Greeter Jessica and desk manager Ross helped welcome 22 members and guests Dorothy Gaffney and Coralee Hecker. Sergeant-at-Arms Ernie started happy dollars with his first Blue Jay game in two years and his $36 for two beer and two hotdogs.  David thanked all the volunteers from the club who helped replace the wooden sides on the community garden with concrete blocks - a big job made easier by the over 24 volunteers from the club, the church and the community ( from the club I saw George, Ross, Nic, Phil, David, Wayne, Scott, Grant and his son Liam when I stopped by to take some photos. Might have been others at a different time).
Art Waxed philosophically about Highland Secondary School's upcoming 50th anniversary that will not likely happen now that the school has been renamed. Barbara offered to be guest speaker at a future meeting to talk about and show the wonderful photos she took while visiting the Galapagos Islands. Joe finally completed the renovations to a house he purchased on the mountain. Steve was glad to see the books for Antigua picked up - 4 barrels full which the club paid to ship at a cost of around $600.  And Wayne was pleased his mother-in-law's house was sold in just 5 days with 5 offers.
Ralph read an email from Mary-Lou explaining her recent surgeries, her continued recovery and her desire to return to the club as soon as she was strong enough. Jessica told us Harold was on a five baseball stadium trip. Jessica was also looking for possible volunteers to be on the board of CHOICES, an organization that works with developmentally handicapped individuals. Glen was looking for volunteers for fireworks on May 22 and lobster rib fest on May 28. He also asked for ticket money to come in soon. George reinforced the request for volunteers for fireworks and asked us to approach our friends, neighbours and relatives to help out that evening. Wayne asked for donations of wine for the raffle at lobster rib fest.
Ralph reminded everyone of shredding day this Saturday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Eccles Uptown. Please notify your email list of those in the area that this service is available. It is also a club fundraiser.
Another piece of news: Our condolences to the Neibert family over the passing of Sharon's father last week.