel agent (as a consequence of his many trips) and a wedding officiant!

Cooking up a storm with Nick Scime Phil Wood 2017-08-22 04:00:00Z 0

Optimization in the Modern World

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Our speaker on Tuesday, August 15th was Dr. Chris Swartz. Chris is a colleague of Phil Wood in the Department of Chemical Engineering at McMaster University. Chris holds the Dofasco Chair in Process Automation and Information Technology and is the Director of the McMaster Advanced Control Consortium (MACC). He lives in Dundas with his wife Jacquie and children Philippa and Helen. 

The theme of Chris’s presentation was optimization or “determining the best amongst alternatives” He gave several simple examples of optimization from daily life – for example: planning our optimum shopping route, planning our investment strategy or even for children planning their trick our treat route. 

The MACC is a consortium of several member companies (e.g. Corning, Dofasco), 5 faculty members and 20 or so graduate students. 

Chris gave some real examples of the type of work they do. One project is sponsored by Praxair a company that separates air into its components (mainly nitrogen and oxygen) by cooling it and then boiling it. The process is a huge user of electricity which is extremely expensive these days so they need to optimize their process in response to the demand for the products and the cost of electricity. Ideally you would like to do all of the separation when the cost is lowest but that isn’t always when the demand is highest.

Another project is one he is working on with Dofasco. It involves an electric arc furnace which is used to melt scrap metal down. Again, electricity is a major expense as is oxygen. Chris’s group is preparing a mathematical model of the process to guide the process engineers at Dofasco who are working with the actual process.

Optimization in the Modern World Phil Wood 2017-08-15 04:00:00Z 0

Learning about Interval House

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Our speaker today was Nancy Smith, Executive Director of Interval House. Nancy was accompanied by Sadie Wolfe and was introduced by Mary Lou Emmett. 

Interval House provides a shelter for abused women and focusses their programs on gender based violence. Last year they celebrated their 30th year in operation and is the only non faith-based shelter in Hamilton. Additional information about Interval House can be viewed on their website: 

Services offered by Interval House: 

Nancy left us with their 2016/17 Annual Report. Copies can be downloaded from this web page: 

Nancy was thanked by Ross Longbottom and given a cheque for $500 from our club by Jessica to support the work of Interval House.

Learning about Interval House Phil Wood 2017-07-25 04:00:00Z 0

Grant Linney and the Climate Reality Project

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The speaker on July 18th was Grant Linney who was introduced by Dave Carson. Grant was an outdoor educator at Upper Canada College and spoke to us about climate change. Grant has his own web page on the Climate Reality Project page.  It contains numerous resources for those interested in climate change (all of us?) and how to reduce our carbon foot print. We were also given a brochure on climate change that was prepared by Environment Hamilton . In his presentation, Grant talked about the new documentary by Al Gore: “An Inconvenient Sequel” which is a follow-up to the original “An Inconvenient Truth”. Here is the trailer that Grant showed:

Grant also spoke about the importance of science. Here is a brief video that he showed by Neil deGrasse Tyson, one of America’s great scientists: 

The final topic that Grant discussed was the “greenhouse effect” which is created by (among other things) man-made carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. This leads to global warming and the many problems associated with it. Some countries, like Germany and Denmark are reducing their reliance on fossil fuels by, for example, increasing wind power generation. China is leading the world in solar power. His advice regarding fossil fuels? “keep it in the ground. 

Grant Linney and the Climate Reality Project 2017-07-25 04:00:00Z 0

Protecting Our Privacy At the Border

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Our speaker on July 11th was Armin Ghazi, President and Lead Consultant of SSG Managed Technology Services ( He spoke to us about protecting our privacy at the border. He left a little pocket guide behind which can be found here

Armin grew up in Louisville Kentucky and went to university in Spain. He is and Iranian/U.S. citizen and his wife is an Iranian/Canadian citizen and due to recent aggressive questioning at the border by Homeland Security, he has become interested in persons personal devices being searched at the border. He cited a story of a U.S. citizen (a space industry employee) returning from Chile. The issue was that he head sensitive, confidential documents on his phone that he did not want to give up to the border guards. These guards can use a device developed by the Israeli government to break into a phone and then create a mirror image of the phone’s contents and copy them to a USB stick. The data is then assessed and the guards will decide if you can enter the U.S. or not. An issue occurs when your device contains data that belongs to clients. 

Armin gave us several options 

  1. Refuse to surrender your device (not an option) 
  2. Rent or ship your devices (very inconvenient). 
  3. Wipe and restore – i.e. backup all data to i-cloud and then delete from your devices. Restore at a hotspot in the U.S. 
  4. Use “burners”. These are dedicated travel devices used only for travel. 

In terms of regular safety regarding our data and passwords, Armin had the following suggestions: 

  1. Use a password manager. This will create an unique password for every account that you have (and more importantly, remember it!). 
  2. Enable two factor authorization (2FA) 
  3. Use cloud services and then remote access – very little is stored on the actual device 
  4. Always encrypt, sign out and power off
Protecting Our Privacy At the Border Phil Wood 2017-07-11 04:00:00Z 0

Introducing our new President, Jessica Brennan

On Tuesday, July 4th outgoing President Ross Bannatyne thanked the Board and Club members of Dundas Valley Sunrise Rotary Club for a great year. The Club was extremely thankful to Ross for a wonderful year of service and pledged its support to the new President Jessica Brennan and the Board.
Assistant District Governor Allyson Wenzowski swore in new president Jessica Brennan using the same speech that DVSRC member Bob Morrow used to swear her in as President on the noon club last year.
Members of the Board pledged to support Jessica during her year as President and Jessica pledged to support the ideals of Rotary. Jessica thanked her sponsor George Gould and the Club for supporting her during year as President Elect.
Jessica noted that as President she wants our Club to continue to provide service in the Dundas community and to identify all the places that we serve. She wants to improve the gender and ethnic balance in the club membership if possible. Jessica announced the 2017-18 Board as follows:
Brennan, Jessica
President Elect
Busing, Barbara
Carson, Dave
Massey, Wayne
Past President
Bannatyne, Ross
Vice President
Armstrong, Grant
Community Service
Davidson, Don
Vocational Service
Price, Derek
International Service
Armstrong, Bill
Montesanto, Ralph
Public Relations
Schulz, Nic
Club Administration
Davidson, Don
Youth Services
Roblin, Steve
In addition, at the District Level Ralph Montesanto and Bob Morrow are involved in different forms of training and Wayne Massey is providing his expertise to the grant selection process.
Rotary pins for President, Past President and President Elect were presented to Jessica, Ross and Grant.
Finally, Ross passed on the gavel to Jessica and a new Rotary year has started.
Introducing our new President, Jessica Brennan Phil Wood 2017-07-04 04:00:00Z 0

Stories out of RYLA

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Our speaker on Tuesday, June 20 was Shaunaugh Whelan. Shaunaugh shared with us her experience at the Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA). Shaunaugh has been engaged in Rotary for many years, since she was on a Rotary Exchange to France at age 19.
Shaunaugh was a fantastic cheerleader for the RYLA program and the club was very pleased to have sent such an impressive young leader to the program. She described the impact attending RYLA had for her and thanked the Club for our sponsorship.
As a program RYLA connects with leaders in the community and around the world to:
  • Build communication and problem-solving skills
  • Discover strategies for becoming a dynamic leader in your school or community
  • Learn from community leaders, inspirational speakers and peer mentors
  • Unlock your potential to turn motivation into action
  • Have fun and form lasting friendships
There were many team building and leadership activities Shaunaugh participated in as well as workshops which helped attendees gain perspectives on how they see themselves and how others view them.  For more information on the RYLA program and how to nominate young Dundas leaders contact
Shaunaugh is a member of the Hamilton Rotaract Club and is engaged in many activities to help the community. 
Stories out of RYLA Dave Carson 2017-06-19 04:00:00Z 0

