Today was a busy day for the Club. First we thank Ralph for stepping in at the desk and for Jan acting as our Sergeant at Arms. We welcomed today our guest speakers Laurel Thompson and Helen Dam from Able Sailing.
Our first order of business was to install Scott Vance as a member of our club. Scott's classification is wholesale distribution. Bill is his sponsor.
Welcome Scott.
HAPPY DOLLARS this week included some from Grant as he was not charged anything (!) by Eccles for some adjustments to his wife's car. Dave Carson was glad to  make it safely back to Canada after a false start on a brand new plane. The flight was 4 hours delayed due to the triggering of an escape chute just before take off.
Safe flight once in the air thankfully. Laurel, one of our guests , thanked us for our  $500 donation to Able Sail and Shirley was thankful for 5 good days. Ross was happy to be back and Mieke for her winning hockey team ( aka as the Habs…yeah!) . Wayne is pleased that the Income Tax Act which was temporary when first put out, is more and more complex and challenging for us non accountants!  Phil was happy to see the greens being trimmed, Steve was hoping the Raptors will do better this next game he is attending, and Ralph reported he played 37- 9 hole games while in Florida, as well that Barb is recovering well. Never mind that his car wouldn’t start and is being towed today (Eccles?? Free? Let us know next week….Bruce you better get back here soon).
ANNOUNCEMENTS this week included: 
FIREWORKS sign up sheets were circulated. Ken told us he was pleased to cultivate and share the good relationships with the City staff. 8 food trucks are lined up for the event giving us 10% of their revenues.…come hungry and eat at the vendors!
LOBSTERFEST WINE needed AND TICKETS for sale available to/from Glen. Sign up for duties on line or at the next regular meeting.
ECO PARK is starting up again with a planning meeting concerning the structure design (welcome back Vlad)
PAUL HARRIS DINNER with guest speaker Glen Grumwald, is next Tuesday. Bar opens at 6 pm. Event is being held here at the DVGC. Please pay Jan.
R I FOUNDATION Stickers available for those who have made a contribution to Rotary International this Rotary year. Everyone please give as you can. Steve Palmer you were absent for the presentation of your sticker, but Jan is not forgetting about you.
MOTION was presented by Alycia, supported by Bob Morrow and seconded by Art Samson and unanimously supported by the club members, to give $2000.00 to Telling Tales for the September 2015 event.