The Dundas Valley Sunrise Rotary Club was conceived at a meeting of the Dundas Rotary Club with the District Governor, Roger Allan on August 5th, 1997. DG Roger asked whether the community of Dundas needed a morning club. Vice-President Robert Morrow responded positively and, with the assistance of President-Elect John Stevenson, the concept grew … albeit slowly … until 1999 when seven members of the Dundas Rotary Club started meeting on a regular basis with the intent of initiating a “breakfast” Rotary Club in the Town of Dundas. The seven included Carl Fraser, Carl Lehman, Sharon Lacey, Vlad Veckie, Ken Turner, Fred Amalfi and Robert Morrow. This group contacted former Rotarians who had had difficulty attending noon meetings (Russ Powers, Ralph Montesanto, Paul Clifford, Bud Fisher, Dave Matchett) and added some new faces before starting a provisional club on July 1, 1999 with Ralph Montesanto as charter president. The club reached the “magic number” of 25 and was chartered on the first day of the new millennium – January 1, 2000. 
Presently because of COVID-19 the Tuesday morning meetings are by Zoom. You are welcome to join a meeting.