A New Chapter for the Westdale Theatre

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On May 30, 2017 the Dundas Valley Sunrise Rotary Club was joined by distinguished Dundas citizens Bob Rockford and Fred Fuchs. Bob and Fred are principals in the non-profit Westdale Cinema Group. Their group was put together to save the Westdale Theatre from being torn down.
One questioner asked “would the façade be maintained?” to which Fred replied “which one?”. This opened a really interesting discussion about the changes the theatre has already seen over the years. In this article: you will see a picture at the top showing the original façade from about 1937. Quite a bit different than today!
Fred and Bob noted that Westdale was one of Canada’s first planned communities. It was built with streets like spokes on a wheel and at the hub was the theatre. Over time the theatre has deteriorated though and was about to be sold. The Westdale Cinema Group came together to restore the theatre and restore it to its original lustre. It will be reduced in size to 400 seats and will become the new home of the Art Gallery of Hamilton’s film festival. The theatre will also be used for musical events and speakers.
The sale was to close on June 1st and the group has applied for charitable status. Renovations will take roughly 9 months to complete. An Open House and party will take place on June 25th where members can learn more about the plans. A Facebook Group: has already attracted more than 1800 members.
A New Chapter for the Westdale Theatre Phil Wood 2017-05-30 04:00:00Z 0

Thijmen Van Loenen and work in Motherwell Township

Our speaker on May 23, 2017 was Thijmen Van Loenen who spoke to use about his work in Motherwell Township near Port Elizabeth South Africa.  The project's primary mission is to protect children in high risk areas and sending orphans in the area to school. 
The club was pleased to present Thijmen with a cheque for $1500 to support their good work. 
Thijmen Van Loenen and work in Motherwell Township 2017-05-29 04:00:00Z 0

DVSRC Paul Harris Breakfast

Recently, the Dundas Valley Sunrise Rotary Club used one of its morning meetings to honour several people in the club and the community for their contributions to make the world a better place for all.

Suzanne Crago and Cam Whiffey, both non-members of the club, have contributed to the development of “The Stars of Dundas” a mid-winter event featuring local talent.  Members Wayne Massey, Ralph Montesanto, Randy Abel and Shirley Molloy were presented with awards for continued contributions to the development of the club and to Rotary in general.

The recipients in order of presentation, are:
CAM WIFFING: Cam was born in Hamilton , is Married and has 2 children.
He is an athlete and an avid motorcyclist  and has taken part in a 6 Day Endure Ride.
Cam owns Eagle Press Printing Company and for  the past 5 years he has worked with our club to design the program for the "Stars of Dundas" fundraiser
Through his work Cam has helped raise awareness about Rotary and helped us with sponsorship through advertising.
SUSANNE CRAGO: Suzanne grew up in  Flamboro and went to Parkside High school 
She was a former Figure Skater and went on to perform  with the Ice Capades from 1970-1973.
Susanne taught Figure Skating in British Columbia and Edmonton, Alberta.
Her company "Community Graphics" has been the "Go To" company for  advertising and  Show programs for all the local Skating Clubs!
Susanne  and Cam worked together on the "Stars of Dundas" programs which have helped our Club raise over $50,000 over the past 5 years!
WAYNE MASSEY: As a young man Wayne was an avid athlete, playing Football and running in Track.
Wayne is a great Entrepreneur , he has operated several successful business in our community and has recently retired from his Accounting Firm!
He has been a longtime member of our club, he was  President in 2006 and is our current Club Treasurer .
Wayne is always there to help out at Club events,  he is always giving back to our community and  he is Always making a difference!
RALPH MONTESANTO: Ralph  IS ROTARY!!! He  never stops! He was District Governor in 2008-2009.  He is the advocate for the" Continuum of Rotary", he is always attending the Rotary Leadership conferences where he is the Training Director for the Leadership Initiative.
Ralph is always  helping out at all Rotary events and has ben key in making the "shredding day "fundraiser a great success! 
Ralph wild be taking on a new role as Vice Governor.
Marlee awarded Ralph with the Paul Harris Ruby Pin!
Which is exactly what these to  great people do!
For many years they have opened their doors and offered their home  as the venue for countless community fundraising events.
They have helped to bring awareness and raise funds for AIDS and The Bob Kemp Hospice to name a few!
Their home is also part St. James House tour and the Carnegie Gallery Garden Tour!
These two are all about giving back and have opened their doors to hundreds of people to better the community!
RANDY ABLE: Randy lives in Rockton , is an Electrician and is currently teaching an  Electrical course at College!
Randy is a long time member of our club and is always there to help at all events and give back to the community!
 He is the Hardworking , behind the scene Guy who gets things done!
He has a great sense of humor and is our resident Bar tender!
SHIRLY MALOY: Shirley was born in New Foundland where she worked at a community Newspaper as well as the Salvation Army.
She came to Ontario in 1990 to work with the Salvation Army in Family Services and is the manager of the local Food Bank.
Shirley is long time member of our club, she's always involved in our Rotary events and is our past Club President!
She works tirelessly to make a difference and give back to the people of our community!
DVSRC Paul Harris Breakfast Robert Morrow 2017-05-16 04:00:00Z 0

Save the Mothers - Small Acts with Big Impact

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Our speaker Tuesday, May 9, 2017 was Diane Reader Jones. Diane’s story was reported in the Hamilton Spectator in this article from last November: Back in 2003 Diane sponsored a young girl named Sharon in Uganda. Over time Diane sent Sharon money and on one occasion a laptop so that she could complete her studies. Sharon is now Dr. Sharon Mutesasira and Diane has just returned from a visit to Sharon in Uganda.
Save the Mothers - Small Acts with Big Impact Phil Wood 2017-05-09 04:00:00Z 0

Japan via Skype

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Our speaker on May 2, 2017 was Dundas resident and Rotary Exchange Student Joe Morgan. After 256 days in Japan Joe called into our meeting via Skype to fill us in on his time there. 
He reports that he's getting more and more confident with the language and that he's been enjoying a lot of the culture and was surprised to find out that Christmas isn't a very big deal in Japan. At first he found himself experiencing a bit of culture shock but as someone who like rice and fish he has been able to settle in nicely. 
The experience has been a fun one and has really given Joe the travel bug. He expects to teach overseas once his exchange program ends.
If you or someone you know is interested in learning more about the Rotary exchange program please reach out!
Japan via Skype Ross Longbottom 2017-05-02 04:00:00Z 0

Exploring Rotary's Council of Legislation

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On Tuesday, April 18 Ralph Montesanto lead the club in a review of Rotary's changes to the Council of Legislation. Ralph started by sharing two video presentations regarding Rotary International Legislation. Club's have been provided with a basic template to follow when implementing and complying with Rotary International bylaws.
Exploring Rotary's Council of Legislation Marie-Louise Kelday 2017-04-18 04:00:00Z 0

Understanding Canada's Truth and Reconciliation Committee

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On April 4th the Dundas Sunrise Rotary Club welcomed Barb Carpio as our speaker. Barb is a McMaster Nursing professor who grew up in the Northwest Territories adjacent to a native colony. Her interest and work with native communities led to her being asked to testify before the Truth and Reconciliation Committee (TRC) on behalf of the Hamilton Conference of the United Church of Canada.
Understanding Canada's Truth and Reconciliation Committee Phil Wood 2017-04-04 04:00:00Z 0
March 28, 2017: Fighting Juvenile Diabetes with Bill Gregory Phil Wood 2017-03-28 04:00:00Z 0

