Dr. Ellen Ryan is Professor Emeritus from McMaster University’s Departments of Psychiatry and Behavioural Neurosciences and Department of Health, Aging and Society.
Her field of expertise is aging with resilience. Dr. Ryan’s talk was on “Resilient Aging Through Writing”. She talked about Resilient Living and gave examples of some poems: Change, My First Hearing Aid, and books such ad Richard Taylor’s  book, Alzheimer’s from the Inside Out, and Oliver Sacks Book, A Leg to Stand On. She also gave us one of her own poems “ The Day Dad Died.” (A poem of her fathers death.)
Finding One’s Social Voice Through Writing
    .Conversations and Correspondence
If you are interested in working with a third year Gerontology student from McMaster to help you record and transcribe your story please contact Dr. Ryan who will direct you to the appropriate instructor at Mac. ryaneb@mcmaster.ca