Filomena Tassi MP and Minister Responsible for the Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario was guest speaker.

Filomena was born in Hamilton, a corporate lawyer and a high school chaplain before being elected as an MP. Filomena thanked the club for its ongoing service to both the local and international communities. She then went on to tell us a bit about herself and how her parents taught her the importance of service.
As our local MP she believes strongly in the Team Hamilton approach and works across party lines. She is a tireless advocate for this area and has helped bring billions of dollars in funding to the city. Seniors, climate, health and dental care are key areas that her government pursues.
Filomena left the podium and sat at a table so as to take notes during question period.
As our local MP she believes strongly in the Team Hamilton approach and works across party lines. She is a tireless advocate for this area and has helped bring billions of dollars in funding to the city. Seniors, climate, health and dental care are key areas that her government pursues.
Filomena left the podium and sat at a table so as to take notes during question period.

Jody Beck asked about the conduct of members of parliament. Filomena's answer indicated her frustration with members who have become divisive and out to score political points. MPs need to lead by positive example and we as their electors need to speak up and tell them their behaviour is inappropriate. Cynthia Hastings-James' question asked what steps are being taken on preventative medicine rather than just care when an issue arises. Filomina answered with the 200 billion dollars the federal government is giving provinces for health care and the strings of accountability attached to the funding. She indicated the importance of things like walking trails, proper food labelling and smoking cessation programs.
Filomena offered to have any written questions forwarded to her and she would respond to each one.