Niagara Escarpment Through the Lens of Mark Zelinski

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Our speaker on Tuesday, March 21, 2017 was photographer Mark Zelinski. Mark has written several books that contain his excellent photographs along with additional text. He spent most of his presentation talking about his newest book “Heart of Turtle Island: The Great Escarpment”.
Niagara Escarpment Through the Lens of Mark Zelinski Phil Wood 2017-03-21 04:00:00Z 0

Acting Locally to Fight Climate Change

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March 7, 2017 - Dave Carson, club member and Treasurer of Environment Hamilton, presented the club with an update on the Ontario Green Gas Progress Report. Dave's talk built off of a topic that he wrote about recently for the Hamilton Spectator Article. Dave spoke to the progress that has been made so far against the province's plan to reduce Green House Gases by 30% by the end of 2030. Dave noted that this is a low target and even still we are producing 815mega tones of Carbon Dioxide which puts us 55% behind the prediction.
Acting Locally to Fight Climate Change Scott Vance 2017-03-07 05:00:00Z 0

First Light: Suicide Prevention Community Council of Hamilton

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On Tuesday, February 28th our guest speaker was Dr. Sid Stacey. Sid is the current Chair of the Suicide Prevention Community Council of Hamilton (SPCCH) and facilitated the launch of the city-wide Hamilton Suicide Prevention Strategy in 2010 and also Co-Chairs the LHIN 4 Regional Suicide Prevention Committee. He told us the very tragic story of his own daughter’s suicide which started him advocating for suicide awareness.
First Light: Suicide Prevention Community Council of Hamilton Phil Wood 2017-02-28 05:00:00Z 0

2017 Dundas Valley Winter Carnival

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On Monday, February 20th the Dundas Valley Sunrise Rotary Club hosted its annual Winter Carnival at the Dundas Driving Park. This awesome event includes horse and buggy rides, cider, free skate rentals, music and more! This year we were blessed to have beautiful weather, warm enough to skate without a toque but cold enough that the ice held together. 
2017 Dundas Valley Winter Carnival Nic Schulz 2017-02-27 05:00:00Z 0

Classification talk from Hugh Boyd

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On Tuesday, February 21 our speaker was the Dundas Valley Sunrise Rotary Club's own Hugh Boyd who gave his classification talk.
Hugh’s mother was a nurse and his father a rural planner and was a Rotarian for a short time. He is the Medical Director at St. Joseph’s Villa.Growing up Hugh played most sports but his real love was music. In particular, he loved to play the fiddle.
Classification talk from Hugh Boyd 2017-02-27 05:00:00Z 0

Presentation from Mission of Hope

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On Tuesday, February 14th we had the pleasure of inviting speakers Russ and Karen Beaurivage . Russ is an OPP officer (and also a pilot) and Karen is a legal assistant in Hagersville. For the last several years they have been involved in various Haiti missions starting with short term missions from 2009-2012. In 2013, Russ became head of the vehicle and ground maintenance at the Mission of Hope in Haiti. During that stint they were asked to take on the interim Directorship of Tytoo Gardens which was nearby. Tytoo gardens has a very interesting history which can be read about here: Tytoo Gardens is an orphanage the operates a transitions program which tries to re-connect children with families. Many of the residents are not true orphans but their families simply cannot support them. It also has a medical clinic which is the only one in the community. It is Haitian run with Haitian doctors. Tytoo also provides an elder care program which provides food twice per month for older community members.
Russ is rebuilding an aircraft that he uses for his working with Aviation Ministries in Haiti. He says that the cheque the Dundas Valley Sunrise Rotary Club presented to him with just about cover the cost of the flight to Haiti (where plane fuel is extremely expensive).
Presentation from Mission of Hope Phil Wood 2017-02-14 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary visit to Graham & Brooks

On February 7 the club had the pleasure of visiting Graham & Brooks store on Main St. Dundas.
Mary Lou introduced Lorna and John, owners of Graham and Brooks since 2015. Both spoke about the development of their business with chalk painting lessons on Sundays to architectural salvaging at its heart. An incredible variety of old and new in 3 rooms, The Rough House, at the back, having just opened. John loves to salvage and scavenge, from old barns to churches and schools being torn down (All Saints, Parkside). Lorna is the paint expert, leading classes as well as painting for others who bring pieces into the store and she demonstrated chalk painting chairs for us in a matter of minutes. Their most recent project is increasing their social media presence. Look for on-line shopping in the spring!

Don thanked our hosts and we left to brave the elements!



Rotary visit to Graham & Brooks Janet Southall 2017-02-07 05:00:00Z 0

Classification Talk from Derek Dix

On January 31, 2017 a small group of Rotarians had the pleasure of hearing from new member Derek Dix.
Derek told us about his adventures heading to New Zealand as a young man with nothing more than the pack on his back...and no place to stay. Everything worked out well for him though and he landed himself work at a security firm...while he spent the days working he spent every weekend skiing.
Derek also shared his experiences as a competitive curler where he would play 5 - 7 games a week. Derek met his wife Leah through curling and together they have 2 fantastic kids, Marjorie and Graham. These days Derek spends more time in the wood shop than on the ice. His current hobby is woodturning and he enjoys being a member of the Golden Horseshoe Woodturner's Guild.
As owner of Dundas Lock and Key Derek also shared with us some of the work being done in the locksmith industry to ensure all of our safety. Most interestingly there is work being done to "certify" locksmiths to ensure that the people you are trusting with your homes security are trustworthy. We all sat up and took notice when Derek mentioned that the number one college course in Ontario prisons is the locksmithing programme!!
Classification Talk from Derek Dix Nic Schulz 2017-01-31 05:00:00Z 0

January 24: Dundas and the Cootes to Escarpment Eco Park

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On Tuesday, January 24th Dr Galbraith, Head of Science at the Royal Botanical Gardens, spoke to us about the Cootes to Escarpment Eco Park project. Dr Galbraith described the rare and wonderful asset that we have right here in Dundas.

The Dundas Valley is a glacial re-entrant valley; in places over 600 feet of sediment is present. 

  • Uniquely, the Niagara Escarpment faces south in this area, creating a special ecosystem 
  • It is the only remaining Great Lakes coastal wetland connected to the escarpment 
  • It is biologically rich area of 10 square kilometres with over 1600 of all species 
  • Though rich diversity several of the species are “at risk” because of human activity. 
  • It has a rich history too; stone points of 8-1000 years ago and Woodland people’s pottery of 3000 years ago gives evidence of the long presence of humans in this area. 

The area was celebrated for its natural beauty by early settlers but it was the actions of community leaders in the 1920’s (Thomas McQuestern, McMaster University, Hamilton Naturalists) that paved the way for its preservation from airports, roads and other development. More recently, the idea of the Eco Park came from collaboration of many agencies in Hamilton and Burlington, eventually resulting in a 2009 Strategic Plan proposal to create the Eco Park. You can learn more about the project at their website

10 organizational partners continue to work together to develop 4,700 acres, acquire more land and protect the natural spaces in the Eco Park. The arrival of bald eagles in the park 3 years ago celebrates the areas ecology and proves that recovery of a damaged environment can be done.

