We were a small (17 members) but courageous group, braving a bit of winter weather. We had one guest, our Guest Speaker, Bev Greenwood. 

Marie-Louise Kelday greeted everyone while Jan Southall took attendance. The meeting recorder was Jessica Brennan.

Bruce Eccles filled in for George Gould who originally was going to fill in for Ernie Romain. What deep bench strength we have at the Sergeant-at-Arms position! 

Happy Dollars: Bruce was reminded by the recent weather of a time he raced motorcycles at Quebec City’s Winter Carnival where it was so cold (how cold was it? -40 below) that the spectators set the hay bales surrounding the track on fire. He gave $10 for Happy Dollars to thank everyone for a successful Rotary Stars and to mark his last Rotary meeting until he is back in May.

Grant was happy too about Rotary Stars. Not only did he get to hear his daughter, Elyssa, perform at Rotary Stars but he got a fabulous door prize he could give his wife for Valentine’s Day.

Jessica was happy that her voice student (Grant’s daughter) did so well at Rotary Stars and that her piano student got an extremely high mark on a music exam. 

Shirley was happy that she managed to get to the meeting without going in the ditch as others had on her way in from Burlington. And we were all happy that she made it. 

Mieke Ewen introduced our Guest Speaker, Bev Greenwood, whose topic was “Ethics”.