January 24: Dundas and the Cootes to Escarpment Eco Park 2017-01-25 05:00:00Z 0

Jan 17: Club Assembly

The program on January 17th, 2017 was a club assembly addressing both Local and International service projects.  The discussion included: 
  • A project being planned by the Dundas Museum to install a historic Bertram Steam Hammer at the Museum. A Club project is proposed to prepare the concrete foundation with an application for a $2,000 matching District Grant made to assist with the cost. The Hamilton Spectator had a great article in 2013 that shows the steam hammer
  • Bill Armstrong, Director of International Services, gave an overview of his committee's budget and listed a number of projects already funded this year. Three new projects were voted on including support for:
  • The International Services Committee will be providing $500 to the Welland Rotary Club to support their major project in Candelaria, Philippines.
  • The committee will also give $500 for medical supplies for Kurdistan. The supplies will go to Mosul, Iraq to support programs similar to this work by Doctors Without Borders as well as work by UNPO.
  • Jessica Brennan talked about her upcoming year as President and the team that will be joining her. She is still looking for volunteers if anyone is interested.
Incoming President Jessica Brennan
Jan 17: Club Assembly Phil Wood 2017-01-17 05:00:00Z 0

Jan 10: Innovating for Social Good

On Tuesday, Jan 10 Art Sampson introduced the speaker Randy Hendriks (but not before he apologized for being late). 

Randy has had an interesting career. He is presently Executive Director, Social Impact Enterprises at Innovation Factory where he provides “oversight and guidance to Social Impact Enterprises ongoing projects, organization team members,, non-profits and social enterprise consulting clients, and grass-roots community groups seeking mentoring and guidance.” 

Randy's path to this position has been interesting. He did Civil Engineering at Mohawk College before getting a Bachelor of Theology degree at the University of Ottawa and then a Doctorate in Theology at Acadia University. Along the way he was a campus chaplain and a pastor before working with Wells of Hope in Niagara. At Wells of Hope he often dealt with the Rotary Club of Niagara on the Lake. 

Randy spoke to us about business models for Social Innovation where common good is a key component of a company's operations . Examples include the Gameen bank which makes micro loans to women and the local 541 Eatery & Exchange which uses a button system to allow customers to pay meals forward.

He spoke about new funding options for social enterprises including crowd funding and the SVX stock exchange. In the new models for successful innovation, enterprises need to be sustainable, have measureable goals, have partners and be fiscally prudent.


Jan 10: Innovating for Social Good 2017-01-10 00:00:00Z 0

The 2016 Dundas Valley Sunrise Auction

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Bright and early Tuesday morning the club gathered at the Dundas Valley Golf and Curling Club for our annual holiday auction. With the incomparable auctioneering skills of Bruce Eccles and the Price is Right Display skills of Roger Stewart a very fun time was had by all.
The highlight of the day was the heated bidding war between Carl Fraser and Jessica Brennan over a beautiful picture of two girls playing piano. In the end Carl won the prize...but turned right around to make it a gift for Jessica. 
The auction (which is composed of donations made by club members) collected nearly $4,000 with an additional $565 donated by members to St. Matthews House. Between the auction and personal donations our club is able to contribute $2,547.50 to St. Matthews House this year.
Another $1,982.50 will be donated to The Rotary Foundation of Canada for Polio Plus. These funds will be matched 2-to-1 by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation…making our total contribution $5,947.50!
The 2016 Dundas Valley Sunrise Auction Nic Schulz 2016-12-13 00:00:00Z 0

Visit from Dan Miller, Salvation Army

On Tuesday, November 29th Dan Millar, Area Director of Public Relations joined us for breakfast.
Dan provided an interesting talk and presentation about the very very very many good things that the Salvation Army does locally and across Canada. Dan shared a video called "One Day of Hope" that showed just a few of the things that happen each and every day thanks to the Salvation Army. The video is very inspiring and can be found here ( Through this day by day commitment the Salvation Army helps 1.5Million people every year!
Just a few of the things that the Salvation Army undertake locally are:
  • Booth centre downtown Hamilton
  • Community and Family Services
  • Mountsberg and Meadowlands Adult Day Services
  • Emergency Disaster Services
  • Men's emergency shelter
  • Case management
  • Computer lab
  • Transitional housing
  • HOST Program
  • Financial management
  • Chaplaincy
  • Health clinic
  • Food bank
  • Day programs
  • Baby song
  • Adult day program
Visit from Dan Miller, Salvation Army Nic Schulz 2016-11-29 00:00:00Z 0

Tour of Harry Howell Arena

After a presentation from Shirley Molloy on fundraising for the Rotary Foundation the club had the opportunity of touring the Harry Howell Arena, which due to construction at Grightmire Arena, will be the venue for our Lobster & Ribfest in 2017. 
The tour highlighted a much bigger space and a great setting for a very fun evening. Following this tour the club left excited for this change!
Tour of Harry Howell Arena Nic Schulz 2016-11-22 00:00:00Z 0


Posted by Dave Carson
Our Club had the honour of a visit and presentation from Canadian Astronaut Dr. Robert (Bob) Thirsk on November 15th.
A record turnout of Rotary members and guests at Dundas Valley Golf and Curling Club was accompanied with 24 students with their teachers from eight local schools.
Dr Thirsk was introduced by Club member Bob Morrow, who had met Dr Thirsk though  work on the Tomatosphere project.
Dr Thirsk is a much honoured Canadian Space Agency Astronaut. He was selected in 1983 for the Canadian Astronaut program and trained for, and participated in, many parts of the Shuttle and International Space Station programs over the next 26 years. He retired from the Agency in 2012 and is currently the Chancellor of the University of Calgary.
In 1996 Bob flew as a payload specialist aboard Space Shuttle mission STS-78 and during the 17 day mission he and his six crewmates performed 43 international experiments devoted to life and materials sciences.
We heard about experiments that could only be performed due to zero gravity – making pure semi-conductor crystals – and others that had important impacts on long term space travel. Bones can “demineralize” during space travel, essentially causing osteoporosis, and the astronauts took part in experiments to minimize this. In part, they had to exercise two hours a day to avoid potential bone loss which had potential to cause bone fractures during the rough ride of re-entry into the earth’s atmosphere.
That was just a short trip.
In 2009 Bob flew a long duration mission in the International Space station. For 3000 Orbits, over six months, Bob and his five crewmates ate freeze dried food, drank recycled water and slept in a sleeping bag in order to perform an unprecedented amount of multi-disciplinary research and complex robotic operations.
We were all impressed with the fantastic amount of continuous learning that Dr Thirsk undertook through this intense period. He must have inspired the students who were present. They were given the opportunity to question him on his education, his ambition, his emotions, and his appreciation of Star Trek.
Dr Thirsk was thanked by our own Dr Phil Wood (not an astronaut) and presented  with a gear wheel from the Canadarm as a memory of his visit to our Club.
A SPACEMAN VISITS SUNRISE ROTARY Dave Carson 2016-11-15 00:00:00Z 0

October 25: Neighbour 2 Neighbour Hamilton Mountain

On October 25, 2016 Rachel O’Reilly, who is responsible for communications and development, joined us to share her perspective on Neighbour 2 Neighbour. N2N started as a food bank but has become more of a multi service social agency. For a statement from N2N’s Executive Director, Denise Arkell, click on this link:
There is much more information about N2N on their website: The 3 main pillars of N2N are Food Access (including a food bank, community garden, community kitchen, Christmas program and home delivery), Family Services (including settlement, for women, health services, financial advice and community counselling) and Education Services (which includes a parent tutoring program and math success program). So far this year the education program has helped 228 kids. 
October 25: Neighbour 2 Neighbour Hamilton Mountain Phil Wood 2016-10-25 00:00:00Z 0

Oct 18: Guest Speaker Dr. Malcolm Sears

Our October 18th guest speaker was Dr. Malcolm Sears who spoke on “Allergy and Asthma Research”. Dr. Sears is the Director of the Firestone Institute of Respiratory Health. He is a native of New Zealand and has been a professor at McMaster since 1990. His bio and research interests can be viewed here: 

He is director of the CIHR/AllerGen funded Canadian Healthy Infant Longitudinal Development (CHILD) Study following over 3000 infants from pregnancy to age 5 years. He spoke to us about the CHILD program. A brief description of the CHILD program can be found here.

Oct 18: Guest Speaker Dr. Malcolm Sears Phil Wood 2016-10-18 00:00:00Z 0

Oct 11: Dave Carson speaks about his (small) roll in the evolution of telecommunications


President Ross Bannatyne started the Tuesday, October 11 meeting reminding the club of the “Object of Rotary” (in particular #2): 

Object of Rotary 

The Object of Rotary is to encourage and foster the ideal of service as a basis of worthy enterprise and, in particular, to encourage and foster: 

  • FIRST: The development of acquaintance as an opportunity for service; 
  • SECOND: High ethical standards in business and professions; the recognition of the worthiness of all useful occupations; and the dignifying of each Rotarian’s occupation as an opportunity to serve society; 
  • THIRD: The application of the ideal of service in each Rotarian’s personal, business, and community life; 
  • FOURTH: The advancement of international understanding, goodwill, and peace through a world fellowship of business and professional persons united in the ideal of service. 

Vocational Services Presentation: Dave Carson

Director of Vocational Services, Derek Price, talked about the role of his portfolio. This includes off-site visits (like our most recent visit to the SHED brewery) and speakers on ethics (such as former Dean of Business at McMaster Paul Bates who spoke a couple of years ago). Derek’s idea is to use the “Reclassification” talks to inform new members about the career arcs of older members. These presentations will be in the range of 7-10 minutes and will typically arise during scheduled times for classification talks or spontaneously if a scheduled speaker is unable attend. 

The speaker this morning was Dave Carson. Dave titled his talk: “My Information/Telecommunications journey – a tooth on the smallest cog of technology change”. He graduated in 1969 and started his first job at the British Motor Company the same year. That is also where he began working with computer systems. 

From 1969-1976 he worked with three different companies developing and implementing computer systems. He came to Canada in 1976 (along with more than 20 other Brits) to work with Bell Canada and Northern Telecom. His project was the first all-digital telephone switch. 

He left for Saudi Arabia in November of 1980 and spent three and a half years there building a new telephone system with Bell Canada International. He was back in Saudi in 1987-88 working for Saudi Telecom. Bell spun off their computer systems department to form a separate company. 

In 1996 Bell sold the company to CGI. At CGI outsourcing consulting became his business. Setting up help desks for companies became a core business. He travelled overseas again in 2000-2001 to spend 15 months working in Portugal – again setting up help desks. 

He continued working with CGI working on outsourcing and setting up help desks until his retirement in 2010.

Oct 11: Dave Carson speaks about his (small) roll in the evolution of telecommunications Phil Wood 2016-10-11 00:00:00Z 0

Oct 4: 7090 District Conference

Due to a death in her family, our speaker, Melissa Schrock, was unable to attend the October 4 rotary meeting. Bob Morrow introduced our own Ralph Montesanto to talk about Rotary and the upcoming conference in Batavia, NY. Ralph was the Charter President of our club in 2000 and is presently the Vice Governor in District 7090.
Ralph had just attended the Zone Institute in Winnipeg where the topic was human rights. He had the opportunity to hear Desmond tutu’s daughter speak on the topic of girl’s education in Africa. It’s typical for boys to go to school but not girls. There is a girls’ high school in Malawi that is supported by Rotary.
Ralph spoke about the District Conference in Batavia New York which takes place from October 21-23. More information is available here: There are 69 clubs in District 7090. We are in Area 3 where Allyson Wenzowski (from the noon club) is the Area Governor for the four local clubs. Both Bob Morrow and Ralph talked about how enjoyable they have found previous conferences. Bob will be doing a wine tasting seminar on the Friday evening. There are various sessions on the Saturday and on Sunday there will be a memorial service for Rotarians who have passed away in the last year.
Oct 4: 7090 District Conference Phil Wood 2016-10-04 00:00:00Z 0

Rotary Morning at the Shawn & Ed Brewery

Posted by Mieke Ewen
On Tuesday, September 13th the Dundas Sunrise Rotary Club had the pleasure of visiting the Shawn and Ed Brewery on Hatt St. Ed Madronich was kind enough to give us a history lesson on the brewery...which has had previous lives as a foundry, bus depot and curling rink. Ed spoke lovingly of the restoration of the building, making efforts wherever possible to keep the original structure or to recreate in a way more consistent with what would be historically accurate. 
It was a great morning and fun field-trip. Thanks to Shirley Molley and Bob Morrow for arranging the early morning breakfast!
Rotary Morning at the Shawn & Ed Brewery Mieke Ewen 2016-09-13 00:00:00Z 0

Shredding Day October 15

Posted by Ralph Montesanto on Sep 10, 2016
Start putting all your old files and documents together for the fall Shredding Day. Watch them be safely destroyed! Eccles Auto 200 King St. W. Dundas on October 15 from 9 AM to 1 PM. $7 for a small bank box. Funds raised go to support the many local and international Dundas Valley Sunrise Rotary Club causes including the world wide eradication of polio.​​​​​​​
Shredding Day October 15 Ralph Montesanto 2016-09-11 00:00:00Z 0

Visit from Marlee Diehl, District Governor

On Tuesday, Sept 6 we were visited by District Governor Marlee Diehl. Marlee asked us to look at ourselves, ask who are we and what are our goals as Rotarians. As Rotarians we have the ability to change destiny! She asked us to think outside the box when it comes to new members and suggested starting a spark by trying a Satellite Club evening.
This year marks the 100th Anniversary of Rotary and Marlee encouraged us to come up with a Centennial fund raiser. She also stated that Rotary is ranked #5 in the top 10 foundations.   
Marlee spoke about our battle against Polio. Noting that we are almost there! Last year there were just 3 cases in Afghanistan, 16 in Pakistan and 2 cases in Nigeria. With a final push we can see polio a thing of the past!
Lastly Marlee spoke about the International Conference in Batavia. Details include a Friday night Tailgate Party, Haunted tour and Wine tasting. Saturday is all about Rotary with seminars, and a  bike-a-thon. We will also be assembling 50,000 dry meal packages to donate to the community and local food banks.
At the end of Marlee's presentation Club President Ross Banatyne and Past President Shirley Molley presented he with a check to the Rotary Foundation for $5000.00.
Visit from Marlee Diehl, District Governor Scott Vance 2016-09-06 00:00:00Z 0

Ed Madronich: Introduction to Micro-Brewing in Dundas

Posted by Don Davidson on Aug 29, 2016
Ed Madronich, Hamilton native and owner of Flatrock Cellars winery in Jordan shared the pains and pleasures of opening the Shawn & Ed Brewing Co. on Hatt street in the heart of Dundas. 
Ed has a background as a manager at Inniskillin vinyards in Niagara on the Lake and the experience gained there led him to open Flatrock Cellars which has had a successful history since opening in 1999. Ed loves what he does at Flatrock however this didn’t stop him from pursuing another passion to open a micro-brewery with his friend Shawn. The two came up with the idea 5 years ago. After a plan was in place, the next step was to find a location for the brewery. This came to light when Ed and his wife drove by the Crockford building on Hat Street and thought “what a great place for a brewery.” All Ed had to do was sell his idea to Bob Crockford which he did and the building of Shawn & Ed Brewing Company had begun. Rob Creighton was hired as the brewmaster and the best equipment was purchased to begin the brewing of some of the areas best beer.
The Shawn & Ed focus is within the Dundas community and Ed says the community support has been tremendous…not to mention a hottest summer on record that has created a great thirst! One of the greatest challenges to the opening of Shaun & Ed Brewing Co. was the city of Hamilton, which likes to make most things difficult. J
If you are a wine drinker, don’t expect to find Flatrock Cellars wines being served at the Shawn & Ed location. The LCBO has a monopoly on alcohol sales and unfortunately controls all aspects of wine sales.  Therefore, wine cannot be served without a special events license. 
Ed Madronich: Introduction to Micro-Brewing in Dundas Don Davidson 2016-08-30 00:00:00Z 0

Filomena Tassi: The Life of a New MP

Posted by Derek Price
One August 23, 2016 Filomena gave the Dundas Sunrise Rotary Club a presentation offering insight into who she is, what motivates her, how she got into Politics and a little of what it is like to be a new Member of Parliament. It was an interesting and captivating presentation that involved telling us many stories of events in her life from five year’s old up to the present.  If you were absent today go Listen to Filomena when you get the opportunity. 
 Filomena is a proud Hamiltonian, the daughter of a Steelworker raised in a family that knew the meaning of hard work. She grew up in Hamilton and only left the City when she went to University. Filomena obtained her undergraduate degree in Philosophy from The University of Waterloo and then studied at Western University where she obtained her Law Degree.
Filomena Tassi: The Life of a New MP Derek Price 2016-08-23 00:00:00Z 0

Judy Rickey, Clutter Relief Services 

Posted by Phil Wood
Guest speaker Judy Rickey, owner of Clutter Relief Services offered the club tips and tricks for keeping the clutter at bay.
Judy, who identifies as a “professional organizer", pointed out that many people hang on to too many things for far too long. Often the items belong to their children (who have long ago moved away) and may hold sentimental value. They feel that items may be worth something someday but aren’t aware of modern ways if selling things online (e.g. Kijiji, Craigslist).
Unfortunately, excess clutter can become a fire or mould hazard. It’s attractive to rodents and insects. It can strain relationships within families and, in extreme cases, can become overwhelming and lead to anxiety and depression.
Judy gave several hints for reducing clutter: for example, one in one out; keep a donation box handy; ask yourself – do you love it, do you use it? Do you need it? If all else fails she offers her services at the website above. Her company provides free assessments.
Judy Rickey, Clutter Relief Services  Phil Wood 2016-08-16 00:00:00Z 0

Club Assembly - Members

On August 9, 2016 the club held an assembly on membership.
Ralph Montesanto and Jan Southall shared the results of an informal club survey and new Rotary membership rules. It was noted that as a way of encouraging buys professionals to participate Rotary has become more relaxed on the traditional rules about attendance.
The club survey found that:
  • Rotarians find they get the greatest benefit from the club’s Community Service with the opportunity to build friendships and community relationships at a close second and third.
  • Almost all club members participate in the annual Lobsterfest and Fireworks events with the Shredding Day and Stars of Dundas also being major activities
  • Members enjoy the social activities and would like to see more BBQs and pub nights as opportunities to get to know one another
Ralph Montesanto and the Membership Committee (Steve Roblin, Marnee Maroes, Grant Armstrong and Jan Southall) then lead the club through a brainstorming of ways to engage new leaders to join Rotary. Through this the club identified a desire for more social activities that break the traditional meeting mold, the importance of having interesting speakers and inviting non-members to join, and the importance of not overwhelming members.
The Membership Committee will take this feedback and consider a plan forward.
Next week: Reclaim your space by clearing the clutter with Judy Rickey
Club Assembly - Members Nic Schulz 2016-08-09 00:00:00Z 0

Presentation from Russ King - President of AED4LIFE and BERRN Consulting

Posted by Shirley Molloy
On August 2, 2016 the Dundas Rotary Sunrise Club received a presentation from Russ King, President of AED4LIFE and BERRN Consulting. Russ was introduced by Rotarian, and Russ' Father-in-Law, Robert Morrow.

Russ’s business is Automated External Defibrillators.  Russ is also Deputy Chief of EMS for Brant County.
Presentation from Russ King - President of AED4LIFE and BERRN Consulting Shirley Molloy 2016-08-05 00:00:00Z 0

July 26: Presentation from Brent Bentham

On Tuesday, July 26, 2016 Assistant Crown Attorney, Brent Bentham joined us as guest speaker. Brent prosecutes all manner of offenses, not just drug related ones. Most of his work is done outside of the courtroom. Later this morning he was off to Bail Court where the cases come fast and furious.

Brent spoke at length about the “plea bargaining” process. (In a plea bargain, the defendant pleads guilty hoping to achieve a reduced sentence). He works with defence counsel and witnesses to attempt to work out a resolution to a case to save court time and money. He noted that there are many fewer jury trials these days. He also spoke very highly of the Victim Assistance Program with is a fairly new but very valuable service.

Rotarian Phil Wood worked closely with Brent and his office after a deliberately set fire at McMaster's Brandon Hall Residence in October 2008.
July 26: Presentation from Brent Bentham Phil Wood 2016-07-26 00:00:00Z 0

July 19: The One About Rotary Youth Leadership Award

Posted by Phil Wood
On Tuesday, July 19 Rebecca Hicks joined us to tell us about her experiences at the RYLA (Rotary Youth Leadership Award) program in Fredonia NY. Rebecca is a graduate of McMaster University in history and is presently piecing together a career that consists of working with Westfield Heritage Village, the City of Hamilton and the Dundas Museum. Her work is in historical interpretation.

Rebecca gave an invigorating presentation expressing her gratitude for the opportunity to attend RYLA and for the financial support of the Dundas Sunrise Rotary Club. At RYLA there were several workshops in learning styles, trust building, public speaking, personal values and ethics and career development. Her main takeaway was a way to improve her adaptability during negotiations or interactions with other people or groups.
She shared a humorous story about the pitfalls of poor communication (check it out for yourself here). While at RYLA Rebecca made contact with several “inspiring individuals” that she will remain in contact with. We look forward to hearing more from Rebecca in the future!
July 19: The One About Rotary Youth Leadership Award Phil Wood 2016-07-19 00:00:00Z 0
July 12: Happy Dollars & Announcements 2016-07-12 00:00:00Z 0

Stewards of Cootes clean Up

Posted by Mieke Ewen on Jun 26, 2016
Mieke Ewen, director of service projects for the Dundas Valley Sunrise Rotary Club, presents a cheque to Alan Hansell, executive director of Stewards of Cootes Watershed, during its recent shoreline clean up. Here is Alan's reply: 
Hi Mieke,
Thanks so much for joining us on Sunday and mucking right in.  I have to say that you really seem to be one of us and you would be most welcome to join us anytime and yes please bring your boys.
I would particularly like to extend our thanks through you to the Dundas Valley Sunrise Rotary Club for its generous donation.  Please know that these funds will serve an important aid in allowing us to continue our work in cleaning the Cootes Watershed in Dundas.
With great thanks,
Stewards of Cootes clean Up Mieke Ewen 2016-06-27 00:00:00Z 0

Meeting of June 21, 2016

Posted by Phil Wood on Jun 22, 2016
Ross was on desk, Shirley the greeter, Phil the recorder and Ernie the sergeant-at-arms. Joe Morgan the club's youth exchange student was the guest speaker.
Happy Dollars: 
Ernie went to the closet for a sporty, purple sport coat. It drew comments from George (who claimed that his mother made him a jacket once that may have looked worse) and Carl.
Bill and Marilyn and Joe and Anne are both celebrating their 47th wedding anniversary today (June 21st). Grant also announced that it will be Marilyn’s birthday on Friday.
Mieke’s 16th anniversary is also this week (Friday).
Harold is heading out to Punta Cana for a destination wedding. Looking for even more heat.
Joe is just back from a three week tour around the Great Lakes.
Wayne got together with his three brothers over the weekend and caught an 8 pound pike.
Marie-Louise was very happy about her husband’s recovery from his cancer treatment as well as her own successful surgery.
Carlotta is happy to have her mother and sisters visiting from Mexico
Bob is finishing his 3 year term as assistant governor.
Steve announced the birth of his daughter Victoria – born on Victoria Day on Victoria Street
Shirley is happy to finishing her role as President of our club. Her husband is about to assume the Presidency of his Rotary club.

Bob Morrow put forth a motion for the club to spend up to $1500 for a monitoring system to accompany tomato seeds to the International Space Station. The apparatus will have the Rotary logo on it. If all goes according to plan this will be a far out international service experience!
The noon club has invited us to a social that they are hosting at the SHED Brewery Thursday, June 23.
Next Tuesday, June 28th will be our annual BBQ. It will be at Joe Guedes’s house – 15 Fleming Ave, Dundas, beginning at 6:00 p.m. If you were absent from today's meeting please email Jessica and tell her if you will be attending and if steak or salmon is your dinner choice. There is no cost to attend as your weekly happy dollars are covering any expenses.
Bob Morrow took us through a brief history of the Rotary Foundation – started by Arch Klumpf in 1917 – and Paul Harris as a prelude to presenting two Paul Harris awards to former history teachers, Ernie Romain and Art Sampson
Steve introduced Joe Morgan our youth exchange student who is going to Japan. Following his presentation Shirley thanked Joe and presented him with a club banner.
Meeting of June 21, 2016 Phil Wood 2016-06-23 00:00:00Z 0

Joe Morgan Rotary Youth Exchange Student

Posted by Phil Wood on Jun 22, 2016
Joe Morgan, a 16 year old student at St. Mary’s high school is our club’s outgoing Youth Exchange student. He will be heading to Japan in August and is busily learning some Japanese as everything he does in Japan will be in Japanese. Joe first heard about about RYE when a club representative made a presentation at his grade school graduation. He is from a large Dundas family (7th of 9 kids) and his family has had some exposure to Japan through the Kids For Kaga Program. (Kaga is a Japanese city that has been twinned with Dundas and is a short distance from his exchange city of Kanazawa).
Joe took us through some of his training experiences. The first was in Algonquin Park in the middle of winter. Approximately 20 students slept in a one room cabin on a single long bed. Their outdoor training involved them developing their leadership and communication skills as well as several trust building activities – all at -20 degrees. The second training was a day long event at Niagara College and the third was in Jamestown New York. The last training involved both outbound students like Joe as well as exchange students presently here. He said that it was his first taste of what “exchange” would be like.
Joe Morgan Rotary Youth Exchange Student Phil Wood 2016-06-23 00:00:00Z 0

Eco Park Benches Installed

Posted by Ralph Montesanto on Jun 15, 2016
From workshop construction to installation at the Eco Park, Ken Beel, Derek Price and Bill Stewart have been driving forces behind the work. Ken and Derek build the forms for the new benches.
Ken, Bill, Ralph Montesanto and Ross Bannatyne pour concrete into the forms.
The Eco Park work is a joint project by the two Dundas Rotary clubs.
Eco Park Benches Installed Ralph Montesanto 2016-06-16 00:00:00Z 0

McMaster Engineering Honours Phil Wood

Posted by Ralph Montesanto on Jun 15, 2016
Check this out for full details.
McMaster Engineering Honours Phil Wood Ralph Montesanto 2016-06-16 00:00:00Z 0

Meeting of June 14, 2016

Posted by Phil Wood on Jun 15, 2016
Ernie went to his granddaughter’s track and field meet where she was quite successful. He advised all of the kids to become “Highland Hawks”.
Dave Carson has a new dog, and Irish Red/White Setter that he has named Bristol.
Grant’s son and Bill’s grandson (often our mascot Robear) won the junior football championship representing the Dundas Valley Secondary School Gryphons (aka the Highland Hawks). Jessica was quick to correct Ernie (and other former “Highlanders” of the new name).
Ralph talked about the $250 donation that we made to the sea cadets (also $250 from the noon club) for their help at the Lobsterfest. Wayne just bought a new car and apparently walked all the way to Kensington market in spite of that purchase.
Alycia (visiting for the meeting) has her baby due at the end of August. Her husband Matt is about to step down as president of his Rotary Club.
Shirley is also happy to be stepping down as our President as her husband will become the President of the Waterdown club.
Phil has just returned from a two week trip to England where he attended his niece’s wedding in Wiltshire. He was also honoured by the McMaster Engineering Department.
Mieke and her family visited Able Sail on the weekend and made a presentation on the club's behalf.
Our own Bill Armstrong was then introduced to give his classification talk once again. Scott Vance, who was sponsored by Bill, thanked him for a most interesting review of his life and career.
Meeting of June 14, 2016 Phil Wood 2016-06-16 00:00:00Z 0

Bill Armstrong Reminisces

Posted by Phil Wood on Jun 15, 2016
Bill talked about his rewarding career with the RCMP. He was born in Saskatchewan in 1944. His father was in the Air Force and his mother’s family were farmers. Bill grew up on bases all over the country and joined the RCMP in 1964. He joined Rotary in 2001 courtesy of sponsor Ralph Montesanto. He first met his wife Marilyn as child. They won first prize as a bride and groom in a Halloween costume contest when they were about 5 years old. Their families moved apart soon after though.
His family moved to Camp Borden and as a teenager he met Bobby Curtola. Bill was active in Cubs and youth groups and then trained in Ottawa for the Mounties in 1964 and had a 32 year career with the RCMP. He was initially stationed on Vancouver Island and very soon after his arrival played an instrumental role in solving a murder. It was on vacation in Belleville that he re-met Marilyn and they were soon married. At the time he was stationed in Prince Rupert. Their first child, Theresa, was born in BC and was followed by Grant and Lynne.
During his time with the RCMP he spent some time in England working on a large car theft case. In the early 80s he was working in Windsor and collaborated with the FBI on a case that was related to the Air India case. As a reward for the work that they did on another case with international implications he and his family were given a trip to the White House. After retiring from the RCMP Bill worked in Security Services at McMaster.
Bill Armstrong Reminisces Phil Wood 2016-06-16 00:00:00Z 0

Able Sail

Posted by Ralph Montesanto on Jun 15, 2016
Mieke Ewen, community services director for the Dundas Valley Sunrise Rotary Club connected with Able Sail, and asked if she could come to see their program and present a cheque.....they said sure! They invited Mieke and her family to their open house – which turned out to be a large Hamilton Yacht Club event, including the mayor of Hamilton and Burlington racing. Mike was then asked to speak about why Able Sail fits with the Rotary a short speech, cheque presentation and a couple hours later.....
Able Sail Ralph Montesanto 2016-06-16 00:00:00Z 0

Dundas SeaHawks Special Olympics Swim Team

Posted by Miele Ewen on Jun 09, 2016
Sharing a 'big thank you' from the Dundas Seahawks Special Olympics swim team. Dundas Valley Sunrise Rotary Club, Community Service, recently supported 4 local swimmers for their Provincial Spring Games. The 4 competitors were awarded 2 gold medals, 1 silver, and one a personal best time.
Dundas SeaHawks Special Olympics Swim Team Miele Ewen 2016-06-10 00:00:00Z 0

Jan South Classification Talk

Posted by Jessica Brennan on Jun 09, 2016
Almost exactly 14 years ago (June 4, 2002), Jan became a Rotarian. Since then, she has taken on many leadership position in our club, including President. Jan began by illustrating her family’s very deep roots in Dundas and their strong commitment its community life. Jan grew up downtown Dundas, one of five children (1 boy and 4 girls). Both parents were involved in town politics and community life and encouraged Jan and her siblings to do the same. Jan’s father held many elected positions, including Regional Councillor. After he retired, her mother became Councillor for Dundas. The family was always involved in election campaigns and canvassed probably every single house in town many times. Jan’s brother became a member of Flamborough Council. 
Although Jan herself has not (yet?) gone into politics, her political background has served Jan well with all her work in School Board Administration and in volunteer organizations.
Despite becoming a well-respected educator and Administrator, Jan by her own account was not a good student and did not become so until she got to university. But first she got her “basic” training and started teaching at Dundas Central when she was 19 years old. After a number of years there, she resigned to attend university. 
With degree in hand, Jan started a long successful career, first as a guidance counsellor at Ancaster Senior, then teaching at Ancaster High and eventually working for the Board in curriculum development, interacting with Ministry staff.
Somewhere along the way, Jan had a lovely daughter, got a Master’s Degree and was a Principal for 16 years. After retirement, she’s been mentoring and coaching new Principals and involved in teacher education. 
Jan outlined some of the challenges she faced, often being the first female in a position. She frequently received feedback that it was too soon or she was too young to take on the new responsibility. Jan said that they may have been right but she did it anyway and learned along the way. Jan described the circumstance of being part of Wentworth County which surrounded the Hamilton Board. And how very different the two Boards were. Things got really interesting when the two school boards amalgamated. Jan felt that staff from both Boards worked diligently in blending the two organizations together. 
Jan passed along four lessons: (1) listen (2) empathize and understand (3) know that everyone has at least a few second chances and (4) keep on learning. 
In the question and answer period, Jan was asked if she prefers the way Dundas is now to the way it was when she was growing up. Jan said that she doesn’t think that way. Each period has its own energy and character. She does notice that when she grew up there were over 50 kids living in her neighbourhood. There is nowhere near that many now.  
Ralph thanked Jan for her presentation, recognizing her accomplishments and appreciating her leadership. Her talk reminded him that he was the one who had filled in for Jan when she was on leave with her daughter Jenn. 
Jan South Classification Talk Jessica Brennan 2016-06-10 00:00:00Z 0

Meeting of June 7, 2016

Posted by Jessica Brennan on Jun 09, 2016
Derek Dix joined 23 of our members for our breakfast meeting. Shirley Molloy was the Greeter and Wayne Massey took attendance. The meeting recorder was Jessica Brennan. Ernie Romain was Sergeant-at-Arms. Happy Dollars: Ernie regaled us with colourful stories of his recent trip up north. Scott proudly reported how well his daughters did at a recent dance recital. And how thankful he was that his bike was found after falling off the roof of his car. 
Art enjoyed his recent trip to eastern Canada but found the maps inadequate. He appealed to New Brunswick-born Carl for an explanation. Carl simply replied that he himself didn’t need a map because he knew where he was going.
Mieke’s daughter was also in the dance recital. Her family enjoyed the recent Buskerfest especially as one of her sons busked by hip-hop dancing and doing “the worm”. 
Wayne reported that at the annual Massey Family Golf Tournament held in memory of Wayne’s father went well. Wayne and his son won. 

Dave had a Big Thank You for all those who gave a hand, time, tools and machinery over three days last week to dig the posts and put up the fence around the community garden.  After the meeting Ralph drove past the garden and the children from the day care where planting their garden.
Bruce was pleased that the Stag and Doe for his daughter was fun and successful. Shirley was simply happy to be sitting at the Happy Table.
Meeting of June 7, 2016 Jessica Brennan 2016-06-10 00:00:00Z 0

Meeting of May 31, 2016

Posted by Barbara Busing on Jun 01, 2016
Mary Lou Emmet was greeter, Grant Armstrong was on desk and Barb Busing was recorder.
Today 21 Rotarians and 3 guests were present. We welcomed Josh Campbell from Scotia Bank,
Derek Dix from Dundas Lock and Key, and our guest speaker Gillian Chan.
There were many Happy Dollars today as we celebrated another successful Lobsterfest: in summary thanks to all who sold tickets, got and/or were sponsors, brought items in for the Silent Auction, bought raffle tickets, sat on the committee or volunteered time at the event. It was a well organized and well attended happening! Other Happy Dollars were in celebration of Glen's 78th Birthday!
Welcome back to Mary Lou, and  congratulations to Jessica's husband who retired from McMaster and was celebrated last Friday after a distinguished career in Economics. Ralph also thanked Josh Campbell from Scotia Bank a Platinum sponsors for the Lobsterfest, Wayne for installing a new Rotary sign on Governors Road, and reminded us of a memorial golf Tournament on June 15th for which he has more information. Grant was thankful that his son is learning the value of community service,
with a shout out to Grandpa Bill's role modelling too. Dave Carson thanked Roger for the use of his post digger later this morning, to dig 44 holes to fence in the Community Garden.
Shirley thanked Ralph and Glen in particular for their efforts to make the Lobsterfest so successful. Wayne was happy his brother also had a birthday yesterday and that he is closing today on the sale of his former mother-in-law's house.
Derek enjoyed the sound of "Ernest" versus "Ernie" which he considered worthy of a Happy Dollar. 
Mieke asked us to vote to support sending a donation of $1000.00 to the Bob Kemp Hospice. All were in favour. 
Jessica then introduced our guest speaker, Gillian Chan.
After an interesting discussion on what a writer of novels does, Bob Morrow thanked Gillian.
Meeting of May 31, 2016 Barbara Busing 2016-06-02 00:00:00Z 0

Gillian Chan Dundas Author of Young Adult Novels

Posted by Barbara Busing on Jun 01, 2016
Gillian Chan is a Dundas resident and author of many short stories and books for young adults. Gillian was an engaging speaker who clearly loves words and can both write and speak with eloquence. She gave us insight into how she became a writer. Her experience was that first she loved reading (no TV)  and made use of the local libraries. She loved making up stories from a young age and listening to those of her father with his WW2 experiences, as well as her mother's South African/Irish life events. Like an athlete she noted that writing takes discipline and practice. Mornings are spent asking questions, and writing, while afternoons are for research on the questions, and many times, tearing up previous work and starting over.  Gillian noted that stories are an innate part of being human and that we all create stories in our conversations. Stories help us make sense of the world as we may see the world in different time frames or settings, but always from the shared human perspective. Gillian's works include books set in historical contexts as varied as France,  Cootes Paradise, L'anse Aux Meadows in Newfoundland, and Vancouver - each with a different focus of time, place and history but always with a focus on the story of the lives of her characters. Check out her website